Powers & Abilities Definitive proof that Kuzan was using aCoC against Garp.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I'm not even entertaining anyone who wants to lie to themselves that Garp's little body slam is on par with, let alone much stronger than Buzz Cut mochi.

Buzz Cut Mochi is levels above. Blue Hole is a different matter.
All this time I thought you was comparing the Mochi Slam to Blue Hole lol. Yeah Buzz Cut Mochi>random slam. Garp's hakiless slam only cracked the ground. Buzz Cut Mochi created a giant hole.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Just by physics alone, if Garp throwing Shiryu was more powerful, he would have obliterated the ground beneath Shiryu. Zangiri Mochi literally ripped out chunks of the ground dwarfing Katakuri's 5m tall body, and that was only the second part of the attack following the first slam.
Means nothing it left a bigger hole than kaido slamming luffy into the ground with acoc too.
I think the thickness and length depend on how strong the CoA is. Take Zangiri Mochi for example =>

Base CoC can be pretty thick as well =>

The trails that you have shown for AdCoA are not like the trails of attacks before AdCoC.
AdCoA Trails (that you have shown) =>
vs AdCoC trails =>
Zangiri mochi is basic CoC + CoA

That's why you get CoC sparks when kata and Luffy attack each other
We have Luffy vs. Drunk Kaido shortly after Luffy dodges one of Kaido's Thunder Bagua attacks when Kaido had lost concentration. Luffy then attacks Kaido with a kick, and we see traces of Adcoc leaking from his foot. However, this panel of Luffy colliding with Kaido is not something that can be used as definitive proof since Kaido himself states that Luffy's use of Adcoc is still clumsy.

Its not clumsy, Luffy used AdvCoc BECAUSE he used right after
Katakuri isn't Admiral level you idiot
Only because Garp is on a different level doesn't mean every attack he throws in his life are on a completely different level as well.

Garp after being stabbed barely lifted Shiryu above his head and gave him a casual haki-less slam. It didn't even cause any destruction. Katakuri went all out and created a huge ass hole.

His attack was definitely stronger.
I give credit where its due. Kuzan matching Garp in training was insane portrayal, he is much stronger physically than I thought.
That is a W in itself as far as I’m concerned. It’s taken years for the people on your side of the debate to accept that the admirals are exceptionally skilled and well rounded fighters, even without counting their exceptional devil fruits.

I think this was aCoC and most if not all admirals have it. I don’t necessarily like it. A large part of the appeal of the admirals to me is that they aren’t “chosen ones.” The odds are stacked in their favor with their access to the best devil fruits and the best training, but not who they were at birth, and not by being aligned with the main character.

CoC verges on flying in the face of that. But Oda has watered down the concept and made it a lot more common than one would’ve expected when it was introduced.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Only because Garp is on a different level doesn't mean every attack he throws in his life are on a completely different level as well.

Garp after being stabbed barely lifted Shiryu above his head and gave him a casual haki-less slam. It didn't even cause any destruction. Katakuri went all out and created a huge ass hole.

His attack was definitely stronger.
Should note that Garp had no wind up for that slam. Blue Hole and Buzz Cut had a big ass wind up and haki.