Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yeah I know but not as a strawhats though what will happen to her country without her being there?
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She doesn't get any special treatment so let's not lie about that
I mean I did say it was unlikely
I just think she’s gonna be a major character again and I would personally like it if that concludes in her rejoining the crew
How is everyone!?!? I have been following and reading you guys for a while and it is time for you to FINALLY allow me to introduce myself!

I am the biggest Carrot fan around! Believe me! That CarrotForNakama guy is fine, but I am THE ultimate fan. I won't tolerate any hate towards Carrot since I feel the community is kinda toxic against this particular character! I finally decided to give it a try with this English thing and been studying for the last few months in order to join this forum and spread the word as I've been chosen by someone: Carrot will become nakama!

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Respect is super important! I am just here to show you the truth and decide by yoourselves. You are free to prefer Yamato instead of Carrot but it's not me who places the consequences of that and you'll eventually realise the only way to live a life to its fullest in a healthy way is to be a Carrot fan and not a Yamato.

Happy to meet you all guys! Let's be friends!
Welcome :cheers:
I mean I did say it was unlikely
I just think she’s gonna be a major character again and I would personally like it if that concludes with her rejoining the crew
Oh I wish we can get an update on what is happening outside of Wano
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Because Momo is a Dragon first. And because becoming strong with his power will be much faster than become as strong with his sword.

Saying that Yamato training Momo doesn't make any sence just shows how little you understand the current storytelling my dude..

You are completely failling to see that Momo is currently being trained by Yamato to use his power...

Don't try to argue on that point anymore. It's a wrap.
Show me where did momo tell Yamato to teach him how to use his devil fruit? Where did it hint for yamato going to teach 28 years old Samurai how to use his power?
Oh I wish we can get an update on what is happening outside of Wano
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Show me where did momo tell Yamato to teach him how to use his devil fruit? Where did it hint for yamato going to teach 28 years old Samurai how to use his power?
I'm not your librarian. Yamato has been teaching Momo to use his power since chapter 1025 ish. Go read a little please.

Hi there but I don't understand. I thought I was chosen to spread the importance of Carrot. Were u chosen too? What should we do with infidels? They are everywhere praising Yamato's sins and we can not tolerate that. Do you take your meds too? I am happy to be Carrot!
Infidels ? Don't Worry.. Oda will take care of that by himself

When you are showing someone how to do something and when you add to that encouragment and pep talks.. you are training..

Good God you have no idea what anything actually is.
So Public Speakers talking about blah blah blah are training people, got it. Thanks for my Tedtalk! You shall know everything that I do and know how to do it just with a 1 hour speech!
Politicians are also Training the Public.
Coaches are Training people with their pep talks.

Speaking to anybody is apparently Training someone.
@CarrotForNakama Funniest person I've seen on the inter-net, unbelievable how dedicated you are to your nonsense. I would have said that what you do and write sickens me but it's at a point where all you can do is just laugh, hope and pray that you get proper help in the near future but I think it's impossible at this point. You already passed a point and there is no return from your delusions and dross that your mind fabricates.
So Luffy tells Momo to bite Kaido is also training him too 👀?
Luffy is not acting like a coatch with Momo. He doesn't give him pep talk, Yamato yes. So no. it's not the same because the context is different. Yamato is actively coatching Momo and pushing him to do better. That's what a training is. That's basic knowledge.

Good God you have no idea what anything actually is.
So Public Speakers talking about blah blah blah are training people, got it.
Yeah. Pretty much. A training begins with the mental. That's not difficult to understand.

Funniest person I've seen on the inter-net, unbelievable how dedicated you are to your nonsense. I would have said that what you do and write sickens me but it's at a point where all you can do is just laugh, hope and pray that you get proper help in the near future but I think it's impossible at this point. You already passed a point and there is no return from your delusions and dross that your mind fabricates.
Funny how all you seems able to do is laugh.. while being unable to bring any actual counter argumentation. Perhaps you understand that you can't because i'm basing my argumentation on actual knowledge and storytelling basis hm ?


Keep smiling, this won't last long lol
Luffy is not acting like a coatch with Momo. He doesn't give him pep talk, Yamato yes. So no. it's not the same because the context is different. Yamato is actively coatching Momo and pushing him to do better. That's what a training is. That's basic knowledge.
Wasn't luffy telling momo there was nothing to be afraid after bit kaido 😕, tell momo to wise up and not to be a coward 😭😂 are you reading the story where luffy gives momo a pep talk and courage to do stuff. Yamato isn't coaching Momo is just telling him not to give up and stuff like that coaching someone is a bit far fetched, telling momo to be a man isn't coaching him
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So... How long will it be before the mods get triggered again after being called problematic because of their choice not to regulate sexist and toxic content? Hm ??


