Powers & Abilities Kaido and Big Mom together is to much.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
omg I'm talking to idiots.
IT Does not matter, The marines will not ship out against two Yonko unless they're damn sure they got a strategy that will cost them little. Did you guys read what I said? 1 Yonko is already enough to deal with. There are three other Yonko. The Marines would have little to no chance if the so called One "Three Powers of the World" actually grouped up as Allies, They would shit themselves. The Marines are the ones lucky the Yonko's don't ever Team up; But here we are; Big Mom and Kaidou Teaming up apparently; Just like Garp talked about.... Continue to stay ignorant.
Garp talking Kaido and BM being a massive threat they cant handle was a mistranslation. Garp directly said Marines+Shichibukai=4 Emperors. The Marines can easily destroy a single emperor crew...the problem is that there are too many unknown factors that they cant afford. With WB alone:

-Caused Shanks and Kaido to get involved
-3 warlords turned on them
-ID got raided and the escapees helped the WBP
-Supernovas showed up
-Admirals had to hold back cause of their destructive powers on their home turf
-Shanks himself showed up

So much shit outside of the Marines' control happened yet they still achieved a one sided victory. They still suffered unnecessary loses.
Its stuff like this that keeps the Marines from going anything and naturally they will shit themselves over a yonko allaince. That means more activity that the Marines MUST do something about that costs alot of resources.
Garp talking Kaido and BM being a massive threat they cant handle was a mistranslation. Garp directly said Marines+Shichibukai=4 Emperors. The Marines can easily destroy a single emperor crew...the problem is that there are too many unknown factors that they cant afford. With WB alone:

-Caused Shanks and Kaido to get involved
-3 warlords turned on them
-ID got raided and the escapees helped the WBP
-Supernovas showed up
-Admirals had to hold back cause of their destructive powers on their home turf
-Shanks himself showed up

So much shit outside of the Marines' control happened yet they still achieved a one sided victory. They still suffered unnecessary loses.
Its stuff like this that keeps the Marines from going anything and naturally they will shit themselves over a yonko allaince. That means more activity that the Marines MUST do something about that costs alot of resources.
It just isn't strategic for the marines to stage an invasion of a foreign country they know literally nothing about. Wano is hard to get into, even big mom failed to do it without getting captured. Where does that leave the marines?

Rather, it would make much more sense for the marines to.
  1. wait it out and see what Kaido and Big Mom are planning to do
  2. wait for the supernova alliance to try their shot at taking down kaido and big mom before rushing in themselves
  3. Indirectly attack Kaido and Big Mom, through someone like Drake(perhaps drake could poison the food at the fire festival?)

Not to mention the fact that the marines completely have their hands tied. They are trying to capture the shichibukai, which when combined together, share a power similar to that of the yonko crews. I mean how easy do you think it is to take out Mihawk or weevil?

Then there is the alabasta situation, something is obviously going on with sabo, and the last time we saw him, blackbeard seemed to be on the move.

akainu made the smart decision


Bring Germa there to boost their mid-section, and it's fine. Jinbe and Germa fought BMPs for hours on end, and that was their entire army. This is just 1 ship.

The question isn't whether they CAN. The question is who DESERVES to beat Big Mom? We know Luffy is taking out Kaido. But right now, who deserves to beat Big Mom plot wise? Oda has set up nothing but scraps in terms of motive to beat Linlin.
"Entire BM " army lol what nonsense are you saying? Only Snack Oven Daifuku Smoothie had their fleets there + other children were individual.

This is why you dont see any BM pirste injured except Oven whom ichiji damaged.
Germa got wrecked by a mere gun , fishmen pirates all bloodied including Jinbei.


This is what I think

Kaido and BigMom won't care much about the alliance of SN given that they felt strongest of the alliance i.e. SN were so weak in their minds. So therefore, even if they know that alliance are coming after them they won't directly participate in the war.

At first, they will send their forces and test the waters afterall no villain boss enters into fight in first round.

Now the alliance has to deal with first force from the Kaido side. Like that both sides fight each other and it will help SN alliance to grow in the battles.

Now, when the main boss gets an interference and they have to deal with marines which gives some buffer time for SN alliance. Collateral damage between Yonko alliance and Marines will help SN alliance to take out two yonkos albeit with extreme difficulty.


