So I Finally finished the anime!!! I'll go a bit deeper into the final arc in a sec but I want to start of by saying how surprised I was at how much I thoroughly enjoyed this series and a part of me is quite sad that I have finished the anime because I have been watching since early February.
I was someone who gave this series the cold shoulder for QUITE some time as many people had told me not to watch it and that it was not worth my time at all etc. So naturally I didn't. Eventually I decided to I was being unfair and I did want to give this series a chance and I am very glad I did because this has become one of my favourite series with one of my favourite cast of characters.
OK moving on to Alveraz... I'll be honest this arc is extremely mediocre. There are some great moments imo such as Gildarts vs. August, Gray vs. Natus, Lucy rewriting the Book of the E.N.D, Zeref's final moments with Mavis, Makarov using Fairy law and wiping out most of the Alveraz army and lastly Brandish <3.
The there is some stuff which didn't click with me such as The majority of the Spriggan twelve which I didn't find interesting as characters or villians, Larcade while having a cool design had an extremely dodgy power which while it made me chuckle I still wasn't a fan of it. I didn't much care for Irene but I was a fan of her powers, I love Erza but her cutting that meteor with all those broken bones was pure cap and just mashima wanking her just for the sake of it. Dimaria and her entire plot of cutting the clothes of all the female characters can just fuck off, that was pointless fanservice at the Disservice of many of the female cast and lastly Acnologia was a waste, I did not care for his backstory and he just felt shoehorned in at the end just to tie up loose ends per say. It would have been better to save Acnologia for the 100 year quest sequel.
Overall I really loved this series and I am really looking forward to start reading 100 year quest so that I can read bi-weekly with you guys.
My current arc ranking:
Key to the Starry heavens
Tenrou Island
GMG (Pre eclipse gate)
Oracion seis
Tower of Heaven
GMG (Eclipse gate)
Phantom lord
Sun village