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Kanjuro is done but they'll let how the status queue was.

This is how i think will happen kanjuro has to take momo to onigashima. If It doesnt happen kaido and orochi will genuinly think he failed in his job and kaido himself will take over and arrive at wano.

Luffy and co will give orochi's treatment same as they did with big mom. Kanjuro will work as their traitor and take fake momo with him and let fire festival as the status queue without arising suspicious in the enemies mind.

I am waiting for the surprise attack kinemon has been planning.
I think we may have put too much stock into our act prediction stuff.

Let's face it, none us are actually Kabuki experts. It's all based on Wikipedia and this page

I really see this as the start of the end for the Wano arc. That's generally speaking how Oda does things. We've had the big flashback, time for the fights and conclusion. There'll be a few twists and turns left, but the alliance certainly isn't facing a crushing defeat and then the fights starting again. If there is to be five acts I reckon this act is finishing pretty quickly, maybe with the alliance arriving on Onigashima and act four will be the war itself.

I'm also not sure if Oda is going to want to cut back to the rest of the world again until the end of the arc.
I think we may have put too much stock into our act prediction stuff.

Let's face it, none us are actually Kabuki experts. It's all based on Wikipedia and this page

I really see this as the start of the end for the Wano arc. That's generally speaking how Oda does things. We've had the big flashback, time for the fights and conclusion. There'll be a few twists and turns left, but the alliance certainly isn't facing a crushing defeat and then the fights starting again. If there is to be five acts I reckon this act is finishing pretty quickly, maybe with the alliance arriving on Onigashima and act four will be the war itself.

I'm also not sure if Oda is going to want to cut back to the rest of the world again until the end of the arc.
There isn't any reasonable logic that makes an Alliance defeat now acceptable. If the Alliance loses in Onigashima they are almost sure to be dead not only that but a comeback with probably depleted forces wouldn't have any chance.
I am with you on this one, the Alliance may face some defeats during the war but for sure they won't be completely defeated.
I had the feeling that no matter who the traitor was, there would be huge logic holes and inconsistencies. Lo and behold, there were.

How did Kanjuro know that Raizo had definitively made it to Zou when he himself ended up on Dressrosa with no way of locating Raizo? Also, why did he not spill the beans about the ankle tattoo in the first place?

This whole ‘hurr durr s/he was just acting!’ is getting old and cliche. Oh well, not like the flashback gave us any reason to be emotionally invested in the Scabbards. Just glad that the plot can finally move on and the Supernova trio are back in action again.
Well one Raizo’s vivre card is prolly still intact. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he more then likely landed on Zou. Shit was right there/were oden told them to go..

And two he had to look for opportunity to do so. Can’t just snitch soon as he learns the info. That’s too obvious.

some of y’all wouldn’t be very good double agents lol :madmonk:
The plot twist was cheap and good at the same time ? But I knew it was him. I mean c'mon he was at Dressrosa with Doffy and din't give a shit about being in jail. He also draws Ryuunosuke a dragon ? Even tho they all despise dragons ??! C'mon

But I'm glad that the real ONE PIECE IS BACK

Supernova Monster Trio action... Eustass KID IS BACK ! <3
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