Kaido and BM this arc:
I'd laugh so hard if they end up finding something important underneath Wano, connected to its history and or the One Piece and Joyboy or whatever.
Kaidos Red Poneglyph location is still unrevealed, as well as what is favourite island is too. He has other poneglyphs too right?
Nothing on the Oni so far too? Yamatos mother, Onigashimas true name, no Kaido confirmed awakening, nothing on Oars and Oars Jr, sigh...
Very interesting chapter, especially from that full summary or so, but still very underwhelming too.
At least we're getting to see some more of the Rocks era Big Mom and thus Whitebeard too and how Kaido joined them and why he came to Wano too and got setup with Orochi as well.
Seems like Higurashi was connected with Rocks then and definitely did know Shiki after all.