Yesterday evening Italy's prime minister announced new measures to slow down the spread of the virus. Now every activity which is not a necessity (supermarkets and all the food chain with them, packagings, health drugs etc.) will be closed until the situation is better. Honestly we now are waiting to see the first effects of the lock down take place so finally reaching the spike of deaths and/or contagions or at least slow down in the rise but the numbers are just becoming bigger and bigger, just yesterday we had 760+ deaths, scientists say the spike will arrive in the first half of april ...
The problems like in other places is that people doesn't want to stay in their houses all day but that is almost adjusted entirely by now. Workers are stocked in trains, metros and bus where the minimal safety space doesn't exist so this new measure..
Then our problem geographically speaking is that as of now the virus hit Bergamo and Brescia very very hard (I think you saw the images with the military vehicles) but now, not to mention that it is taking foot even in south Italy where the health care is weaker and governors are already announcing it will be a disaster if it is not stopped, the problem is that it starting to snowball in Milan and that absolutely can not happen.
Anyway had a good laugh yesterday when the news reported that Bojo advised the people that the virus is to be taken seriously, where did it go mr. Herd immunity? Anyway good for UK he at least didn't continue with that madness.