Future Events Akainu and Blackbeard are destined to lose together


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
The issue is trying to localize them to separate arcs when you consider power progression. Like we are getting to a really weird point after Kizaru (at least in his case Kaido was a Yonko and he's an Admiral). And im not saying the arc would be short, far from it. It might be the series' biggest arc as a result, in order to go into both of them completely.

We have some time before this, and maybe even another arc, but whats weird to me is we either end up pairing Akainu with the Yonko's fight over the 4th RP, or he's paired with defending the WG (Imu). Unless he's specifically Elbaf's villain, I'm not sure what individual arc Akainu is meant to have if he's not preventing Yonko going to Laugh Tale or being the first wall against the WG.

In the formers defense, at least he would be treated as an equal threat and not someone the WG is just using to protect themselves.
Thing is oda doesn't care about power progression.

He gave WSC title to someone who fell way before the final war which speak for itself.

Second, both BB and Akainu are the only antagonists which Oda has build against luffy. There is bad blood between them. It's personal. No other opponent got this build up so far. This makes both failing to luffy more sense which isn't possible in one go.

Now, one can argue that it will be Sabo who will defeat Akainu ( which I think is less likely because Alainu is too big to go down to Side character) but even in this scenario RA has to ally with SHs and as of now there is no build up for this as well.

Third, it's not WG needs to interject but it's more like they might not able to.

Burn scar man has 4th RPG and he is out there on sea. No one knows where he is.

And, the moment SHs will get 4th RPG then WG won't be able to do anything anyway... because you can only find location of laugh take through all four RPG.

Plot progression is very simple to me

Yonkous will take each other out..and only Luffy will emerge victor..no one else because Laugh tale is where we learn about void century so oda won't spoil this grand of a moment by making anyone else PK.

Once Luffy becomes PK, then he will set on war with WG.

Since navy is at forefront so he will fight Akainu and then IMu.
Thing is oda doesn't care about power progression.

He gave WSC title to someone who fell way before the final war which speak for itself.

Second, both BB and Akainu are the only antagonists which Oda has build against luffy. There is bad blood between them. It's personal. No other opponent got this build up so far. This makes both failing to luffy more sense which isn't possible in one go.

Now, one can argue that it will be Sabo who will defeat Akainu ( which I think is less likely because Alainu is too big to go down to Side character) but even in this scenario RA has to ally with SHs and as of now there is no build up for this as well.

Third, it's not WG needs to interject but it's more like they might not able to.

Burn scar man has 4th RPG and he is out there on sea. No one knows where he is.

And, the moment SHs will get 4th RPG then WG won't be able to do anything anyway... because you can only find location of laugh take through all four RPG.

Plot progression is very simple to me

Yonkous will take each other out..and only Luffy will emerge victor..no one else because Laugh tale is where we learn about void century so oda won't spoil this grand of a moment by making anyone else PK.

Once Luffy becomes PK, then he will set on war with WG.

Since navy is at forefront so he will fight Akainu and then IMu.
Honestly this is something is normally agree with, but I cant for the life of me see Akainu just sitting around waiting for someone to assault his base lol.

Idk, maybe thats all he ends up doing in the end, but I would just expect....more?
The new subplot of Blackbeard wanting to be a king of a recognized country could be the tie-in. Being a king means he would be a part of the WG and the navy would have to have some type of relationship with him. This could create a situation where the two are involved that allows their downfall either together or against each other
Nope, there a few problems here imo. BB and Akainu are not in the same basket as their importance for the story is different, BB also has still to grow quite a lot: he has to take the 3rd df and at this point he most likely has to awaken the yami into his "moon god" version and you see that this already says he can not be a common villain like Akainu could be if he is not a mid villain before Im or, more likely, Sabo takes him.

Another problem looking at Akainu is that BB is screaming "final villain", the only contender he has is Im and Akainu is still a subordinate of the subordinates of Im. Also BB is paralleled to Xebec like Luffy is with Roger, and inherited will is a central concept in OP, while Akainu... doesn't get that because his role is not so big. It is true that he killed Ace but that was his peak moment and Oda never cared to really build on that, it is decades that we just see Deskainu.