After saying this In such a reactionary friendly environment, a """wok""" like me should last one or two hour top.. tic tac tic tac... lmao!

In the meantime, let's have a little fun!

First the L.

I was wrong about the defeat of Kaido. I thought this would be done in 3 chapter but I forgot to take into account the fire and the fact that Oda loves to finish every storylines before the big ending punch.

So logically I was wrong about Carrot having a reaction in the last 3 chapters.

That's said, the hypothesis still stands. Carrot still has a high chance of getting a reaction when kaido is defeated. This reaction would STILL be a confirmation for her future joining for reasons I have already explained on twitter.

If Carrot doesn't react her chances will be reduced to 70% ish. I'll still be convinced but her chances will objectively be lowered.

That's for Carrot's reaction


Secondly I want to come back to Yamato.

There is a reason I often say that Morj is ONE OF the most professionnal One Piece analyst. His reasonning are based on actual storytelling basis and not just fan hypothesis.

That's why, contrary to what most of you said earlier.. his last video about Yamato was a very good one. Not because it was against Yamato, but because he mentionned something I've been trying to say for years:

All the strawhats have at one time said "no" to Luffy's journey.

The thing is (and that's the reason why you guys tilted on the video) he missed two things:

1 - Brook is not an exception. Brook refused to join Luffy like everyone else.
2 - Morj failed to explain why the fact of refusing to join Luffy was important.

You see, Morj is a good analyser but he is mostly basing his reasonning on instinct rather than actual knowledge. So.. when it comes to explaining the reason behind some concept, he falls a little short. taht's said, his video are still better than 90% of the youtube fanbase.

So.. Concerning the reason behind the refusal of the strawhat to join.. it's pretty simple in fact.

Everything lie in something called the "Monomyth". The Monomyth is a narrative concept theorized by J. Campbell stating the idea that all myth are narrating one single big story. This theory introduced the concept of the "hero journey"

The "hero journey" is not a foundamental rule that applies to every stories. But you can be sure that it applies greatly to One Piece

As you can see, one of the first step of the cycle is the refusal of the call to adventure. This is what Morj was describing in his video.

There is a narrative purpose to this refusal: The goal is transform the character (formely passive) into a active protagonist. So the character must first refuse the call to take the action later by accepting it and taking his first step into his journey.

That's what happen in One Piece for every strawhats. The difference is that Oda is slighly transforming the order of the circle and makes the acceptance of the call, one of the most foundamental cahracter defining moment of the specific strawhat's story.


All of this to say what ? Well.. that Yamato must first REFUSE the journey before being recruted, it's a narrative NECESSITY. This refusal doesn't have to be a "no", it can take multiple face like what Usopp did on Syrup village, but it HAS to happen.

A future strawhat can perfectly join the crew first and completely refuse the call to adventure later, Usopp and Robin did that..

The thing is... the refusal (in One Piece) implies a strong development for the character. The problem is that it's VERY UNLIKELY for a character to have two strong development in the story and Yamato's strong development is currently ungoing.

And the second and REAL problem here: There is no sign of this potential storyline in Yamato's development, worst, the complete opposite happens. (this is the reason why I say often that Yamato's saying that she will join Luffy is a subversion dialogue)

For those reason, Yamato will most likely not join the crew at all and switch her desire from wanting to join Luffy to Help Wano (the ACTUAL journey she is refusing right now)


Finally I want to talk about Carrot. I think it's time to make you all understand why Carrot is a narrative abberation and a character that MUST be looked at more closely.

To explain my reasonning I must first setup that basis:

Most of Oda's big storylines (arcs) are written under a very specific and methodic pattern. Each characters are falling under a very specific role. I counted 10 so far:

1 - The savior (Luffy)

2 - The active strawhats (the strawhat active and present during the arc)

3 - The main arc characters (This concern one or two character MAX, those are the character that are a catalysis for the big conflict in the story (hence why they are so few). Those are the character with a big life changing development during the arc, they can be future strawhats:
> (Koby / Zoro / Nami / Sanji / Vivi / Conis / Wiper / Rebecca / Robin / Momonosuke / Law / Kyros / Mocha / Broggy / Dorry / Shiraoshi / Ace / Hiyori / WhiteBeard etc.)

