Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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You're spitting, also I think those stats from Red Databook are just some vague indications because it is also shown that Sanji and Luffy/Zoro are close in smartness which is hilarious to think about as we all know Sanji is by far smarter than our 2 conquerors.:toximoji::zorothink:
If it's normal IQ then Sanji is definitely above Zoro and Luffy but if it's about Battle IQ Luffy/Zoro takes this low diff ngl
Chapter 955=Enma and hitetsu talking about black blade we know what's coming at 1055:pepebusi:
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I was thinking about or boi Zoro and his strength and I realized that both Luffy and Sanji stans downplay him and that they tend to forget what doesn't fit their headcanon. Let's start with Luffy stans:

-They usually disagree with Zoro being comparable to Luffy because "they weren't comprable ever". Which is both funny af and easy to debunk. The databook pre TS which didn't make them comparable, but equals twice. (Crew stats with Luffy and Zoro having 6) And Zoro's databook where it was stated that he is as strong as Luffy (can't remember the exact words). And don't forget that at their fight at Whiskey Peak, neither of them knew which one was stronger and Oda didn't even dare to show the winner as it was a draw.

-Now that I proved that Luffy≈Zoro isn't a headcanon, we can get to the next point: Why aren't they equal now? What changed? Well, the answer is nothing. Nothing changed. They are both destined to achieve the same things Pirate King for Luffy and World's Strongest Swordsman for Zoro. Both achieved peak haki so far (ACoC) with the only argument being that Luffy awakened his fruit and that's going to expire because Zoro is basically going to "awaken" his sword(s) aka Black Blades which is harder and rarer than a DF awakening mind you.

And thus, Luffy and Zoro were ≈ before and thus, they can be ≈ rn too.

Now for the Sanji stans. It's as clear as water that Zoro is leagues above him by both portrayal and feats but it looks like some Sanji fins cling to the past ,despite despising the same past, to show that Sanji is close to Zoro. I mostly see them using the 6.0 and 5.0 in Strength as something to prove that they were equal/comparable. But they usually forget that between 5 and 6, there's an infinite amount of numbers. It doesn't matter how many numbers you add after the 5. it will never become a 6, doesn't it matter how many decimals you add, the number will always be closer to 5 than to 6.

What do you think fellow Zoro fans, is all of this thread worthy?
5 == 6?

Gosh, Sanji stans always reach new heights
You're spitting, also I think those stats from Red Databook are just some vague indications because it is also shown that Sanji and Luffy/Zoro are close in smartness which is hilarious to think about as we all know Sanji is by far smarter than our 2 conquerors.:toximoji::zorothink:
Fuck you guys zoro defeat King in the right side and cut his right wing Sanji defeat Queen in the left side and break his left arm king is RHM 2nd stronger Queen is left hand man 3rd stronger
What oda mean by this ThAT WiNgS mUSt KeEP eQuALly sTrOnG bEcAUSe iT MaKEs SeNSe iN a MaNGa lIKe ThIs
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Not a new theory that Zoro might be able to copy sword moves.
Oda "joked" about Zoro shooting dragons out of his sword and then he gave that ability to King, I know King does that with his lunarian powers but what's stopping Zoro from doing something similar with foxfire style?
So far his Fox fire style is only capable of cutting fire, however, Kinemon's can create fire at will so...
What do you guys think about Zoro x Kuina flashback? I think it's very great and definitely the most underrated flashback. How Zoro reacted to Kuina's death as a child, how her death affected Zoro as an adult, her funeral scene (it's perfect despite being very short), etc.

I recommend everyone to watch it in anime.

I would like to read a thread about it, but there isn't one. Maybe someday I'll make it myself, but I'm not sure
What do you guys think about Zoro x Kuina flashback? I think it's very great and definitely the most underrated flashback. How Zoro reacted to Kuina's death as a child, how her death affected Zoro as an adult, her funeral scene (it's perfect despite being very short), etc.

I recommend everyone to watch it in anime.

I would like to read a thread about it, but there isn't one. Maybe someday I'll make it myself, but I'm not sure
Zoro's past was one of the reasons why he became my fav and more when i found out kuina's true death imagine making a promise with your friend and she commited suicide the next day,do you guys know all the weight he had to bear? Is very sad and a great evolution for zoro since that moment made him the character he is today
Zoro's past was one of the reasons why he became my fav and more when i found out kuina's true death imagine making a promise with your friend and she commited suicide the next day,do you guys know all the weight he had to bear? Is very sad and a great evolution for zoro since that moment made him the character he is today
It was a suicide?:zorothink:
It was also here that Zoro learned how weak women's bodies really are. The knowledge gained in this lesson was demonstrated against Enel when he injured Robin and then Zoro said "She's a woman". Against Monet when she was chasing Robin and Nami, then Zoro appeared and said, "Why are you attacking the weak?" (or something like that, I don't remember exactly how he put it). He would never harm a woman unless it endangered his friends. Just like how he attacked Monet when she was about to kill Tashigi. In addition, at Whiskey Peak, he attacked a woman and a child with the blunt side of the sword, despite the fact that they were going to kill him.