BB also has a lot of stuff happening to him and his group right now: Beehive and Garp, people at Egghead, bargaining with the WG to become a world noble, df hunting, has beef with Shanks.. Oda can not wrap up everything in a short time.
Nope, there a few problems here imo. BB and Akainu are not in the same basket as their importance for the story is different, BB also has still to grow quite a lot: he has to take the 3rd df and at this point he most likely has to awaken the yami into his "moon god" version and you see that this already says he can not be a common villain like Akainu could be if he is not a mid villain before Im or, more likely, Sabo takes him.

Another problem looking at Akainu is that BB is screaming "final villain", the only contender he has is Im and Akainu is still a subordinate of the subordinates of Im. Also BB is paralleled to Xebec like Luffy is with Roger, and inherited will is a central concept in OP, while Akainu... doesn't get that because his role is not so big. It is true that he killed Ace but that was his peak moment and Oda never cared to really build on that, it is decades that we just see Deskainu.

BB also has a lot of stuff happening to him and his group right now: Beehive and Garp, people at Egghead, bargaining with the WG to become a world noble, df hunting, has beef with Shanks.. Oda can not wrap up everything in a short time.
Uhhhh several things:

1. They are pretty much in the same basket of importance. I provide proof of this literally in the OP. They are both responsible fore Ace and Whitebeard's death. They are both the reason the Marineford War escalated to the point it did. They are BOTH featured in a chapter with Jinbe exclusively updating Luffy on the state of his 2 Arch Enemies together (Read up, its Chapter 650)

2. You are making a TON of assumptions on Blackbeard and what he "needs" to accomplish in the story. Maybe has a 3rd fruit, maybe he doesn't. Nothing states he is the "moon god" either, albeit complete random speculation, but sure, maybe its possible. He isn't "screaming" final villain of anything. He isn't at all "paralleled" to Xebec save for an offhand reference in a databook to the name of his ship.

3. Akainu's subordinate is literally the main aggressor at Egghead right now. That absolutely involves Akainu and his eventual importance. Once Kizaru loses, it's clear the remaining Marine force will have to mobilize in response.

4. Nobody is saying this will at all be "short". Whether or not this takes place on Elbaf, the following island or Lodestar, it could last 200 chapters of plot, escalation and pure fighting. The last thing I expect is Blackbeard and Akainu getting "short" arc focus.

I'm just saying, that altogether, when you consider character motivations, there is a strong likelihood that those involved at Marineford will be involved together again in the next major conflict.
Honestly this is something is normally agree with, but I cant for the life of me see Akainu just sitting around waiting for someone to assault his base lol.

Idk, maybe thats all he ends up doing in the end, but I would just expect....more?
I mean that's all Akainu has been doing since he became Fleet Admiral. He hasn't taken any action or made any call of action since takinv the seat. I don'rt expect Oda to change this formula no time soon.
I mean that's all Akainu has been doing since he became Fleet Admiral. He hasn't taken any action or made any call of action since takinv the seat. I don'rt expect Oda to change this formula no time soon.
OK? Blackbeard technically wasn't before Wano either lol. He was last shown partying until the end of Act 2. Only after he took Koby did things escalate for this group. Same with Shanks.

I would suggest people wait until Kizaru is actually defeated to wait for Akainu. The point is about escalation, then that is when it makes sense. We know Blackbeard isn't just sitting around waiting for Luffy at Fullalead. The 4th Poneglyph is the Yonko goal now.
1. They are pretty much in the same basket of importance. I provide proof of this literally in the OP. They are both responsible fore Ace and Whitebeard's death. They are both the reason the Marineford War escalated to the point it did. They are BOTH featured in a chapter with Jinbe exclusively updating Luffy on the state of his 2 Arch Enemies together (Read up, its Chapter 650)
If you want parallels there is also both of them going in a blood frenzy at the end of Marineford: BB because he thinks he is the new BB while Akainu wants to erase all the pirates left no matter what (then somebody wakes them up). Point is BB is prepared since his introduction as the final villain, I don't think there is the need to discuss that, and his inly valid contender is Im, Akainu is a subordinate of the subordinates of Im. Not the same basket. Also if we want to take just Marineford BB is the great mastermind behind the scenes who engineered the whole thing so that he could go shopping in Impel down and eventually even get WB fruit while his contenders bleed each other out, Akainu at best is a way minor player in realizing the Sguardo trick on WB or actually no player at all and just a tool in BB hands like the others.

