What will happen till end of Wano?

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His opponent is queen and not king. So even with PU, he is still weaker than King, well he didn't even land a single hit on King ...
No where it said that Sanji's fire power doesn't work on Queen. But Queen is still fine against his base form, so Sanji needs his RS and more AP now.

EOW Sanji ain't gonna surpass any yc1 when he clearly didn't defeat anyone or closer (Doffy). If he ends up at Marco/King/Ben Beckman/Shiryu/Katakuri's lvl, that's already huge lol.

There is a big gap between yc1 and yc2 ...
Who said he must have the pu to defeat queen ? then i guess zoro is weaker then doffy because he didnt fight him, sanji fought king os so you dont know that, headcannon you dont know how big is the difference between yc1 to yc2.
The facts are : so far base sanji vs hybrid queen got no problems, can damage him without the suit, so sanji with his new pu can mid diff queen imo, that means he can deal with king because there is no way queen is mid diff to king.
Also why are folks so gassed about King's durability and conveniently ignoring Queen's lol
It's been already established that the dinos are incredibly tough so the durability King is exhibiting is not exclusive to him alone.
Anywho! I just hope Oda doesn't use a cop out on King and Queen's durability like he did for Sasaki. That belly being his weak point ting doesn't make any sense.
King and Queen have insane good durability, same for Jack, these guys don´t go easily down.
Queen took so many attacks and still stand as nothing happen to him and he took lot of G3+ attacks.
King straight tank Onigiri who one shot Killer.
It shows that guys like King,Queen and Jack play a different league as Apoo,Hawkins and co.

That works for every other villain. Kaido is the only one that says he will never leave Wano alone. His introduction has shown that you can't keep him chained forever. He will escape eventually. Compare to someone like Crocodile. He gave up on his ambitions for Alabasta. Doflamingo has never been captured and isn't Kaido/aka a far weaker threat.
Those are the primary differences between those villains and Kaido.

I'm not saying it's 100% guaranteed, but the parallels are uncanny, and the situations we are witnessing can allow it to happen because now there is a fully established connection to Zoro and Ryuma. It's no longer a "parallel", the story is literally telling you they are related in some way, including Ushimaru.

I even implied in that post, we have to be willing to suspend disbelief and believe that Oda can have a main character kill a villain. With any other character it doesn't make sense, but with Kaido it does. With Zoro's clear connections to Ryuma, it can
Can see it happening, probably Zoro fans who hate the outcome of King vs Zoro going to thx Oda later.
Not only he take on the strongest member aside Kaido, he character with incredible hype, if he finish of Kaido after, Zoro fans really can´t judge Oda for doing bad to Zoro this arc.
One thing whiich we all agree, Kaiido need to get killed.

So Sanji in RS against Queen, no more base ? :josad:
@The Unworthy @Jackteo @MonsterZoro @Sanji D Cook

New PU also incoming ? Queen is a formidable match-up for him :steef:
I though RS+Haki could be enough, like Drake/Apoo little help him to take the win, but I didn´t expect two powerups for Sanji to beat Queen, but again this makes sense. Luffy go forward the hell to beat Doffy,Cracker and finally Katakuri(he need here a powerup+lot of plotarmor, Katakuri was the hardest and brutal fight for Luffy so far) to became far stronger, these guys are not easily to beat and Oda show it how hard it was. Queen plays in the same league as these guys, im glad Oda didn´t forget how hard it was for Luffy to beat commanders. Glad that Oda most like take this part for Sanji too.

Imagine if this panel was in chapter 1000 :crazwhat:
Overhype asf, like imagine if this chapter was chapter 1000, whole internet would burn out lol xD.


Kitetsu Wanker

Forget tag team, there are more pressing matters on the table.
If Zoro and Sanji are supposed to be wings and the purpose of the wings is to carry.
If one wing is stronger than Luffy, shouldn't the other wing become stronger than Luffy as well?
Still, don't get the wrong idea, forget about being equal to Zoro.
However, there is a good chance that Oda wants Sanjino stronger than Luffy.
Whaddaya think, MZ-chan? :catpole:
are u srs bro?
He laugggghed at even the concept of this

He clowned any supplemental information related to the theory
And then to mock it further he pulls out his own shusui to say "I am Ryuma Parallel"
And then instead of answering himself he relates to a big corp like Microsoft and says see look even Microsoft thinks this is a dumb theory "clown emoji clown emoji"
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