Kid and Law feel that Luffy lost and go to fight.
Kaido attacks Nami but Marco defends Nami.
Kaido will fight until momo gives up.
Nekomamushi and carrot are going to fight too.
Momo wants to give up and not let anyone die but Yamato tells him no.
Yamato: Let's die together!
"Luffy defeated Kaido 1v1"
Kaido attacks Nami but Marco defends Nami.
Kaido will fight until momo gives up.
Nekomamushi and carrot are going to fight too.
Momo wants to give up and not let anyone die but Yamato tells him no.
Yamato: Let's die together!
"Luffy defeated Kaido 1v1"
Oda made it clear with the victory box, Kaido legit won his 1on1, with or without the CP0 member, he would beat Luffy again.
Luffy was never about to beat Kaido alone 1on1.
After over 20characters gang on Kaido(soon), coming up with 1on1 is kinda nonsense.
For Oda the 1on1 fight is over, now the teambattles are about to start until Luffy comes back.
Then Momotaro team takes the stages.