Speculations Suke Suke no Mi, inspired by Hokuto No Ken, is a special devil fruit

Suke Suke no Mi is underwhelming

Many people consider suke suke no mi to be one of the most useless devil fruits and its hard to disagree with them. We already saw its weakness when Absalom used it:

On top, the idea of CoO wasnt introduced when Absalom used this fruit. Imagine Absalom fighting someone with basic CoO let alone FS.

Suke Suke No Mi's awakening: Nothingness

It doesnt make sense for an end game opponent to have a useless power. Shiryu believes he got a very nice power for himself =>

There is a theory floating around that Shiryu will awaken his devil fruit and it will turn him into nothingness. The idea originated from Koshiro flashback during Mr. 1 fight where the "ability to cut NOTHING" was mentioned three times (Please check the Stephen Paul's translation, ViZ translation was garbage).

Blackbeard and Suke Suke no mi

The theory of nothingness is cool, but I didnt pay much attention initially. Then some intriguing information came to my attention:

(1) In Ace Novel, Volume 2, Chapter 5, Thatch claims that Blackbeard wants to eat the Suke Suke no Mi. Out of all the fruits in the series, why did Thatch think Teach wants the Suke Suke no Mi?

I dont usually pay attention to novels as they are not written by Oda. For example, this volume was written by Tatsuya Hamazaki. But what makes this interesting is, a member of the Blackbeard pirates eventually gets the Suke Suke no mi. This Ace volume was released five months before chapter 925, where Shiryu shows his suke suke no mi powers. This cant be a coincidence. There is a possibility that Oda passed this information to Tatsuya.

(2) From databook Green (the only databook completely supervised by Oda), Blackbeard was originally named Everything D. Teach

(3) In chapter 577, Blackbeard says, Yami Yami no mi turns everything to nothingness

Connecting all these dots, is it possible Oda originally planned suke suke no mi for Blackbeard where the pirate Everything D. Teach was supposed to turn himself into nothingness? If that is true, then the suke suke no mi has to be a very special fruit that was reserved for the most important antagonist in the series.

Inspiration for "Nothingness": Hokuto No Ken

Hokuto No Ken or the Fist of the North Star is an 80s manga that inspired many famous mangakas. The protagonist Kenshiro is known for his iconic phrase "omae wa mou shindeiru" or "you are already dead". Oda recently paid homage to Hokuto No Ken through Queen =>

This is not the first time Oda referenced Hokuto No Ken. Back in chapter 72 SBS =>

The ultimate technique of Kenshiro is called Musō Tensei. This technique allows the user to achieve a state of "nothingness", impervious to attacks. Kenshiro could harness the techniques of his fallen comrades. He can glide through air and space. It comes from the same principle as Ultra Instinct of Dragon Ball. Musō Tensei is so broken that the only way to counter it was to extremely distort the space and time.

Shiryu turning into nothingness will be another homage to Hokuto No Ken. Imagine Shiryu with abilities similar to Musō Tensei.

How broken Shiryu will be? :finally:

Some tags: @Garp the Fist @Celestial D. Dragon @Bogard @HeroesNZ @Buggy D Clown
Shiryu Downplayers: @ZenZu @Seth
Zenzu's number 1 fan: @Gol D. Roger
Blackbeard gang: @Blackbeard @Erkan12 @Reborn
Real Shiryu cheerleader: @HA001 OF THE RAIN
Fake Shiryu cheerleader: @TheAncientCenturion
I want this to be true so Zoro needs to unlock future sight to beat Shyriu.Zoro would see where the blade would come from and attack before hand.Zoro needs future sight.Mihawk's epiphet was supposed to be clairvoyant.
Koshiro didn't say, that there are swordsmen that can cut everything, even nothingness. He said, that there are swordsmen who can cut nothing, but at the same time cut steel. With nothing in this context referring to be unable to cut anything, which Koshiro further demonstrated by hitting a piece of paper with a sword without cutting it, elaborating that a sword that just cuts everything without restraint is no good sword. It's obvious what is meant with that. When Kiku couldn't cut down Kanjuro, Ashura Doji said that it's normal for a sword to become blunt when facing a friend.

An awakened Suke user won't become nothingness. And if he will, you won't need the highest level of swordsmanship to bypass it. Strong Haki will be enough as with every DF hax. I assume that an awakened Suke will turn the environment invisible and maybe allow the user to even avoid CoO to some extend, with Zoro through breath of all things tracking him down anyways.
Because King and Katakuri are known for neg diffing multiple YC level characters at the same time, characters that are worth billions, for negging half of a future Yonkou crew, being strong enough to take on everyone inside ID, right?
The idea that YC2 are neck and beard with a YC1 already disproves Kata and King being anywhere near characters that had Ivankov, Jinbei and Croco running for their lives. :watchout:


The only one who can beat me is me
Because King and Katakuri are known for neg diffing multiple YC level characters at the same time, characters that are worth billions, for negging half of a future Yonkou crew, being strong enough to take on everyone inside ID, right?
The idea that YC2 are neck and beard with a YC1 already disproves Kata and King being anywhere near characters that had Ivankov, Jinbei and Croco running for their lives. :watchout:
Shiryu was also running away from Magellan btw. You can add him to that list.

An Admiral had Shiryu with his Captain + rest of inmates + crew run from him btw.


Kitetsu Wanker
Suke Suke no Mi is underwhelming

Many people consider suke suke no mi to be one of the most useless devil fruits and its hard to disagree with them. We already saw its weakness when Absalom used it:

On top, the idea of CoO wasnt introduced when Absalom used this fruit. Imagine Absalom fighting someone with basic CoO let alone FS.

Suke Suke No Mi's awakening: Nothingness

It doesnt make sense for an end game opponent to have a useless power. Shiryu believes he got a very nice power for himself =>

There is a theory floating around that Shiryu will awaken his devil fruit and it will turn him into nothingness. The idea originated from Koshiro flashback during Mr. 1 fight where the "ability to cut NOTHING" was mentioned three times (Please check the Stephen Paul's translation, ViZ translation was garbage).

Blackbeard and Suke Suke no mi

The theory of nothingness is cool, but I didnt pay much attention initially. Then some intriguing information came to my attention:

(1) In Ace Novel, Volume 2, Chapter 5, Thatch claims that Blackbeard wants to eat the Suke Suke no Mi. Out of all the fruits in the series, why did Thatch think Teach wants the Suke Suke no Mi?

I dont usually pay attention to novels as they are not written by Oda. For example, this volume was written by Tatsuya Hamazaki. But what makes this interesting is, a member of the Blackbeard pirates eventually gets the Suke Suke no mi. This Ace volume was released five months before chapter 925, where Shiryu shows his suke suke no mi powers. This cant be a coincidence. There is a possibility that Oda passed this information to Tatsuya.

(2) From databook Green (the only databook completely supervised by Oda), Blackbeard was originally named Everything D. Teach

(3) In chapter 577, Blackbeard says, Yami Yami no mi turns everything to nothingness

Connecting all these dots, is it possible Oda originally planned suke suke no mi for Blackbeard where the pirate Everything D. Teach was supposed to turn himself into nothingness? If that is true, then the suke suke no mi has to be a very special fruit that was reserved for the most important antagonist in the series.

Inspiration for "Nothingness": Hokuto No Ken

Hokuto No Ken or the Fist of the North Star is an 80s manga that inspired many famous mangakas. The protagonist Kenshiro is known for his iconic phrase "omae wa mou shindeiru" or "you are already dead". Oda recently paid homage to Hokuto No Ken through Queen =>

This is not the first time Oda referenced Hokuto No Ken. Back in chapter 72 SBS =>

The ultimate technique of Kenshiro is called Musō Tensei. This technique allows the user to achieve a state of "nothingness", impervious to attacks. Kenshiro could harness the techniques of his fallen comrades. He can glide through air and space. It comes from the same principle as Ultra Instinct of Dragon Ball. Musō Tensei is so broken that the only way to counter it was to extremely distort the space and time.

Shiryu turning into nothingness will be another homage to Hokuto No Ken. Imagine Shiryu with abilities similar to Musō Tensei.

How broken Shiryu will be? :finally:

Some tags: @Garp the Fist @Celestial D. Dragon @Bogard @HeroesNZ @Buggy D Clown
Shiryu Downplayers: @ZenZu @Seth
Zenzu's number 1 fan: @Gol D. Roger
Blackbeard gang: @Blackbeard @Erkan12 @Reborn
Real Shiryu cheerleader: @HA001 OF THE RAIN
Fake Shiryu cheerleader: @TheAncientCenturion
Thanks for pointing out where the inspiration for it came from. The Blackbeard part is also interesting.
I have been repeating this stuff about Suke no Mi Awakening like a parrot for quite a while now.
The fact is, Zoro's opponents are getting ridiculous abilities, starting from Pica onwards and the trend wont stop.

We just had King who steals the show from Kaido regarding Kaido's best selling point - toughness...
I have already mentioned, if Suke no Mi Awakening turns out to be Nothingness, it is the most broken ability we will ever see.
Those who think Absalom already was Awakened, Oda never does the same stuff twice when it comes to combatant's abilities.

