Strongest YC1

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King Queen Zoro and Sanji in the same tier for now (Zoros Asura technique pushes him up a tier for one attack)

Jinbe is a few tiers below these people. He’s maybe as strong as jack.

Yep, this is canon manga information

Marco used this for powerscaling and the "two guys worth over a Billion" phrase can only be used for Katakuri, Queen, King and Marco himself if you exclude Luffy and the Yonko.

The "over 1 Billion" bracket is a whole different tirer from the lesser SH's. I think the strongest of this bracket is still Marco by a bit, and the weakest is probably Queen, but he can still give a high diff fight to Marco, which is why his team up with King exhausted Marco's recovery so fast.
A lot of what complainers don't get too is that this chapter was ultimately necessary. Now Oda doesn't have to draw Yamato/Momo talking about how to save Wano. He did it. Now all he has to draw is Momo actually stopping Onigashima. No further explanation needed.
I hope the first 2-3 pages continue with King & Zoro's interaction only to be cut away after King drops another hint to why he "wouldn't forgive" Zoro for cracking open his mask.

The rest of the chapter maybe focuses on all the secondary fights, but I feel like we've been almost saying that every chapter so it's not gonna happen again lol. Just please get Raizo vs Fuku out of the way.
I added except hax before you replied just for Robin and Law, Franky wasn't retconned the others just surpassed him, although due to asspulls.
You will lol. You know how all these fights end. We are at the tail end of battles this arc. Every protagonist has been winning their fights since 1018. Even earlier if you want to count P1, Ulti, Kanjuro, Hotei etc.
Jack and pero can fall because almost no one, not even Oda, gives a fuck about them.
Big Mom is too big to fall to the silver medalists, either she falls to the SH's or she doesn't fall.
The best thing Kid and Law can do against her is turn her into O-Lin and i even doubt that at this point.
Nope. As I said Enma is a powerup for it increasing Zoro's haki usage efficiency and control. That's literally it. Everything else is you rambling based on your headcanon. No Enma isn't cursed, the Kitetsu swords are cursed. Learn what you're talking about before literally typing the same shit repeatedly and expect to be taken seriously.

Lol what? I said both of those aren't powerups - neither the sword slash sky walk nor fire fox style. I have never called sky walk a powerup for Sanji either. If anyone's nitpicking here, its you.

It literally should be useful atleast most of the time. If the opponent is not a fire user, it's literally a party trick and completely useless.
Rumble Ball and Sulong don't even compare to fire fox style. Chopper got a time limit increase to his monster point - something he would use almost every single time in fights. Sulong has literally been shown to increase all of one's physical abilities and electro.

Yes, having a counter to fire based attacks only protects him against those. He literally doesn't get stronger based off a very situational move, exactly like how getting a technique whereby he can fly using slashes doesn't make him stronger. Exactly like how Sanji doesn't get stronger off of Sky Walk itself.

I'm not nitpicking anything at all. You're the fool who's been running around in circles and trying to justify a new technique as a powerup.

My stance has always been clear - Enma is a power up because it increases his haki control and usage efficiency. Foxfire style and this new "Clearance" slashes are not powerups by themselves since they are very situational techniques. Similarily Skywalk is not a powerup in itself for Sanji as well.

Overall in the Wano arc Zoro got 2 powerups - Enma and unlocking CoC. That's literally it.
I don't even know why I argue :
"He secretly learned the "Foxfire Style" from Kinemon. In a single stroke, he bisected Prometheus.

The meito Enma draws out Zoro's haki and turns black!"
It comes from Zoro's VC

Present - Returns Shusui to Wano and receives Enma from Hiyori

Now you can refuse to believe Enma and Foxfire styles aren't PU
So much for the training part of Enma who is again skipped.
I guess the more you are skipped the more you are important


The Rogue Prince
Kaido and Big Mom’s elemental AP has literally been shown to be garbage on multiple different occasions.
Boro breath was so fucking hype when it completely decimated a mountain but everyone and their grandma, even Raizo had a counter to it at the end of the arc lool.

Their elemental abilities ain't all that. They are that strong due to their CQC and raw strength.