Zoro Worshipper
No reason to believe Big Mom will play a role this arc unless Marine joins the Festival.

The opposite side only got firepower to defeat one yonko crew with tons of difficulties.
To defeat two emperors at once in less than 30 chapters if that's truly true why did we need 100 chapters in Dressrosa and 46 chapters for Ceasar Oda truly grows dull at least he could shorten dressrosa , punk hazard and Fishman island in order to increase this arc no he cuts two yonkos short and shows us Rebecca flashback, senior pink flashback, unknown passant flashback or focus on running now he nerfed Big Moms crew by having her not taking Katakuri, Cracker, Snack, Oven and the fighters like Tamago only takes her fodder children plus Smoothie and Peros lol

Prob WBP will also appear
To defeat two emperors at once in less than 30 chapters if that's truly true why did we need 100 chapters in Dressrosa and 46 chapters for Ceasar Oda truly grows dull at least he could shorten dressrosa , punk hazard and Fishman island in order to increase this arc no he cuts two yonkos short and shows us Rebecca flashback, senior pink flashback, unknown passant flashback or focus on running now he nerfed Big Moms crew by having her not taking Katakuri, Cracker, Snack, Oven and the fighters like Tamago only takes her fodder children plus Smoothie and Peros lol

Prob WBP will also appear
Lol this arc will be no less than 140-150 chapters. Mark my words. There is still so much non-fighting plot to be covered:

- Their entire travel to Kaido's mansion. Its through mountains and will be through at LEAST 4 different perspectives (Luffy/Kid, Kin'emon on one mountain path, Denjiro on the other, and Law with the rest of the Scabbards on the sea.

- Kaido and Linlin's entire Rocks flashback. We are certainly getting this here. Who knows how many chapters this will cover.

- Information on what Onigashima is and its relation to Wano

- Finding and stealing a copy of the road poneglyph in Kaido's mansion

- Introduction to most of Kaido's crew and a reintroduction to most of Big Mom's crew present.

- However Tama, Tengu and Hiyori play into the final plots of the arc.

ALL while having nearly 80 NAMED characters fighting in this arc (There are like 30+ named characters on the alliance side and more than 40 on the Yonko side). Oda is about to have a field day with the clashes and battles here. Guaranteed the fighting doesn't truly start for another 20-30 chapters in the least. We don't even know when Act 3 ends and when Act 4 begins.
Remember that Black Beard and Moriah will probably barge in during the war. There is no way that Moriah at the very leas won't pop in in the Kaido arc, considering the grudges he has.
Blackbeard isn't going towards Wano. He was fighting the Marines for "something" (strongly indicated to be Pluton considering the incident apparently revolves around Alabasta according to Garp)
BMPs will leave, for whatever reason, but it will happen for sure

Oda is willing to keep someone like Page 1 relevant until the final fight lol its obvious the Alliance will only deal with the Beast Pirates, most match ups for the alliance against the BPs are set, and no the Alliance won't defeat them easily nor they are stronger on paper

BMPs will fall in Elbaf,when all the relevant characters to their plot reappear, including German, Capone, Urouge, Dorry and Brogy..ect
That would be epic but it's not his moment yet I suppose. Too soon for Luffy to give him the hat back and that's the time when the two will meet again.

I don't think so, I believe luffy will give the hat to shanks when he suprasses him (with his crew).

Btw, I believe that luffy and shanks will fight with their crews for the last road poneglyph, where luffy has to show us, that he surprassed shanks.
A fight in an atmosphere like the one of roger and wb, meaning no hard feelings but fighting to the fullest and till the last.
And mihawk will join shanks here, meaning here zoro will get his rematch and become the strongest swordsman.
At least, this is my prediction lol.

But, that does not mean shanks will come for sure. But it should be 2 gokous vs 2 gokous, for fairness. Lol
Lol this arc will be no less than 140-150 chapters. Mark my words. There is still so much non-fighting plot to be covered:

- Their entire travel to Kaido's mansion. Its through mountains and will be through at LEAST 4 different perspectives (Luffy/Kid, Kin'emon on one mountain path, Denjiro on the other, and Law with the rest of the Scabbards on the sea.

- Kaido and Linlin's entire Rocks flashback. We are certainly getting this here. Who knows how many chapters this will cover.