That's why Whitebeard's performance ended without a single named move, so Teach can actually show stuff not seen before.
That's why Kaido didnt show Awakening, so Momonosuke can show new stuff instead of repeating Kaido's already seen moves.
That's why Absalom wasnt Awakened, so Shiryu could do something that Absalom couldnt.

There is also this misconception regarding CoO and Suke no Mi, especially with people thinking FS would work against it...
FS is the most useless ability against Suke no Mi because it doesnt show anything. Basic CoO is far more useful.
However, Shiryu wont even have to be invisible, Oda wont draw Zoro fighting empty space for several chapters, lol.

Shiryu will be visible, he doesnt need to be invisible when he has no material form.
However, he might stack all the abilities that Suke no Mi offers at the end before Zoro takes him out.
He can choose to be just invisible, detectable by CoO. He can choose to be invisible, undetectable by CoO by clearing his presence.
He can choose to be visible but not materialized and so on.

There are lots of combinations available here. From plain invisibility to clearing ones presence to losing physical form.
The abilities of Blackbeard pirates look simple at first glance but will turn out to be one of the most powerful abilities.
I would place Awakened Suke no Mi on top of the most broken list. A literal cheat code vs anyone who cant target Nothingness.
Yes, they are Awakened, it's just Readers expect everyone to shout "This is my Awakening! As if it's Bankai"

As I said Dozens of Characters showed Awakening, it's just that no one talks about it cuz it's something every Veteran knows, Oda simply made Doflamingo say it cuz it was time to let Fans realize it's existence, that's all
Shiryu was also running away from Magellan btw.
Shiryu cut Magellan's left wing and horn

You are wrong. Pre-skip Shiryu would kill your dear Katakuri

However, Shiryu wont even have to be invisible, Oda wont draw Zoro fighting empty space for several chapters, lol.

Shiryu will be visible, he doesnt need to be invisible when he has no material form.
Very good point. I agree, Oda cant draw many empty panels. It would be dope af if Shiryu is visible but has no material form.
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Kitetsu Wanker
Very good point. I agree, Oda cant draw many empty panels. It would be dope af if Shiryu is invisible but has no material form.
Now that I think about it, he can be like Holograms on Egghead. :sus:
You can see him but cant touch him. But he also can choose to be invisible as well.
Which is similar to the ability that you mentioned from Ken in the opening post.
Towards the end of the fight, I guess he will stack it all, invisibility, formless, presence less...
One thing you gotta love about Shiryu is that he was already a stealth master before eating the devil fruit. The suke should at the very least allow him to hide his presence, making his aura undetectable by CoO. This could be limited by stamina but you still expect Shiryu to be dangerous due to his stealth skills and invisible body.

If he does acquire a completely intangible form, then there should be 2 criteria imo, it has to be for a very short lived time, the second is that when Shiryu attacks his opponent he has to become tangible again, same with King switching between durability and speed.
Another overlooked aspect about this fight is the location. The suke would be much more effective in a closed off space.

Hopefully Zoro doesn’t counter him with future sight. Instead, mastering his emotional CoO to sense Shiryu’s bloodlust would make for a much more grim fight.
Yeah yeah Top Tiers having Awakening is Headcanon, they only explain it and their subordinates have em but they don't
So because Katakuri has future sight Big Mom also has to have it?
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I find it funny when you said people expect awakening to be stated like bankai, when uh, that's literally what happens.
There would be no challenge in cutting Nothing if all you had to do is catch him when he takes a physical form.
Considering that this has build-up since days of Alabasta it has to be a pretty big deal.
I was of the same thought until recently but when I reread that part it had a completely different meaning.
Koshiro says ”can cut nothing but at the same time cut steel” then we get Zoro passing his sword through a leaf before cutting a rock, and eventually Daz Bones. So basically a statement that brings through the ability to control your power regardless of the material you’re cutting.

That’s the most reasonable take. However you might think Shiryu getting this fruit is not a coincidence, which could be true, but the thing is having a completely intangible form is already wishful thinking tbh. As a Shiryu enjoyer myself the scenario I proposed is the best I can think of without getting majorly disappointed.

So for him to be intangible, yet also control the tangibility of his sword separately is too mad. And if “cutting nothing“ was meant for Shiryu then that means every time Zoro damages him he will be intangible to go with the theme, which suggests he can maintain this intangible form indefinitely. Sounds bonkers, this shit could be seen in Bleach but not One Piece.