Yamato is the most likely to join since he has a rule that appeared a few times in one piece what is chronicler. Why do I think it might be it? Because Oden was WB's and then Roger's and as we know Yamato is Oden. If he won't, we will just see him as a captain of his own crew.
Carrot might travel with them too but it will be highly connected to what Wanda will decide since, despite everything that Carrot did, she still listens to her. Besides, Carrot wants to see the world, being sick of sitting on Zunisha.
Vivi..? Um... Not sure about it but tho it would be interesting, especially if she trained and got some tricks in her sleeves since she was pretty weak, and in the crew there can't be anyone weaker than Usopp in combat, remembering Oda's words.
Everyone else has their stuff to do so I don't even know why are they here since A. Wano squad has their country to take care of, and B. Alliance buddies are.. Alliance. Why do you need them too since they are already in the squad? and at the end C. Smoker has too high ego to join a pirate crew, faster he will be a part of SWORD if he isn't