Who will be the next Strawhat

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Being kidnap or having a bomb collar does not make for a development. In a story, you can face hardship and being completely passive about it. That's Camie's case here. There is no development with a story, no internal hardship, no need to overcome. Camie was a fun background but she was just a catalysis in order for Oda to tell his story, nothing more. Carrot is completely different.

Evolution and development may be synonym, those do not describe the same thing. An evolution is a change of status for a character regarding his characterization for example it's Koby becoming Captain, this as nothing to do with development character which involve the crafting of an internal evolution in the character psyche and needs.

Carrot is being developped, Camie just had a nice evolution.
I don't care enough about this to keep debating it mostly since you seem confused on what character development actually is, it was just to prove your double standards.

We don't care about the reason, in fact if Carrot was really selfish (which she was not, Perospero being a real threat for the alliance) it would be all the more interestesting for her character.
She was already a part of the raid deep inside the castle itself, then abandoned it in order to fight Perospero for her own reasons. She absolutely did not leave because she thought it would help the raid.

The next step of the developped as indeed not been shown yet, but it was implied by Perospero's word. Sometimes you don't have to look for the character to know that there will be a development, you just have to listen to the antagonist.
You do understand that implications =/= actual development, right?

Remember : What am I talking about here ? Am I talking about focus in term of action and paneling ? No. I was talking about emotionnal relevancy of the fight. And Carrot was the one to react.
Literally, all Carrot did on-panel was shout out Nekomamushi's name. There was no reaction beyond being surprised to see Nekomamushi showing up. After his defeat, the panel focus was still on Nekomamushi telling the others to watch out for the moon. Emotionally, Carrot was dropped immediately when Nekomamushi was informed about Perospero. The focus turned to Nekomamushi who was avenging his friend and subordinate.

I suggest you read whole cake again, you missed the part where Carrot two half of chapters dedicated to her and her action which doesn't happen often if we talk about paneling utilization.
This is all you can use to point to Carrot joining. I suggest you read Zou and Wano and actually acknowledge how little she has done and compare it to how Jinbe was treated in the arcs he was present for before he joined. And no, doing nothing is not subtle character development.

Wrong. It does develop her character as it opens the door for a self questionning for her role as a pirate. Again you look at the lack of Carrot dialogue when you miss the whole point of Perospero's words.
See point above how this is not actual development.

Talking about Brook, remember that until the very end of Thriller bark, Brook was almost nowhere to be seen. In fact Carrot had a lot more development during her time in her story that Brook had during Thriller bark, minus the very end, where Brook's character is really developped. So you can wait for the end of the arc to say that Carrot has something missing.
Brooke was constantly popping up to help the Straw Hats and was the key to figuring out the zombies' salt weakness. We also got his backstory, his dream, his isolation for 50 years and what the Straw Hats accepting him means to him, his shame at losing to Ryuma despite knowing all his moves and his resolve to take him down in their rematch, his gratitude to Franky and Zoro for helping him, his willingness in defending Luffy from Kuma, and his understanding in keeping Zoro's secret from Luffy. Brooke had more character in his introduction arc than Carrot got in her three arcs of existence.

You are making assumption on nothing here.
Pot, meet kettle.

I proved it already in my blog but I intend to make a post about that in the future showing why Carrot's character is unlike anyone you have ever seen already.
I remember you saying this months ago, and yet you still haven't produced said post.

The anime proves you that it is implied by the story that she is indeed interested in the Dawn.
Anime filler is not canon.

It's not a "criteria" it's a fact.
Remember, in all the story, only 2 people helped as real crewmates on a real (an tangible) post on the Sunny:
This is your biggest problem. You decided that this is somehow the goalpost that a character has to meet and that this is the only way despite it not being backed up at all in the story. No other character besides arguably Jinbe performed their role on the ship before they joined. Yet somehow you've decided that this is necessary now. You need to accept that if your supposed criterion does not match the usual standard for a crew member joining, it's probably not the keystone you think it is.

Are you saying that Oda made a point to highlight all the post but, the lookout post is not a real post ?
Considering Oda hasn't had anyone in the entire series listed as an official lookout, and has said being a lookout is a 4 person job, I think it's fairly safe to say that no one person is going to be recruited solely on being a lookout.

Nothing here relates to an actual and tangible post on the Sunny. I did not see ANY of those characters of the Sunny on a specific post.
See point above that you deciding something means nothing. It's also just showing that multiple characters have been used as a scout or lookout because it is the easiest way to make side characters be useful for the crew.

Where is Brook mentionning that he is specialized in being a scout ?
Volume 83, Chapter 831.

So you are saying that if another strawhat can do the job, therefore it can't be Carrot's ? You are forgetting the fact that a lot of strawhat can do the job of multiple other strawhats.

You are also forgetting the fact that the Job in question becomes only really specific to the character in a very specific situation (minus some (Cook/doctor etc.)
The point that you seem to consistently ignore is that the Straw Hats are comprised of people who are either working towards being the best at their job (Zoro, Chopper, Franky) or are already highly specialized in their job (everyone else). Carrot falls into neither of these since we've had other characters, both in the crew and out, who have shown just as much or even more aptitude in being a lookout than Carrot has. Carrot's best hope for joining is as an apprentice, and I'm surprised more haven't taken up that position yet.

This is a pretty common trick in the Yamato fanbase, trying to undermine the role of lookout.. and when it can't be done, saying that other character can be look-outs to..
Oda has done that more than enough already.

The thing is, none of those characters have wonders in there eyes.. and a look out on the Sunny MUST have enjoy their discoveries to the maximum.
See point above that you deciding something means nothing.

That is minus the Sulong which is the pinnacle for a Scout.
A) What? B) Something that can only be used once a month under certain conditions for only a few minutes is hardly the pinnacle for someone who would be needed outside during the full moon, like say, during the day.


You are saying that Oda is drawing things .. for no reason ?
Yes, Oda does things because he feels like it or thinks it might be fun or cool.[/QUOTE]
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I don't care enough about this to keep debating it mostly since you seem confused on what character development actually is, it was just to prove your double standards.

She was already a part of the raid deep inside the castle itself, then abandoned it in order to fight Perospero for her own reasons. She absolutely did not leave because she thought it would help the raid.

You do understand that implications =/= actual development, right?

Literally, all Carrot did on-panel was shout out Nekomamushi's name. There was no reaction beyond being surprised to see Nekomamushi showing up. After his defeat, the panel focus was still on Nekomamushi telling the others to watch out for the moon. Emotionally, Carrot was dropped immediately when Nekomamushi was informed about Perospero. The focus turned to Nekomamushi who was avenging his friend and subordinate.

This is all you can use to point to Carrot joining. I suggest you read Zou and Wano and actually acknowledge how little she has done and compare it to how Jinbe was treated in the arcs he was present for before he joined. And no, doing nothing is not subtle character development.

See point above how this is not actual development.

Brooke was constantly popping up to help the Straw Hats and was the key to figuring out the zombies' salt weakness. We also got his backstory, his dream, his isolation for 50 years and what the Straw Hats accepting him means to him, his shame at losing to Ryuma despite knowing all his moves and his resolve to take him down in their rematch, his gratitude to Franky and Zoro for helping him, his willingness in defending Luffy from Kuma, and his understanding in keeping Zoro's secret from Luffy. Brooke had more character in his introduction arc than Carrot got in her three arcs of existence.

Pot, meet kettle.

I remember you saying this months ago, and yet you still haven't produced said post.

Anime filler is not canon.

This is your biggest problem. You decided that this is somehow the goalpost that a character has to meet and that this is the only way despite it not being backed up at all in the story. No other character besides arguably Jinbe performed their role on the ship before they joined. Yet somehow you've decided that this is necessary now. You need to accept that if your supposed criterion does not match the usual standard for a crew member joining, it's probably not the keystone you think it is.
It is really obvious that he created self-made criterias that favors Carrot. Even if the criterias can fit to other characters, he chooses to ignore/deny his own self-made criteria just to make Carrot “special”.

And yet until now there is still no explanations but mental gymnastics why his criterias only work for Carrot alone, while his self-made criterias could also work for other characters. Even if other characters have the exact same or more points fulfilling his criterias, he will deny it even more and moving goalposts. Trust me, he will deny that he denies his own words and criterias.

I mean, what’s new?
Being kidnap or having a bomb collar does not make for a development. In a story, you can face hardship and being completely passive about it. That's Camie's case here. There is no development with a story, no internal hardship, no need to overcome. Camie was a fun background but she was just a catalysis in order for Oda to tell his story, nothing more. Carrot is completely different.
The only thing she gained from WCI "crying development" was one of the most boring and useless Revenge plots in all of OP. After WCI she was boring, we see 0 dialogue of her experience on WCI in Wano, all we got was a panel of her at Pedro's grave...
What experience? Learn how to run from a yonko territory like the sh? Lol
What about revenge face?.. Completely emotionless..
Well look at that. “Yamato knows too much” has already been debunked.

