See the latest chapter for another example of “Oda gives not a single solitary fuck about showing Carrot.”
The following people reacted:
- All Strawhats
- Kidd
- Law
- Marco
- Tama
- Who's Who
- Hyougoro
- Yakuza bosses/random samurai
But not the following:
- Yamato
- Momonosuke
- Killer
- Drake
- Hawkins
- Apoo
- Any Scabbard
- Any other Tobi Roppo
Some of the people that were left out are much more important than some of those that were involved.
Yamato's absence in particular was stark enough that I'm hoping Oda only left her out to give her a more detailed reaction in the next chapter.
Unlike the other members of the alliance, she was the only one that did not believe in Luffy's success and instead was hurrying to assist him:

Even just a simple "I was too late!" would have done.
Worse still, she abandoned protecting Momonosuke (a task Luffy entrusted her with) to fight Kaido:

And by so doing placed him in very grave danger: