Flower wasn't scum mate.
Flower's full role
You are Finalbeta!!
1) [Passive - Spam] - No matter on which section of worstgen you browse, Beta is everywhere. Everyday you have to feature in the list of top 3 players with maximum posts. You will gain a permanent +0.5 to your voting power everyday on featuring in the list.
2) [Passive - Machine language ] - Is it C++? Or is it Java? Or is it HTML? We fuckn don't know. No one is able to decipher what beta says. Everyday atleast 10 of your posts should not be able to make any sense whatsoever. If you do so you will survive the first regular kill targeting you and and would also be immune to role-crushes.
3) [Passive - Drag TAC Down] You always see Luthon as scum. If he is alive you always cast vote on him regardless of his alignment. As such, both of you must go against each other. You must lynch Luthon to achieve part of your wincon, you will gain an upgrade to your role after completing this task and unlock your next wincon. If Luthon dies at the hands of someone else, you will gain a new wincon.
Primary Wincon - Lynch Luthon
Secondary Wincon - ???
------- [HIDDEN] ---------
1) Passive - Mission Accomplished] - After lynching Luthon, you has accomplished your previous task and would lose your [Passive - Spam].
2) [Passive - Anti town Beta] - Playing for your faction? What's that? Only noob plays for their faction and not people like me who has IQ of 1000. From now onwards, you have to counter sus anyone who will sus you. If you get lynched then next-day phase would be skipped.
3) [Active - Always Scummy gameplay] - Throwing shade on you is easy.
[Incriminate] - Once in a day, you can force a player to say something against you. [2 - shots]
[Lynch me] - During day phase, force a player to cast vote on you. Failure to do so by the player would result in him getting mod blocked for the cycle [1 - shot]
Secondary Wincon - Get yourself lynched
Rayan role
You are chrono!!
[Passive - Sanji vs…] - There is hardly any strong character against whom you haven't placed sanji yet but those matchups never happened. As such, hosts will randomly select a player and you have to argue against that player on that day. Failure to do so would result in you being mod block.
[Active - Once a Sanji fan, always a sanji fan] - After WCI arc, you gave up on being sanji fan but that light never extinguished. Your fanboys picked the flame again the moment wano started. Thus, you can't be manipulated in any way nor anyone can tamper with your votes.
[Active - whatever zoro does sanji can do it too] - Your headcannon see sanji as rival of zoro. You believe (well wrongly) that sanji can have feats like zoro. 🤦On nights, he can target a dead revealed Town player and use their abilities for the night. He may only use the same role once during the game.
[My headcannon has no limits]] -if any town player during the game gets mod killed, Chrono will copy their role for himself along with his own abilities
wincon - Eliminate all threats to town