4 - The supporting arc characters (This category regroups the characters that are directely linked to the Main arc character's inner conflict and the ARC theme, they are therefore here to influence the main character arc and the global conflict. Their character arc are still strong but less important and impactfull that the one of the main Arc character.
> (Kaya / Nojiko / Genzo / Kohza / Gan for / Iceberg / Viola / Garp / The 9 red Scabbard AND Yamato / King Neptune etc.)

5 - The ally characters (those are all the character that are allied to the cause of the strawhats during an arc, those character don't have real development)

6 - The main arc character's antagonist. (This category regroups all the antagonist of the "main arc character", those are the character whose values enter in direct conflict with the "main arc characters", not just Luffy)
> (Gin for Sanji / Arlong for Nami / Ryuma for Brook / Spandam for Robin / Crocodile for Vivi / Akainu for Ace / Hody for Shiraoshi / Orochi for Hiyori

7 - The main bad guy (this is the one Luffy has to beat or defeat in order to save the situation)

8 - The main bad guy strong allies (those are the character with strong abilities that are helping the bad guy)

9 - The fodders (all the small character with no importance in the story)

10 - The moral pillars (those are specific character that helps the main arc character fufill their role, they can be supporting arc characters (Kohza / Hiluluk / Belmer / Shanks / Kuina etc..)

You can check. Almost every character are falling under those specific patterns. I said "almost" because there was exceptions:

- For some of the strawhats. (Nami before Arlong Park ; Robin before Water seven ; Franky ; Jinbe)
- Supporting arc characters in flashbacks
- The member of the SH grand fleet in Dressrosa

The reason for those exception is simple: For those character, Oda needed to do something unexpected.

As you can see, Yamato falls perfectely under the supporting arc character category: A strong arc but a supportive one, for the story of Momo, Luffy and the arc in general.

Now comes Carrot...

At first glance you would be tempted to put Carrot in the "supporting arc character" category. ineed, Carrot is an ally, but with a strong development, this would be therefore the most logical place for her...

BUT each supporting arc character are there to amplifie the main arc character's development and/or the theme of the arc as their development are directely linked to it.

Problem: Carrot's development has almost NOTHING to do with Sanji's development or the main theme of Whole cake (minus smal themes here and there) her development and her relationship with Pedro are thus a tangant in the story.

In fact the same can be said about her (small) development during Onigashima. Her fight and it's result has nothing to do with the current state of the story. It's like Oda is adding that out of nowhere.

Carrot is a narrative abberation.

But remember.. Like as said.. such abberation happened in the story before.

And one of the best example of that is Dressrosa. Storylines that appeared completely out of context at first (The obsession of Cavendish and bartho) appeared meaningfull only at the end of the arc.. once was created the strawhat grand fleet.

My point is simple:

Carrot is a narrative aberration. And the only thing that could explain why Carrot was developped like a strawhat without being given the actual status or the same specificities.. is because Carrot is about to have a big development in the future.. and that all her previous development was just a SETUP.

Again.. Carrot will join the crew but will only be officialized later.
Welcome back dude, the other Carrot fans are fodder unlike you. You are the only Carrot fan worth arguing to.

Coming back to your litany, I believe it is impossible to determine whether someone will join as Nakama based on their reaction to Kaido's defeat and it is because everyone will react to it. So even if Carrot is shown reacting or not wont make a difference.

In addition, I must say Carrot is not a narrative aberration but a classic example of support character and her relevance to the plot so far proves that.

Lastly, I believe every woke person should get themself tested for psychological problems. Thanks for gracing us again with your posts. PEACE!
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How is everyone!?!? I have been following and reading you guys for a while and it is time for you to FINALLY allow me to introduce myself!

I am the biggest Carrot fan around! Believe me! That CarrotForNakama guy is fine, but I am THE ultimate fan. I won't tolerate any hate towards Carrot since I feel the community is kinda toxic against this particular character! I finally decided to give it a try with this English thing and been studying for the last few months in order to join this forum and spread the word as I've been chosen by someone: Carrot will become nakama!

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Respect is super important! I am just here to show you the truth and decide by yoourselves. You are free to prefer Yamato instead of Carrot but it's not me who places the consequences of that and you'll eventually realise the only way to live a life to its fullest in a healthy way is to be a Carrot fan and not a Yamato.

Happy to meet you all guys! Let's be friends!
A sidekick for C4N?
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