2. You are making a TON of assumptions on Blackbeard and what he "needs" to accomplish in the story. Maybe has a 3rd fruit, maybe he doesn't. Nothing states he is the "moon god" either, albeit complete random speculation, but sure, maybe its possible. He isn't "screaming" final villain of anything. He isn't at all "paralleled" to Xebec save for an offhand reference in a databook to the name of his ship.
Mmh, let's just say that the moon god stuff is still an assumption, sure, but I bet you can find on this site alone some dozens of people who think it has a pretty big chance to happen while the other stuff, like BB eventually getting a 3rd devil fruit, being a parallel to Xebec (also BB ship is named Xebec, his island was Xebec's, his crew structure is like Xebec and Xebec was most likely the true great enemy of Roger, like he is with Luffy) are something I believe the majority of fans find entirely possible or at least this stuff is thrown everywhere time to time. Anyway why you don't think BB is the best candidate (or at least 2nd behind Im) for the final villain spot? Do you really think Akainu has more chances than them?

3. Akainu's subordinate is literally the main aggressor at Egghead right now. That absolutely involves Akainu and his eventual importance. Once Kizaru loses, it's clear the remaining Marine force will have to mobilize in response.
It is true Kizaru is a subordinate of Akainu on paper but powerwise we know that Akainu and Aokiji are almost dead equals, Kizaru most likely is extremely close to them powerwise despite one is an admiral and the other a fleet admiral, we even have a vice admiral like Garp take a former admiral and half BB crew while carrying deadweight. What we can speculate for me is that since we had Aokiji first, Kizaru second then we are probably have some Akainu action up next. But nothing really suggests Akainu is in another league compared to Aokiji or Kizaru.

4. Nobody is saying this will at all be "short". Whether or not this takes place on Elbaf, the following island or Lodestar, it could last 200 chapters of plot, escalation and pure fighting. The last thing I expect is Blackbeard and Akainu getting "short" arc focus.
And indeed I didn't mean dealing with BB will be "short" but we will not see it in a short time because he first has to accomplish a lot of stuff to be worthy of being the final villain (3rd fruit etc. etc.) then you for sure can expect a ling ass arc which will make Wano seem an interlude (I hope not lol).

I'm just saying, that altogether, when you consider character motivations, there is a strong likelihood that those involved at Marineford will be involved together again in the next major conflict.
Sure, I also expect Akainu to be dealt with only in the final arcs of OP, most likely leading the marines against Luffy or against revos or a rebellious faction, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure that while Luffy vs BB is the final fight Akainu vs his final opponent will be an appetizer at best. For me they have different roles.
Heres a fun crackpot theory. At this point, its pretty safe to say Kizaru is our next major foil. And admittedly, yes, we dont entirelt know who or what will be featured at Elbaf, so its hard to determine what the actual next plotline is.

But outside of this, I truly can see Blackbeard AND Akainu being the next focal points, together, for several reasons:

1. They were, for all intents and purposes, the main orchestrators for events at Marineford, therefore, would receive the most payoff in closing that loop together.

2. They received, as a duo, a focused chapter from Jinbe updating the events of the world to Luffy

3. Interstingly enough, both "Admirals" (Kizaru and Kuzan) under them served as key focal points roughly at the same time, both in Egghead and Fullalead. Both of them have subordinates in Egghead as well.

4. The connective tissue that is Kuzan honestly may force Oda to feature the Fleet Admiral where Kuzan eventually ends up going next with Blackbeards crew, especially if there is history there that needs to be explored.

