Current Events Zoro Carrying Luffy throughout the Raid. Oda Implying Equality?


Kitetsu Wanker
But Luffy does have one thing that Zoro will never have
And It's retarded nonsensical plot stamina
The same shit that made him take 123 hits from Katakuri (including a stab to the belly) and still win while landing 13 punches

Luffy has the strongest plot in OP.
Yes, that is true indeed. Unless another Thriller Bark happens where Zoro is the last man standing. :catrude:
Zoro's timeskip training was for the purpose of being strong enough to protect his captain (Luffy).

Oda has hammered this point in the Onigashima raid. Zoro has literally and figuratively been carrying Luffy throughout the Raid. He has been protecting him every step of the way. Some examples below;

Zoro warning Luffy about Apoo's attack, Luffy KO'd by Apoo and Zoro Carrying Luffy away even though he was cut by Apoo. Zoro was also defending from long range attacks whiles carrying Luffy.

Zoro saving Luffy from Big Mom's heavenly fire.
Zoro saving Luffy from Kaido's Boro breath
Zoro saving Luffy from Big Mom after his G4 runs out.
Zoro saving Luffy from literally getting chomped alive by Kaido
Zoro saving Luffy from Kaido's wind scythes.

These are the instances. Is Oda Implying a form of equality from these? If Zoro wasn't strong enough, would he have been able to save Luffy from Kaido and BM?

This does not seem to be the end because next chapter, it is almost certain that Zoro will be protecting Luffy even more.

Edit; Inb4 people start bringing in Sanji, don't forget he failed to protect Luffy from ministers (not even Yonkou). He was hit by Yuen , saved by Ichiji and saved by Niji.

Zoro honestly looks stronger than Luffy in Kaido fight despite all Luffy's training
No because like any strawhat who see the other in danger and has the ability to help the other escape from danger is key. It absolutely has nothing to do with powerlevel.

1) Such as Chopper seeing Nami about to be squish by Linlin protect her with his guard point.
2)Zoro about to be killed by Kizaru, Robin move him around and panic when Kizaru stomp him to the ground to prevent her from moving him again.
3)When Doffy was gunho against the strawhats, Sanji rush in to protect the other with the cost of him needing to be saved by Law.
4)When Luffy was having a hard time against Cracker, Nami was there to help him out.
5)Luffy made it his mission in Ennies Lobby to be the strongest. So he can protect his cremates because he knew Lucci is too much for Zoro, Sanji and co.


Spoiler Provider
It's to explain to Readers why Luffy said that he cannot accept less than becoming World's Greatest Swordsman from Zoro
Because he needs a Bodyguard stronger than him

PS: Whenever Zoro fights alongside Luffy, he takes the Spotlight in most times:

1. They both fought Morgan, Oda chose to let Zoro be the one who Finish him off
2. They both fought PH Dragon, Oda chose to let Zoro the one who kills it
3. Zoro & Luffy got attacked by Senor Pink, Dellinger & Machvice, Oda chose Zoro to be the one who handles them quickly
4. They both met Fujitora, Oda chose Zoro to be the one who stops him before Pica appeared
5. Both faced Hawkins, Oda chose Zoro to be the one who handles him
6. Both faced Apoo, Oda chose that Zoro carries & protects Luffy
7. Both are facing 2 Yonko now, well guess who is protecting the other one multiple times...

Not to mention that when a Major Foe appears who isn't Main Arc Villain but Equal or Greater Threat, Zoro is the one who handles him such as Mihawk in Baratie Arc, Kuma in Thriller Bark, Fujitora in Dressrosa & Stampede Movie ... etc


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
But then he wouldn't be able to do his job if he was at a certain level
Yeah, Zoro is strong enough to completely shut down the offence of the Yonkou.

Wonder how many times Ray carried Loger in God Valley and didn t get credit :rolaugh:
No wonder Ray wasn't mentioned at God's Valley, he was too busy saving Roger's ass.
No because like any strawhat who see the other in danger and has the ability to help the other escape from danger is key. It absolutely has nothing to do with powerlevel.

1) Such as Chopper seeing Nami about to be squish by Linlin protect her with his guard point.
2)Zoro about to be killed by Kizaru, Robin move him around and panic when Kizaru stomp him to the ground to prevent her from moving him again.
3)When Doffy was gunho against the strawhats, Sanji rush in to protect the other with the cost of him needing to be saved by Law.
4)When Luffy was having a hard time against Cracker, Nami was there to help him out.
5)Luffy made it his mission in Ennies Lobby to be the strongest. So he can protect his cremates because he knew Lucci is too much for Zoro, Sanji and co.
Claiming it has nothing to do with power level is completely false.

1) That is a good feat from Chopper which hypes up his guard point to be able to take no damage from a Big Mom slap

2) Robin failed which shows her limitations

3) Sanji failed. Without Law's help he would've been defeated and the crew would've been attacked. This showed Sanji's limitations...he was a low diff for DD. If he was stronger, he would've been able to hold his own.

4) Nami was being protected by King Baum and the trees so that doesn't really say much. However, that fight showed Nami's stamina being able to constantly wet biscuits for 11 hours.

5) And Zoro made it his mission to be strong enough to protect his Captain because he believes his dream will be meaningless otherwise.
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No. As many said, it has got less to do with power-level and more to do with loyalty to his captain. You can say they are near-equals but they'll never be absolute equals.