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I feel like there isn’t much to question. We all see it, he stated he doesn’t actually know how he got on. What else can you talk about? Could easily be scum teams setting him up or his scum buddies setting him up. Guess it depends which you find more likely.

though his aggression like this towards people where he doesn’t actually answer and return questions but just tries to be an ass (check his and prof interaction) shows a scum tell more then anything else.

I think reaction over actually reason on council is where muu would be read as “scummy”.


There's no "Tina!"
Could you explain this?
Strong gut feeling.

I have a character but no role yet (I know I'm Town though). So I don't think this is alignment indicative. Or at least, it's not Scum alignment indicative.
This is a pretty good post tbh.

Is this a thing in the weebs game where the PR stays permanently? I thought they usually last a day only. Oh well.
A PR usually stays the same throughout the game unless you're role crushed or other shenanigans. It's a thing in all mafia games.

I will have to get back with you on this tomorrow because I’m on my phone now which is annoying to go back on but I know a couple of times I thought that isn’t how I think xD
Imagine getting your ego shattered over an internet game that you carry the hate you have for yourself onto others and continuously do the same asinine shit every time we play together. Grow the fuck up and get some real help maybe you shouldn’t worry about nick and start focusing on yourself.

I’ve already had enough of your bullshit go buddy up with Uchi and post IRL OOC videos on how much you fucking hate me cause honestly you ain’t shit not in the mafia world nor outside of these forums.

you’re a straight bitch.
Literally projection you sensitive cunt. Have you ever thought you're the asshole when you call other players trash for daring to suspect you? I'm just not above returning the favor. Get lynched.
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