What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Hes doing that since DR

And you think he will change it?
You're right
But given that he's talking about restructuring his final saga I'm hoping he finally get a grip and do something about it
Especially given the insane amount of characters already shown that he has to develop, I'm not even talking about major players like Shanks/BB/Dragon/Admirals or even Gorosei here but the likes of Weevil,all of Shanks's and BB's crewmates, the Revolutionary Commanders, whatever the SSG is, are all gonna require screentime
I read it again alright just to prove me right. Also I don't know what gave you the impression I'm mad, I'm lying in my bed with 5 chrome pages opened so I can procrastinate in 5 ways. I think you spent too much time here and started thinking people really get mad over a random argument.
Lmao, no offense, buddy, but every single one of your answers speaks volumes about how triggered you are.

But nevermind, this discussion is over for me now ;-)
I think this ending only works if you hate Kaido

Yeah it was so important to learn about Hawkins, see how Bepo feels about Franky Shogun, get a bath time double spread, and watch Momonosuke running around saying random shit doesn't hurt.

The dropkick from Hiyori has more narrative weight than the death of Izo for Kiku.

1. It was 100% important to get those Hawkins scenes. It's 2 pages and it was a good 2 pages.

2. How Bepo feels about the Shogun is a 10th of a page. Really?

3. Hiyori drop kicking Momo is a 4th of a page

But yes, let's say that was traded off for something you wanted and don't think is happening (which literally could be addressed in a few chapters and make this conversation pointless)


Pepebusi Spammer
Literally my last hope/wish for this arc. But I guess, Oda sends luffy instead. For a final slap in the face of Zorofans. lol.
seems like they barely get up in this chapter though.
you can see Luffy & Zoro still bandaged up earlier in the chapter.

so its not bold to assume Zoro never visited Ryuma grave :josad:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I'm still praying for them to pull it off though. I don't wanna be delusional my hopes aren't high at all but i also don't want to watch this series write itself into the wall.

Hopefully they're pulling it of somehow.
I have full confidence in Oda. As long as he's allowed to execute his vision, it will be good. We need to wait for 1053 and 1054. If they're both really mid, and feel rushed and confusing, then I understand people's problems.

But, honestly? I feel like, right now, we're all getting freaked out over promotional material and our own assumptions about what's going to happen. I really think Zoro is going to kill Kaido, but if Oda doesn't think that's good for the story, I trust him to change it. I just want him to go by his own desires, and not change the story for the sake of others. I'm a writer (need to get a lot better), and it pisses me off when people want to change other people's stories just for their own headcanons. Editors should change HOW the story is presented, and remove parts that are unnecessary, not change the overall meaning of the story.

If One Piece plot points were determined by polls on WorstGen, the series would be way worse than it is now. Act 3 isn't over. I think it might end in 1053, though. I just want some ZEHAHAHAHAHA, man.
I dare not imagine what the final saga and war are going to be.
Just think of it logically:

- We'll get world updates about the big endgame plotline. Maybe the war begins already without the crew.
- the 4th RP is missing, which indicates the journey must go on towards Lodestar at least.
- Laugh Tale must be visited before Luffy can do "anything" against the WG. This structure was suggested during WBs death and Roger's flashback. They clearly need One Piece for "something" in the endgame.

There are like 5x the characters beyond what Wano tackled. I think we all better hope that he uses the next few "smaller" arcs to close out some extraneous plot.
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