- Zoro just told Franky to escape.
- Brook is protecting Robin
- Chopper is on the performance floor

Leaves only Jinbe, Nami and Usopp and I highly doubt Nami/Usopp are willing to fight her. Nami got what she wanted from Linlin.

That is Kid and Law's fight
I see two possibilities for Meme.

1) Complete off paneling until Oda is ready to let Kid and Law Olin her in one chapter.
2) A bit more off paneling until another Nova (Killer?) joins the fight and then maybe we get one fighting chapter before the tragic Olin chapter.
Boro breath was so fucking hype when it completely decimated a mountain but everyone and their grandma, even Raizo had a counter to it at the end of the arc lool.

Their elemental abilities ain't all that. They are that strong due to their CQC and raw strength.
Big Mom literally hit every SN5 with named lightning and fire attacks and didn’t do anything.

Kaido’s lightning and wind attacks are also pretty pathetic.

Boro breath didn’t even blow up a whole mountain just the tiny part of the top.
A lot of what complainers don't get too is that this chapter was ultimately necessary. Now Oda doesn't have to draw Yamato/Momo talking about how to save Wano. He did it. Now all he has to draw is Momo actually stopping Onigashima. No further explanation needed.
Yea instead he goin drawn the people cheering for momo and Yamato keep telling him you can do you can do i :pepeke:so yea the complains was right more wasted panels incoming
King is overpowering Zoro right now.
Zoro > King.
Sanji is performing as good if not better than Queen without the raid suit.
Queen > Sanji.

Yeah, makes sense.
Zoro is not using haki and he's fine at the end of the chapter. King is using partial hybird mode to increase his strength and power. Zoro jacked up King's mask.

Sanji has hit Queen with 4 sneak attacks to his face and he is fine. It's like he never attacked him.
king has at least more power than big mom, her ikoku has similar impact to hing's tankyudon. his wind slashes are clearly stronger than kaido's

he should not be that strong.
Uhm Kaido's wind scythed are capable to cut off a limb of the scabbards when landing, while I don't see any foddet with a missing limbs some are even able to talk just fine
I hope the first 2-3 pages continue with King & Zoro's interaction only to be cut away after King drops another hint to why he "wouldn't forgive" Zoro for cracking open his mask.

The rest of the chapter maybe focuses on all the secondary fights, but I feel like we've been almost saying that every chapter so it's not gonna happen again lol. Just please get Raizo vs Fuku out of the way.
XDDD seriously I feel like I've been saying this for chapters now. It's gotta happen at some point. Same with Apoo/Numbers stuff. And people will 100% bitch and moan about it not focusing on whats "important" when they are technically still factors at play in the arc.

I do think it's coming soon. 1028 hopefully shows a a page or 2 of Zoro vs King, then shows us what is happening with Sanji. I do hope though that it finally updates us maybe on Apoo/Drake/Numbers before having Raizo beat Fuku in a few pages too. I assume Oda is postponing that victory to tie it into something Orochi related.


The Rogue Prince
"He secretly learned the "Foxfire Style" from Kinemon. In a single stroke, he bisected Prometheus
Yes. That doesn't mean its a powerup lol. He learnt Homurasaki from Kinemon while he improvised with Rokudo no Tsuji by himself.

The meito Enma draws out Zoro's haki and turns black!"
It comes from Zoro's VC
Yes, him turning Enma black has been forshadowed in the Manga already.

So much for the training part of Enma who is again skipped.
I guess the more you are skipped the more you are important
We were literally shown him trying out and training his haki bro. He cut off a cliff. By that logic, Luffy training his Ryou/Internal destruction was offscreened. Doesn't take anything away from it being a powerup.

The very reason why we got a lot of explanations regarding how Enma works and how it draws haki out is because it would eventually lead to a better haki control/efficient usage for Zoro. Else Oda could've just went "Hey guys, here's a stronger sword!". Guess what? He didn't. That alone shows what Zoro's powerup truly is in this arc..
Zoro is not using haki and he's fine at the end of the chapter. King is using partial hybird mode to increase his strength and power. Zoro jacked up King's mask.

Sanji has hit Queen with 4 sneak attacks to his face and he is fine. It's like he never attacked him.
And he still will beat Queen by the end of it, why do you want to make it hard for yourself
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