Waiting for anti Yamato to move goalposts & cope even harder

And if I may quote one of Carrot fans, he said: “Yamao is Momo’s bitch” because Yamato shares time with Momo.

now look at that. After 4 months not appearing, Carrot sticks to Neko & Wanda with a small, shared panel, almost not having any dialogue, and doing absolutely nothing. How ironic.

Carrot “bonded” with Straw Hats before Wano, only to do her own & back to Neko and Wanda. While Yamato bonds with Momo before leaving Wano for good and bonds with Straw Hats as an official Straw Hat later. Everyone who has high IQ can see the connection

Trust me, the more irrelevant Carrot is, the logic goes more like it’s to “surprise” the fans. Cope
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This chapters indeed confirms that Yamato doesn't know sh*t. That's good. But it also completely negates any role she could have on the crew.. hehe

Plus that's not all that this chapter given us:

One setup on the relationshion between Momo and Yamato
One setup on the future of Carrot in the war.

Let me explain first for the relation between Yamato and Momo:

Here you can clearly see that Momo is about to make the wrong descision, in a moment where Yamato is praising him. The thing is:

Yamato has the "click". This is exactly what we have been telling you all about when we say that Yamato will "go from wanting to go on an adventure to have her adventure at the sides of Momo."

Momo is implicitely telling us two things here : "I'm afraid that I can't protect the country alone" & "Can you guide me Yamato?"

As a locked up child .. Yamato is in fact the PERFECT person to make Momo understand why opening Wano's border is the best thing to do.. she is also the perfect personn to help Momo for the protection of this country.

This is the start of Yamato switch. It's all going according to plan

On Carrot side:

Oda didn't need to draw those two panels. In fact, he could have made Carrot and Neko appear in the main hall just fine. You have to understand that this was a setup chapter. And Oda choosed to give us two *simingly* unnecessary panels of Carrot and Neko going back in that specific chapter in the middle of others setups.

This is EXACTLY what Oda did before the fight of Carrot V Perospero. Here Oda is implying that Carrot won't only come back to the main hall.. but she will be facing something there.

Again.. It's all going according to plan

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LMAO Yamato is pretty much locked in Onigashima for 20 years, knows nothing about the outside world but from Oden’s journal, have no clue about ruling a country, and Momo will ask Yamato to be his guide to rule Wano?

Meanwhile ignoring Zunisha coming to Wano so the basic bland Labbit can go back and eat grass. More mental gymnastic theories. Definitely nothing new.

Logic 404

LMAO Yamato is pretty much locked in Onigashima for 20 years, knows nothing about the outside world but from Oden’s journal, have no clue about ruling a country, and Momo will ask Yamato to be his guide to rule Wano?

More mental gymnastic theories. Definitely nothing new. Meanwhile ignoring Zunisha coming to Wano so the basic bland Labbit can go back and eat grass.


I ship Momo X Yamato
LMAO Yamato is pretty much locked in Onigashima for 20 years, knows nothing about the outside world but from Oden’s journal, have no clue about ruling a country, and Momo will ask Yamato to be his guide to rule Wano?

Meanwhile ignoring Zunisha coming to Wano so the basic bland Labbit can go back and eat grass. More mental gymnastic theories. Definitely nothing new.

Logic 404

Why would Yamato run the country ? Yamato should only act as a guide, after all, she passed through the exact trial supposed to help her during that situation. The importance of freedom and the protection of the country.

Yamato is the best person to help Momo. This is undeniable and it's all according to plan

Yet another argument out the window. Been saying for months now that it makes 0 sense for Oden to endanger his family with his journal. Kin flat out said before that Oden kept secrets of his journey to protect them, but yea, he'll leave the world's secrets there so his family becomes a target.

Looks like the next big one is about to be flushed too. Momo's character arc has been all about growing up and facing his fears without help. Yamato was right there speechless when Luffy encouraged him that he has nothing to be afraid of in this world and people think she's gonna baby him by staying in Wano? She's already ditched him before despite him begging her to stay. She knows he must overcome his fears on his own and knows he can do it.

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