5. Finally, one of the biggest things for me is just purely battle logistics. Luffy has defeated a Yonko (with initial help) and is likely defeating an Admiral this arc. Barring Elbaf's possible separate issues, the next logical step is an evidently stronger Admiral (Akainu) and Yonko (Blackbeard) with their subordinates (Admirals and presumably the stronger YCs than Kaido or Big Mom). Theres only so much you can portray Fuji or Shiryu as the next logical steps for Zoro without being forced to use Mihawk first (which imo, breaks the logic considering who Mihawk is). We have no idea how much more Luffy is meant to escalate in power post Kizaru, but its difficult to ascertain between these 2 powers who is actually meant to fall first.

I am trying to leave Shanks and Imu out of the discussion (to keep it focused on this topic), so if you think either lose before or after these 2 is up to you. But I do think the former (and CG) will also be involved in the 4th Poneglyph "War" along with the Marines if that makes sense

Tldr: Akainu and Blackbeard have more narrative connections than people think, and ultimately I can see it suggesting they fall together, with Luffy claiming the 4th RP and being able to head to LT (barring whatever involvement anyone thinks Shanks or the WG also have in this).

I still think all admirals are getting taken out at the same time in the final war.
I still think all admirals are getting taken out at the same time in the final war.
Read my latest thread. Imo, everyone is fighting everyone in the end, across multiple islands, until the last ones standing at LT.

So yes, technically I think the FW is where they fall, but I also think the final war is a multi-arc, multi plot thread epic thst ends AT Laugh Tale between the final groups.
Heres a fun crackpot theory. At this point, its pretty safe to say Kizaru is our next major foil. And admittedly, yes, we dont entirelt know who or what will be featured at Elbaf, so its hard to determine what the actual next plotline is.

But outside of this, I truly can see Blackbeard AND Akainu being the next focal points, together, for several reasons:

1. They were, for all intents and purposes, the main orchestrators for events at Marineford, therefore, would receive the most payoff in closing that loop together.

2. They received, as a duo, a focused chapter from Jinbe updating the events of the world to Luffy

3. Interstingly enough, both "Admirals" (Kizaru and Kuzan) under them served as key focal points roughly at the same time, both in Egghead and Fullalead. Both of them have subordinates in Egghead as well.

4. The connective tissue that is Kuzan honestly may force Oda to feature the Fleet Admiral where Kuzan eventually ends up going next with Blackbeards crew, especially if there is history there that needs to be explored.

5. Finally, one of the biggest things for me is just purely battle logistics. Luffy has defeated a Yonko (with initial help) and is likely defeating an Admiral this arc. Barring Elbaf's possible separate issues, the next logical step is an evidently stronger Admiral (Akainu) and Yonko (Blackbeard) with their subordinates (Admirals and presumably the stronger YCs than Kaido or Big Mom). Theres only so much you can portray Fuji or Shiryu as the next logical steps for Zoro without being forced to use Mihawk first (which imo, breaks the logic considering who Mihawk is). We have no idea how much more Luffy is meant to escalate in power post Kizaru, but its difficult to ascertain between these 2 powers who is actually meant to fall first.

I am trying to leave Shanks and Imu out of the discussion (to keep it focused on this topic), so if you think either lose before or after these 2 is up to you. But I do think the former (and CG) will also be involved in the 4th Poneglyph "War" along with the Marines if that makes sense

Tldr: Akainu and Blackbeard have more narrative connections than people think, and ultimately I can see it suggesting they fall together, with Luffy claiming the 4th RP and being able to head to LT (barring whatever involvement anyone thinks Shanks or the WG also have in this).

Its because, Lakainu is the strongest Marine opponent, Teach is the strongest Pirate opponent. They represent the strongest of the each factions thats why Jinbe informed those changes.

That doesn't mean they are close in terms of power as every Emperor stronger than strongest Marine, as this is Pirate series and Oda said the story is about fighting against the Pirate Emperors, not against the Marines.