- Information on what Onigashima is and its relation to Wano

- Finding and stealing a copy of the road poneglyph in Kaido's mansion

- Introduction to most of Kaido's crew and a reintroduction to most of Big Mom's crew present.

- However Tama, Tengu and Hiyori play into the final plots of the arc.

ALL while having nearly 80 NAMED characters fighting in this arc (There are like 30+ named characters on the alliance side and more than 40 on the Yonko side). Oda is about to have a field day with the clashes and battles here. Guaranteed the fighting doesn't truly start for another 20-30 chapters in the least. We don't even know when Act 3 ends and when Act 4 begins.
I hope so but I dont think so it all comes down to fighting cause the most things can be covered up in few chapters also Big Mom only brought Smoothie, Perospero, Compote and Daifuku with her the rest are fodder no combat class warrior no executive

So we will have royal battle against two emperors and individual fighting going through Onigashima will be at most 5 chapters this time they have a small army plus the cavalry in form of Marco
I hope so but I dont think so it all comes down to fighting cause the most things can be covered up in few chapters also Big Mom only brought Smoothie, Perospero, Compote and Daifuku with her the rest are fodder no combat class warrior no executive

So we will have royal battle against two emperors and individual fighting going through Onigashima will be at most 5 chapters this time they have a small army plus the cavalry in form of Marco
Amande and her quadruplet sisters are likely present, we don't know their strengths (I'm sure Amande is the strong one). Smoothies triplet sisters are also present, they were named with Smoothie again. Snack's sillhouette was seen on the ship and Bavarois is his twin brother, they may be similar in strength. Subsequently, we don't really know how broken Mont d'Or is with his power and we don't really know if Galette is a high tier either. Also, one of the decuplets has a devil fruit power where he can combine with the other 9 decuplets to become a monstrosity.

There's a lot going on in BM's crew that we truly don't know about. Even if some of those are Fodder, they should make for some entertaining fodder during this war. Its going to be a weird mix of super odd paramecia and zoan powers.

And we'll see. There's a lot to cover. Oda did almost 50 chapters worth of fighting and conclusions for Dressrosa from the moment bird cage was put up. Wano is signficantly longer and Oda likes to spend nearly half of an arc on the final conflicts. It takes this long because spends time moving all of the pieces to skirmishes and then to their final battles, having additional flashbacks for his villain or side characters (IE, Laws and Doflamingo's flashbacks mid fight), and then the final battles themselves. Wano is 2-3x times larger than Dressrosa in scope of characters, it will take while to finish.
Amande and her quadruplet sisters are likely present, we don't know their strengths (I'm sure Amande is the strong one). Smoothies triplet sisters are also present, they were named with Smoothie again. Snack's sillhouette was seen on the ship and Bavarois is his twin brother, they may be similar in strength. Subsequently, we don't really know how broken Mont d'Or is with his power and we don't really know if Galette is a high tier either. Also, one of the decuplets has a devil fruit power where he can combine with the other 9 decuplets to become a monstrosity.

There's a lot going on in BM's crew that we truly don't know about. Even if some of those are Fodder, they should make for some entertaining fodder during this war. Its going to be a weird mix of super odd paramecia and zoan powers.

And we'll see. There's a lot to cover. Oda did almost 50 chapters worth of fighting and conclusions for Dressrosa from the moment bird cage was put up. Wano is signficantly longer and Oda likes to spend nearly half of an arc on the final conflicts. It takes this long because spends time moving all of the pieces to skirmishes and then to their final battles, having additional flashbacks for his villain or side characters (IE, Laws and Doflamingo's flashbacks mid fight), and then the final battles themselves. Wano is 2-3x times larger than Dressrosa in scope of characters, it will take while to finish.
Big Mom is a pirate for 62 years ( Kaido and WB started 33 years ago and Shanks 25 years ago) she and Streussen founded the big mom pirates its much bigger than the other yonko crews
They lost 10.000 men and didnt even bother them caues there not only a pirate crew but an big kingdom like alabasta thats the difference they prob have hundreds of thousands of soldier cause she governs as Queen and Captain dual role she is more than a pirate

She has prob her main crew before her children were even born even then when they grow there must be others powerful executives like Pekoms or Tamago she didnt bring anyone but her children there