Future Events Zoro is still going to fight King


Zoro Worshipper
I would rather have Zoro killing Kaido than Zoro fighting King. Like, King the Background is so useless that I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro can mid diff him.:kuzanope:
Base Zoro can likely low diff if he uses his best attacks immediately.

No way King is even as fast and reactive as Base Kaido overall.

So Purgatory Onigiri is eventually landing almost as much damage as Hiryuu Kaen, except King is meant to be way less durable than Kaido overall.
That’s it. That’s the thread.

Somehow Zoro is going to bow out of the fight on the rooftop and he’s going to fight King, mark my words.

Or don’t, doesn’t really matter to me.
this aged well
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"Zoro is going to fight Orochi and that's all"
"Zoro will fight Kyoshiro"
"Zoro will fight an exhausted Jack !
"Zoro will fight WsW, he doesn't have the YC level yet, let alone a Yonkô :milaugh:"
Then Zoro One shotted Apoo and declares that he wanna slice Kaidô into pieces

" He's gonna fighting King, because of the plot of cutting fire ! He won't go at the rooftop, King gonna stop him"
Then he reach the rooftop, and we have the speech of Yamato about the new generation

" Bu-but he's gonna support his captain and that's all"

Manages to freak out TWO yonkôs at the same time

"It's just Enma lmao, a fucking magical sword which can cut any Dragon :josad:"

Zorohater will never stop to amaze me with their damage control, it's hilarious :milaugh:
Oopss... dammmnnn
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Base Zoro can likely low diff if he uses his best attacks immediately.

No way King is even as fast and reactive as Base Kaido overall.

So Purgatory Onigiri is eventually landing almost as much damage as Hiryuu Kaen, except King is meant to be way less durable than Kaido overall.
Oh no final
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I would rather have Zoro killing Kaido than Zoro fighting King. Like, King the Background is so useless that I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro can mid diff him.:kuzanope:
Damn i wanted that too but we take L's
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Yes king will be such a good fight for Zoro to go all out


Oh goodness..

this is cancerous to say the least ik ZKK was solid but the King Underwank.... ouff
So believing that Drake can beat Queen is bad but saying that Sanji can is ok?

Give it a rest.
Zoro is on the rooftop fighting 2 Yonko.
King isn't going up there
Oh no...

tf happened ik i supported ZKK..BUT AT WHAT COST
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Zoro is already YC1 with enma,he doesn't have to prove anything,besides with the cuttingfire thing king will receive the one shot treatment,the macht it last less than a minute
KUMAE..... what you too?
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Don't fall for Oda's tricks. King is very strong. lol. Oda has been withholding the beast pirates hybrid forms since the start of the arc and I believe all of them including Kaidou will all go into them around the same time when the real fight begins.

We do not have King's Bounty(which means he'll have an incredible moment to show his worth during that time) .

Not to mention, there's still his special race and fighting style that hasn't been revealed.

I still believe in half of that theory. Zoro still fights King in my eyes.

The supernova's are getting injured already and Kaidou and Big Mom have yet to go all out. They'll lose here and give Oda the opportunity to switch up the matchups.
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Yep. Haven't changed my mind about this. The 5 v. 2 will end soon.

Luffy v. Kaido

Zoro v. King
Sanji v. Queen
Jinbe v. Jack or WW