Sabo need an opponent. He literally did nothing about Marineford, and got Ace's DF, Ace's will to fight.

Since Luffy's main job is to fight Pirates, and Revolutionaries should fight the Government, not the Pirates, Red Dog can fight Sabo.

You can do the same by looking at this page:

If we follow your Marineford logic, Akainu will fall before Teach, here is why:

- Akainu vs WB happens first, Akainu loses and disappears for 2 chapters
- Teach vs WB happens last, WB dies, Teach steals WB's DF

- Shanks stops Akainu first
- Shanks stops Teach last

- Jinbe informs Luffy about Akainu first
- Jinbe informs Luffy about Teach last

Both vs WB and Shanks, Akainu face them first then they face Teach as final opponent.

If Luffy will take WB and Shanks's place, then Akainu should fall first, then Teach falls last.
Oda taking out OG Yonko then Admirals
WB fell then BM then Kaido , lastly Shanks to BB.
(Kuzan lost first to Akainu and quit) Kizaru will fall then Fuji and GB, lastly Akainu wilk lose to Sabo.

before or after Akainu, I don't know but Teach is a bigger enemy than Akainu for sure
Akainu and Blackbeard aren't on the same level of importance.
Look at the photos Imu cut up.
Im not sure what this has to do with anything. Why would Imu hate Akainu at all lmao.

Blackbeard and Luffy are the closest D. clan members to One Piece. Shirahoshi is (currently) the only "living" ancient weapon. It makes sense why they were there.

They are both fundamentally important to the story, and are both hated by the MC likely equally at this point.
Im not sure what this has to do with anything. Why would Imu hate Akainu at all lmao.

Blackbeard and Luffy are the closest D. clan members to One Piece. Shirahoshi is (currently) the only "living" ancient weapon. It makes sense why they were there.

They are both fundamentally important to the story, and are both hated by the MC likely equally at this point.
You and @Herrera95 are destined to loss together
Im not sure what this has to do with anything. Why would Imu hate Akainu at all lmao.

Blackbeard and Luffy are the closest D. clan members to One Piece. Shirahoshi is (currently) the only "living" ancient weapon. It makes sense why they were there.

They are both fundamentally important to the story, and are both hated by the MC likely equally at this point.
No no no. You missed my point.

Luffy is the sun god Nika and Imu knew what the gomu gomu truly was. Shirahoshi isn't a D, she's the ancient weapon, who also goes by Neptune/Poseidon.

Blackbeard is the 11th major figures of the solar system. The darkness...or the moon.

Blackbeard is an equivalent figure to an ancient weapon or Nika.

He's the first person in 800 years to eat more than 1 df.

There's a reason Dragon isn't there.
You and @Herrera95 are destined to loss together
That dude is gonna take an L way earlier lmao, why bet against Elbaf of all things.

No no no. You missed my point.

Luffy is the sun god Nika and Imu knew what the gomu gomu truly was. Shirahoshi isn't a D, she's the ancient weapon, who also goes by Neptune/Poseidon.

Blackbeard is the 11th major figures of the solar system. The darkness...or the moon.

Blackbeard is an equivalent figure to an ancient weapon or Nika.

He's the first person in 800 years to eat more than 1 df.

There's a reason Dragon isn't there.
Dragon isnt there for same reason Garp isnt there, they evidently arent close to One Piece, nor are they ancient weapons against Imu.

I can "see" Blackbeard being the "moon", for sure, but I dont think that truly suggests any irrelevancy to Akainu in the endgame. Symbolism is only going to carry a character so far, and with X amount of years left after Kizaru, Oda still needs to address Akainu, Blackbeard and Shanks.

I dont think Blackbeard "needs" to be involved in the endgame with Imu for that to happen, but maybe thats still the case. Though I think all 4 figures will be involved and this is not just simple arc resolutions.

When I say Blackbeard and Akainu go down together, that may also involve Shanks too (I assume all 3 are relative to each other) But all in all, itll be relatively close to the final fights anyway (if Imu is that person)