I feel like when people ask for more development, all they want is a generic backstory of a baby Carrot that lived in Zou and she was an orphan because some mean pirate duckmen called Darlong, killed her mother in front of her because she couldn't give them enough Carrots as payment or w/e the fck.
It's like do we have to do this formula everytime? Are we going to get baby smoker who had a sad childhood because he couldn't smoke when he was 7 years old? Or baby Caribou's sad backstory of stealing fish because he had the dream of being a mermaid trafficer to slavers?
Or are we going to waste 50 chapter on a sad Bonney backstory of her, not having enough food when she was little (sanji 2.0) and so she eats a lot now :(. And then you get left 2 years to finish OP.

It's like do we have to do this formula everytime? Are we going to get baby smoker who had a sad childhood because he couldn't smoke when he was 7 years old? Or baby Caribou's sad backstory of stealing fish because he had the dream of being a mermaid trafficer to slavers?
Or are we going to waste 50 chapter on a sad Bonney backstory of her, not having enough food when she was little (sanji 2.0) and so she eats a lot now :(. And then you get left 2 years to finish OP.