But he is literally doing the opposite of that, he isnt beating him in 1vs1 but in 15vs1.
He is part of the rain that Kidd talks about in this last chapter.
They keep coming after Kaido and eventually will wear him down.
To crush the 1vs1 rumor, Luffy should have taken on Kaido before Scabbards and beaten him alone, without losing even once.
The complete opposite happened and yet, here you are, claiming that Luffy is crushing the 1vs1 rumor by pulling a 15vs1... :yasu:
15vs1 = i agree yes
Part of the rain = yes for sure that lines means so many different things at the same time.
they keep coming after kaido to wear him down = of course which is why i think Luffy won't be the last one fighting Kaido
To crush the 1v1 rumor = Now this is what weird part i do totally agree it was never a 1v1 fight AND if Luffy and Kaido have a rematch both full health Kaido will dominate the current Luffy and beat him. But here is the thing and i am sure i don't need to say it.
Luffy always says there is no fairness in a pirate fight and time and time again every arc that has a major villain. The villain somehow isn't dealing with just Luffy and always has something else focusing on while fighting Luffy but ultimately the fight ends with everyone says oh Luffy beat him only he could do it etc etc. We as reader know that Luffy is just "Lucky aka plot armor".
So yh i am lowering my expectation here and predicting that once Luffy beat Kaido Oda will somehow hint at that rumor.
Zoro didnt have to be removed from the roof, he was the man who kept the rooftop together, he made it possible.
As long as Zoro was up there, the Emperors couldnt beat anyone. The moment Zoro went down from Hakai, Luffy instantly got KOed.
Because there was no Zoro to protect him.
Luffy didnt overshadow Zoro in 1010, you are just impressed by low damaji while ignoring the highest damaji Kaido received. :yasu:
Yes Oda had to remove Zoro and only Zoro in a hard way "Hakai" to convince us that Zoro can't fight but he still chose to make him "scar kaido" to leave us readers for something to say "oh wow Zoro is amazing". Why?
Because Luffy can't grow with Zoro doing everything for him. I caught this the moment Zoro skipped to the roof without Oda picking up his Wano relation plot line. I had a gut feeling that Zoro will somehow gets beaten for Luffy to win alone as usual for every arc where everyone wants to beat the main villain they lose for Luffy to do it for them.
But what is Oda doing now for Zoro there is still a huge chance that he still has plans for Zoro. Picking up the Wano relation for few second and then Remove Zoro again from everyone's eyes. That to me screams there is still more for Zoro to do.
He has already awakened and accepted that he is not just an underling of Luffy "because tbh he was fighting on the roof for Luffy's sake above everything else" what will Oda do with this?. Zoro has to do something MAJOR for the people of Wano. I am hoping that is the case But if not then this is not Zoro's arc when its clearly is with all of that setup for him in act 2 and we could even go before Wano and many years prior.
I am being positive here because many may see this a negative thing for Zoro but i think this is kinda a great way to have Zoro ascend higher on his own without Luffy being there to hinder his growth.