Who will be the next Strawhat

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Lol, I remember that time not too long ago when the usual people were pushing for Chopper to get Sulong as a power up. Arguing up and down that Chopper was gonna learn a "mink point". They obviously knew what this would mean for Carrot's chances if it did happen. These people were of course the same ones that backed Kin emon and now Yamao.

Absolutely hilariously, not only did Chopper obviously not learn Sulong and got a different power up instead, but Zoro then went on to learn Kin emon's fire techniques and Nami went on to use a oni-like club like her clone. :ihaha::ihaha:

Oh how the tables...

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Lol, I remember that time not too long ago when the usual people were pushing for Chopper to get Sulong as a power up. Arguing up and down that Chopper was gonna learn a "mink point". They obviously knew what this would mean for Carrot's chances if it did happen. These people were of course the same ones that backed Kin emon and now Yamao.

Absolutely hilariously, not only did Chopper obviously not learn Sulong and got a different power up instead, but Zoro then went on to learn Kin emon's fire techniques and Nami went on to use a oni-like club like her clone. :ihaha::ihaha:

Oh how the tables...
This helps Carrot or hurts Yamato how?

All got more followers than Kinemon, Caesar and Kyros. Only ones who got a decent following was Momo and Barto.
Exactly. One Piece fans have a clear bias towards female characters and hey that’s totally fine but we have to be honest with our selves. If Yamato was a biological male he would still have a lot of the qualities to join the crew, Carrot wouldn’t. People would think carrot is a cheap knock off of pre ts chopper
Theres a lot wrong with ur logic, like comparing a 1 attack to an entire way of fighting, but this is the worst part of ur argument.
I can compare it because Oda hasn't taken the effort to show how Yamao's attacks are any different than fodder other than just being stronger and travelling further. That's literally it.

Luffy has a one of a kind df.
Zoro uses 3 swords and holds one in his mouth
Nami uses a sentient baton to manipulate weather
Usopp uses a slingshot with different plants as sniping ammo
Sanji uses a unique legs only martial art that he created himself
Chopper uses different df transformations helped by his scinetific knowledge
Robin has a one of a kind df
Franky uses lasers and his cyborg body full of hidden weapons
Brook uses a sword disguised as a cane that he can even play a violin with!
Jinbe uses fishman karate
Yamao has... has...she has a club.

Yamato has a Zoan DF, likely a mythical type. Theres literally only 3 others so far, and it was stated to be the rarest type out there. Idk how more unique she can get than that. The club is literally secondary to her fighting style.
The club IS her fighting style. As for her df, we haven't seen anything so it's pointless bringing it up in an argument to prove something about uniqueness until we actually...you know...see something unique.
I can compare it because Oda hasn't taken the effort to show how Yamao's attacks are any different than fodder other than just being stronger and travelling further. That's literally it.

Luffy has a one of a kind df.
Zoro uses 3 swords and holds one in his mouth
Nami uses a sentient baton to manipulate weather
Usopp uses a slingshot with different plants as sniping ammo
Sanji uses a unique legs only martial art that he created himself
Chopper uses different df transformations helped by his scinetific knowledge
Robin has a one of a kind df
Franky uses lasers and his cyborg body full of hidden weapons
Brook uses a sword disguised as a cane that he can even play a violin with!
Jinbe uses fishman karate
Yamao has... has...she has a club.

The club IS her fighting style. As for her df, we haven't seen anything so it's pointless bringing it up in an argument to prove something about uniqueness until we actually...you know...see something unique.
Dude just say you like furries. It is fine

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
The worst thing about Carrot is that she was HAPPY in her past. All of the SHs has some deep rooted sadness that shaped them into who they are today. Carrot was no outcast in Zou. She had no talent in swordsmanship because she preferred the claws and she was easily allowed to use them no problem and some actually claim that this made her a sad outcast who needed to get outta there to live her dream...

Her reason to sail? She simply curious about the outside world....that's it. People say Brooke is the least developed SH and that guy sailed to keep a promise with a friend he made 50 years ago after watching his entire crew die one by one.
Nami's new power up spells more bad news for Yamao's chances.

She now has a club, just like Yamao. Except that Nami's is infinitely more unique as it is sentient, can change shape and can also be used for all her other tempo attacks. Once again highlights how special straw hats' weapons/fighting styles are and that Yamao's just can't compete.

If Oda was gonna have a club user join the crew then he likely would've given the weapon any of the 3 special characteristics that Nami's weapon now has, instead of simply leaving it as a generic fodder weapon.
I'm sorry to say this, but I've lost respect for you Dizzy. Even though I disagreed with the majority of your arguments, I always respected the effort put into them and how deeply you considered things before posting. This, however, is just sad. Nami is obviously not going to be a club user all of a sudden, and Yamato has an unrevealed zoan type devil fruit so we don't even know what her fighting style is yet. The fact that you're saying they are the same is clearly just grasping at straws when it should be obvious to everyone after this chapter that Yamato is joining. I really hoped you would be reasonable about it given your track record, but this is clearly nothing short of delusion.
The worst thing about Carrot is that she was HAPPY in her past. All of the SHs has some deep rooted sadness that shaped them into who they are today. Carrot was no outcast in Zou. She had no talent in swordsmanship because she preferred the claws and she was easily allowed to use them no problem and some actually claim that this made her a sad outcast who needed to get outta there to live her dream...

Her reason to sail? She simply curious about the outside world....that's it. People say Brooke is the least developed SH and that guy sailed to keep a promise with a friend he made 50 years ago after watching his entire crew die one by one.
The argument is “Pedros death is her flashback!”

We see her sad like twice over his death, very impactful…

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
The argument is “Pedros death is her flashback!”

We see her sad like twice over his death, very impactful…
Just talked about it recently l, but Carrot getting 8th place in the latest popularity poll gets used as an argument for her being a SH lol. Barto got 9th place in 2015 because everyone thought he was gonna be a SH. He shot down to 40 in the latest poll.
Sanji uses a unique legs only martial art that he created himself
Jinbe uses fishman karate
Sanji's fighting style is just Zef's and Fishman karate is used,not only by multiple fishemen, but a human teaches it to bunch of revolutionaries.

Ur stretching the truth of how unique the SH's truly r to one another. Both Luffy and Sanji even use heat to improve their attacks.

As for her df, we haven't seen anything so it's pointless bringing it up in an argument to prove something about uniqueness un
>she isnt unique
>dont bring her df that literally no other character can have into the argument

Bro wtf r these arguments. She could an Ant DF and id still be unique only to her, it literally doesnt matter wut the DF is.
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Smth i also havent seen ppl mention is Avalo Pizzara's design.

Dudes got those beast pirates/kaido horns. Its pretty obvious hes gonna be Yamato's opponent wen the SH's fight BB
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