from reddit, the best evidence ive seen so far
The same as when people call it is shit writing when Oden come back, wtf is this fetish with Onimaru transforming into Oden?
Hiyori know how much her father hold into the Scabbards, why she would use his version to even hurt more their souls? Onimaru don´t know any detail about Oden, we don´t even know if he can transform into any human with he want. For sake his human version had red eye browns, Onimaru can´t change them it seems like. Also the Scabbards don´t need to get cheered up, Kinemon was already to fight again. We already have a fake Oden plot with Yamato, why again Oda bring up the another fake Oden stuff?
And at most, if she person was Hiyori, Kawamatsu would say different things as what he said in new chapter:
Pretty sure its Toki after this statement
If this was Hiyori, Kawamatsu would said something like "why she is in Onigashima" and not there´s just no way it was real speaking like he see a ghost(Toki). And if Toki is really now their, we can assume that Oden could come back too. People back then when Sabo come back try to find anything to say it wasn´t Sabo, now they do the same with unlogical stuff with doesn´t make anysense.
Oden is like Sabo, wouldn´t be surprise if he also get the same or at least similar plot with coming back.
As I said Onimaru doesn´t make anysense, in case Kanjuro using a copie of Oden would even be better explain as the shitty Onimaru plot. Hiyori plot will come soon too, we know Orochi had a plan around her, I wouldn´t be surprise if she get held in Flower capital by one of Orochi mens.