I have read as far as TAC's post quoting me. I'll take a break after this reply, then read the remaining posts later. Playing Mafia well requires substantial exertion of effort/willpower on my part.
What does this mean (in the context in which you used it)?
Who are you referring to?
@Kiwipom? What are you apologising for? This post confused me.
Mostly going over the thread with a fine toothed comb and building my reads so far. I think making detailed notes in this game would be especially important as it would help me identify inconsistencies/deviations in playstyle across days (this may be indicative of a change in alignment) should they occur.
Reborn has been nitpicky, but the defense he made for his actions was very strong and I liked it. Fishing for reactions is also how he Scumhunts, so
apriori this isn't very surprising for Town Reborn. I do recommend reading the critiques
@Kiwipom and
@Finalbeta made against him, and his response for yourself:
I think I understand what
@AL sama is doing/coming from, so I like that as well. AL has been (near singlehandedly) driving the conversation/discussion this day phase, and what he has one in his position as de facto Town leader has been pretty good. I can see how it would hypothetically bear fruit in Scum hunting. Nevertheless, AL's a very experienced player so I'm still cautious of him. I will observe his future actions and see how it compares to what I would expect a competent Town player in his position to do.
I am not sure I am convinced by your defense. I think
@Flower did make a good case against
@Dark Admiral. I isolated his posts in this thread, and he did seem to be assuming that we have Unseen in the game. Look at this post by
She mentions that we need to know which Scum faction is in the game.
Dark Admiral responds by pointing out the Unseen faction:
So I think I disagree with your claim that he hasn't been focusing on the Unseen.
An alternative to Dark Admiral being Scum would be that he is a Town or Third Party player that has been otherwise informed of the existence of the Unseen faction (for example if he is a sheriff). Whichever the case it is, Dark Admiral has been acting like he knows we have Unseen in the game. If it turns out we do have Unseen in the game, we should be more suspicious of him.
I think the main caveat to the above would be this post where it seems he assumed that only the Unseen are there from the OP:
The OP also mentioned Cult, so I'm not sure why someone would interpret it that way, but I guess bad readings of the opening post do happen (the Tokyo Ghoul game comes to mind).
Something I wanted to confirm, are you saying we can have at most 3 investigative roles here: