Speculations Akainu The Last Hope

Bro with adv coc base luffy literally was able to hold hybrid Kaido. Kaido was one shotting luffy due to adv coc. It is one of the peak of powers in OP.
Didn’t say otherwise. Just pointed out that not having that particular power can’t be an L if it can’t even put poor Kinemon out of his misery.
Akainu will be a beast regardless of what goes down. Luffy or Dragon (or Sabo), whoever he faces, he'll give them the fight of their lives. His devil fruit power is as lethal as it gets, he melts off limbs or leaves people in critical condition pretty much any time he faces someone seriously 1v1. He managed to damage Whitebeard to a ridiculous extent and took powerful blows and still managed to be relevant later in the war. Oda will do him justice. I would enjoy a Dragon v Akainu but I'm a supporter of Luffy vs Akainu as pay-baxk for mentally and physically scarring and taking away his brother.

In my opinion, the Admirals haven't been too bad but due to us being in the final saga, there are now clashes between factions aside from the Straw Hats so someone winds up looking less than perfect cause not every top-tier is the same in strength or hype. Aramaki's firmly below Kaido and Shanks in my opinion but he's still a top-tier and will likely have many more showings in the future. His regeneration, hax vines and logia are already fitting for his level, he just got the short end of the stick when Shanks showed up.

Aokiji got overwhelmed a few times by Garp but that's literally the strongest Marine in history in old age, no shame. After Aokiji's 10 day, climate-altering showing, getting schooled in a few exchanges doesn't erase all of that, especially when his head wasn't completely in it (doesn't erase getting blitzed though). Fujitora sandbags quite a lot but his will is untouched so I expect a lot from him.

Kizaru has a great ability and would pose a problem for any top-tier due to his speed but not being as durable as Kaido or Big Mom is expected. He makes up for it with his logia, light-speed and clones. But yeah, I kinda view Luffy as coming off better in their exchange but Kizaru did wear out G5 so the fight has yet to truly end. Hopefully Oda gives us a round 2 but maybe he'll just move on to Luffy vs Kizaru.

Overall, the Admirals are fine. They're still top-tiers and Akaiju will definitely show off. Even when he gets bested in an exhnage, the other opponent leaves it missing half a head, I'm not worried about him. I just hope Fuji gets a chance to show off cause he's always in difficult situations due to following his own agenda. Gravity and meteor-pulling is pretty amazing.
Same as magma unable to burn curiel or most of akainu's attacks missing Kuma. Shanks one shotted Kidd using it. BM one shotted page one using it , and luffy did same to Kizaru.
Too bad Curiel wasn’t hit directly then, but poor old Ace was and it was goodbye cruel world!
Even Kid & Page One will show their faces again, and Kizaru will be up in a moment…but Ace is buried and gone
Kaido one shots luffy multiple times. Kinnemon > Luffy by your logic :josad:

Lizaru will be paralyzed for 1 hour while saturn fights luffy :kobeha:
Apoo could do that even without adv coc though, so still ain’t looking good

When did a couple of minutes become an hour? And ain’t Luffy in worse shape than Kizaru? Don’t look like poor old adv CoC could help with that

What on earth is a “lizaru” anyway?
I won’t even lie, they be having high expectations for admirals even higher than ours, literally claiming Kizaru should be able to speed blitz G5 Luffy within seconds

something not even the strongest Yonko could perform.
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In 2 piece Kizaru’s lost, in original piece both are down at the same time.
Idiot claiming they are tied when luffy was only down because of his devil fruit limitation 🤭
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You literally said: “1 Yonko empire =~Navy + Warlords.” Those are your on words, you actually doubled down on it.
They didn’t match the Navy at any time. We had some of the top fighters of the Navy doing little to nothing throughout (Garp & Sengoku), others disappearing at convenient times (the Admirals), and others bumming around not pulling their weight (Warlords).
That’s like saying that half the Strawhats that infiltrated WCI matched the entire Big Mom pirates for a time. Trying to use the forces for Marineford is like saying “1 Yonko fleet is equal to half a Supernova crew.” It’s so terribly transparent and dishonest…and the fact that those who try to downplay the Navy with that never do the same with WCI just shows it comes from plain double standards and disingenuousness.

The conquerors Haki excuse doesn’t work because conquerors coating wasn’t a thing at that time, and even if were used it wasn’t visualized to argue either way. Also pointless since the Navy side simply had more users to begin with.

WB attacked Akainu from behind and suffered a fatal injury despite that. He temporarily removed him from the battlefield but Akainu returned to nearly accomplish his goal anyway. If those are the loose parameters of a defeat, then one may as well argue that Akainu defeated him in their 1st fight, so it’s just back to square one.
Besides that…why would you expect Akainu to defeat all the remaining WB Commanders in just a couple of minutes? The implication was the Commanders would eventually lose if it dragged on, so that doesn’t do them any favours considering it’s 1 out of 4 Admirals and they were on the back foot.

WB was the only one that really had to worry about holding back on the WB side, while there were several individuals that had to do so on the Navy side. The pirates are still badly outmatched regardless. That works for any single angle you want to take.
All that’s besides even considering that basically half the Warlords were helping the WB pirates and they still lost that badly,

Oh lord….the Doflamingo excuse in 2023? Kinemon didn’t mind fighting Kaido but ran from Fujitora. So according to you, Admirals must be stronger than Yonko, right?
Why did Law blackmail Doffy with having Kaido or an Admiral come after him if they weren’t comparable threats?

Mihawk was still a Warlord, so I’m not sure what that explanation is supposed to change. That just emphasizes how terrible the claim that 1 Yonko crew is in anyway comparable to the Navy and Warlords is…when even the ancillary force has someone supposedly comparable.

Pre-time skip Supernova tried to avoid an Admiral showing up as much as possible but had no problems aiming for the Yonko to begin with. You also have current members of a Yonko crew freaking out at an Admiral showing up while having no issues with raiding a Yonko to take them out.
That sort of cherrypicking won’t help you.

We already see the reasons for Kuzan joining the BB pirates, and it obviously wasn’t because he considered himself inferior in any way. It also works both ways with Teach not wanting to upset him even with all his men for support against him.

Not sure what the Linlin line is supposed to change. It just emphasizes again that the Admirals are considered the strongest individuals for the other side of the balance.

Nothing suggests that Garp or Sengoku couldn’t have taken on Shiki individually. It obviously just makes more sense for both to do so together. It’s not a video game, their base and men’s lives were at stake.
Greenbull never said any such thing. He simply said that he wouldn’t have gone to Wano if Kaido was around, just as everyone else including the other Yonko did not. Does that mean that Kaido is the only one that can be called a Yonko since none of the rest did so? Greenbull was going after the man who beat Kaido as well. Even the Pirate King himself avoided fighting 1 Yonko crew, and a Yonko (Kaido) did the same when he avoided the Red Hair Pirates. So why is Greenbull held to a higher standard and supposed to face 2 Yonko crews on his own? Seems a bit silly.

Only an Admiral has killed a Commander in 1 hit, so I’m not sure where you are getting better performance from. Linlin did not even damage Marco unlike Kizaru did, and she grabbed him so that her son could attack him for her. Kizaru never asked anyone to attack Marco for him.
Kizaru never said that he needed preparations to defeat Rayleigh either, only to capture him. Even in their short bout, Kizaru was tiring him out despite restricting himself to swordfighting. Yonko BB on the other hand avoided an even older Rayleigh completely, so Kizaru arguably had the better performance.
Kizaru was betrayed by Kuma who sent the Strawhats beyond his reach. Obviously he was in a rage because they’d have caught the Strawhats anyway even with Rayleigh’s interference as Kizaru himself implied. It was Kuma that screwed them.

Of course the Navy has to be able to deal with all the Yonko. Why did you think the Yonko being friends mattered? Does Big Mom and WB being friends matter if the Navy has to respond to both causing issues in different places? Did you think that the Yonko could only make a move 1 at a time…like they have a set schedule or something?
And did you think they should be throwing a party for Yonko joining forces? That makes no sense. What was once a quarter of their forces has now doubled to half, and you think no military on the planet would be concerned about that?
Why would you think that they would want more problems to deal with?

And no, not a single of the Navy’s higher ups “crapped themselves” with the Rocks duo team up. On the other hand, even after forming an alliance, the Rocks duo were still seeking the Ancient Weapons just for the Navy replacing the unruly Shichibukai. They obviously didn’t consider their own forces enough.

What makes you think that Shanks could solo the Red Hair pirates? Even besides that, war is not a game. Big Mom was nearly drowned by King alone. Fighting a Yonko crew isn’t a structured match where they are obligated to keep things 1 on 1.
Sending 2 or 3 Admirals after 1 Yonko crew is just dumb because:
- The Yonko has no obligation to wait around for them and could just lead them on a merry goose chase across the seas.
- Just 2 Admirals can still get outnumbered. Some of the Yonko’s men can interfere in a fight with 1 to give the Yonko an edge while others stall the other one.
- Sending so many Admirals after 1 Yonko leaves them unable to respond to the other 3 (those don’t just disappear, remember?) or the Dragon of the Revolutionaries. That just leaves the Fleet Admiral who stays at HQ, so only 1 Admiral that can’t be 3 different places at once.
- it’s not a game, so a win would have to be guaranteed, meaning 2 Admirals at least for one Yonko, a force twice as much as the Yonko’s Commanders, then ditto for the fodder (that 40,000 soldiers for the Beast Pirates who had 20,000 for example).

It’s just dumb all around when the Yonko do part of their work for them in preventing anyone else or themselves from becoming Pirate King without the WG having to waste their own resources.

Also, needing 2 Admirals to guarantee a win is always the case regardless of if the Admirals are slightly stronger, weaker of exactly equal. That excuse only works if you somehow think that an Admiral is much weaker to the point of being barely over half the strength of a Yonko which is obviously silly.

When was it stated that conquerors Haki is a prerequisite to be a top tier? The same conquerors Haki that couldn’t kill Kinemon? Lmao!
Did they measure Blackbeard’s conquerors Haki before allowing him to become a Yonko?

The next one is…just kind of dumb. Luffy barely fought Fujitora and had to run. By that reasoning, since Luffy defeated a Yonko first, then the Admirals are stronger by that algorithm.

Lastly, nothing suggests that the Gorosei have to be significantly stronger than the current top tiers. They have no bearing on how the Admirals & Yonko relate to each other at all. It is still an Admiral sent to deal with a Yonko when they’re acting up. So in the end, you’d just have the Gorosei being stronger than both groups who are still just comparable to each other. Nothing changes.

Luffy is regarded as a Yonko, we literally already see the Navy acknowledge that and even acknowledge he beat Kaido. The excuse that he needs to establish himself just because Lucci personally didn’t accept his status is silly.

Saturn was along for the ride to deal with Vegapunk’s countermeasures. Remove Vegapunk and it only gets worse for the Strawhat pirates with half the Seraphim and an Admiral with a fleet against them.
It’s still overkill no matter how you look at it. It’s not like replacing Saturn with the 2 other Admirals makes things much better for them.
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Oh boy! You went through the entire gamut of awful or terrible arguments used in this topic. Isn’t it telling that it’s always the same illogical excuses (with little variation now and then) that are always used?

I compiled a list like nearly 3 years ago and you used practically majority of them!
Even classics like the Doflamingo one or the “why don’t they just wipe out the Yonko” which is probably the most popular yet one of the silliest.
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@Aldarion at the very least if you don’t answer anything else, answer why your basic math doesn’t add up even using your very own reasoning.

Comparing Navy & Warlords to Big Mom pirates:

- Big Mom = 4.3 billion
Sengoku = 3 billion
Akainu = 3 billion

- Katakuri = 1.06 billion
Aokiji = 3 billion

- Smoothie = 932 million
Kizaru = 3 billion

- Cracker = 865 million
Mihawk = 3.59 billion

- Perospero = 700 million
Garp = 3 billion

Then with the next couple you have:
BMP = 600 mil, 425 mil, 332 mil, 300 mil, etc (exact numbers may be incorrect cuz I’m going offhand)

N & W = 1.95 bil, 1.65 bil, 1.1 bil, 500 mil (x 24 for known Vice Admirals), etc.

And then the Navy has at current best guess 5 times the fodder.

So how on God’s green earth did you end up with both of those forces being anywhere near comparable?
This is with disingenuously using CG bounties as well, the very same that you tried to use.
1. My point was not that a single Yonko empire can defeat the Navy as a whole. Point was that Navy cannot afford do deploy forces necessary to destroy any single Yonko Empire, because that requires deploying at least two Admirals.

Yonko doesn't need to be able to match all the Admirals, or even two of them. They just have to be stronger than any individual Admiral to the point that deploying only one Admiral to hunt down a Yonko is basically inconceivable. At the same time, Navy has to be stronger enough than any individual Yonko Empire will not dare outright challenge it except in extremis even if one Admiral is deployed elsewhere.

In short: Navy as a whole is stronger than any individual Yonko empire. At the same time however, Navy would not stand a chance against all four Yonko empires at the same time.


Basic math here actually supports my reasoning: Emperor > Admiral >>> Yonko Commander ~= Vice Admiral.

1. That’s pointless prevarication. Yonko allies are already considered included when referring to Yonko crews. It makes no difference anyway, so that’s just a pathetic excuse. Eustass Kid alone could wipe out all the Red Hair Pirates allies. Did you think a bit more fodder somehow bridged the massive gap between the Navy & Warlords and 1 Yonko crew?
They’re simply nowhere close to equal. The Navy & Warlords counter all 4 Yonko empires. Just 1 obviously falls far short.
2. Red Hair pirates are unique in that their allies are useless. Had it been Whitebeard Pirates, Kid may not have even reached the Emperor.

If you are seriously using Shanks' allied crews as an argument here, you are either trolling, lying, or haven't read the manga at all.

2. Marineford was a plan to entrap the pirates and minimize casualties. The purpose was to lure the pirates into the bay and have an Admiral wipe them out with his attack. That only failed because of the outside interference of Luffy. Luffy allowed the pirates to escape into the plaza.
From there it was just plot convenience making Admirals disappear on and off, and Garp & Sengoku doing nothing.
3. Uh, no. Yes, Marineford was a plan to entrap the pirates. But thinking that a single Admiral, even Akainu, could have wiped them out with his attack even in such a situation is dumb.

Akainu alone may have gotten rid of the fodder, but Whitebeard himself as well as stronger commanders and allies will have required mopping up in head-on engagements, even had the trap worked as planned.

3. You may call Big Mom useless, but I bet you would never say the entire Big Mom Pirates =~ half the Strawhats. Still a blatant double standard.
4. Yes, I would.

By the time of final battle on top of Onigashima, Straw Hat Pirates alone would have been able to comfortably wipe out the Big Mom Pirates, with quite some power to spare. Literally the only one who would have presented any sort of problem will have been Katakuri (and maybe Big Mom herself, if she decided to lay off whatever drugs she was enjoying. If not, she will not have been any sort of an issue). Other Sweet Commanders were basically nonentities, and fodder is, well, fodder.

Big Mom was coasting by on her old glory, Devil Fruit and natural resillience by that point, but she was basically fodder for literally any top tier capable of using Advanced Armament and/or Advanced Conqueror's Haki to get past her natural "invulnerability".

4. You were using conquerors Haki as an excuse, so why switch to talking about armament and observation? Neither was it ever stated that WB couldn’t use observation Haki facing enemies.
5. Stop being a liar, this is what I wrote:
Of course, how applicable Marineford really is is not clear. Both sides were kinda holding back, after all, and Whitebeard was essentially hakiless (his Observation Haki was so crap he didn't notice Squard).
Conqueror's Haki is the reason why Yonkos are stronger than Admirals (on average), but at Marineford, Whitebeard had problems using any form of Haki. He couldn't properly use Observation Haki, and that was before he took any damage. And yes, it was clearly stated that he wasn't able to use Observation:

Against the Admirals, he relied heavily on his Devil Fruit, which indicates he had problems with Armament Haki as well. And again, we know he couldn't use Conqueror's.

5. Akainu is a logia…and? How does that change that he was attacked from behind? And of course WB could use Haki or he wouldn’t be able to damage him in the first place. Trying to dismiss the context already exposes the paucity of your claim.
6. It changes everything. You really think a non-Logia will have been able to stand up to a quake punch anywhere as well as Akainu did in same conditions?

Chances are, if Akainu had had a Paramecia or Zoan devil fruit, he will have died then and there. For a non-Logia, the only way to counter a quake punch is to block it with Haki (the way Admirals defended the execution platform), and he clearly failed at doing so when Whitebeard quaked him.

6. Yes the WB pirates lost badly. If events continued, they’d have been wiped out to a man without a single notable casualty among the top fighters of the Navy. And that’s with many of them doing little or some barely anything at all. They only reason Ace was freed was because of the external help of Luffy’s group. Without Luffy, it would only be much worse with all the pirates boiled alive in the bay without even making it into the plaza. There are a dozen instances when it would have been game over for the pirates:
- Hancock gave Luffy the key to Ace’s cuffs
- Jimbe protected Luffy from Moriah
- Hancock protected Luffy from Smoker
- Ivankov gave Luffy a hormone injection to keep him going
- Mr. 3 replicated Ace’s key after Kizaru destroyed it
- Crocodile stopped the 1st execution attempt on Ace
- Luffy stopped the 2nd execution attempt
- Hancock protected Luffy from the pacifista
- Garp allowed Luffy to pass him to the platform
- Crocodile protected Luffy from Mihawk
I’m sure you get the idea by now…
7. Yes, they did.

Still doesn't mean that Yonko = Admiral.

Get it into your head that Whitebeard was literally the only person on the pirate side with Haki even theoretically strong enough to damage the Logia Admirals. And even that theoretical may not have been true in practice, considering his health.

He was basically dying since before he even stepped foot into Marineford, and despite that he had to fight nearly alone against the Admirals.

Haki can be nullified with Haki. Do you think that Marco and Vista have haki superior to the likes of Akainu and Aokiji?

7. Ah…the double standards. You remembered context when it came to Kinemon but not Doflamingo.
Doffy was a former Celestial Dragon that blackmailed the government to keep Fujitora off him, but he obviously couldn’t do the same for Kaido. If only you’d remembered context when it came to the Admiral.
8. Yet you tried to use Doffy’s reaction to Kaido whom he couldn’t blackmail vs an Admiral answering to the WG which he could. So you should have known that doesn’t mean Yonko > Admiral, yet you tried to use it. Why the hypocrisy?
Also, that was more for the point of Law also considering them comparable.
8. Are you really this dumb? You really think Doflamingo had time to call the World Government to call off Fujitora in middle of a bloody battle?

And that particular situation wasn't even the only one I had in mind:

You really thing anybody could have intervened and stopped Fujitora had he really decided to take Doflamingo's head then and there? He could, after all, just claim that Doflamingo had attacked him - because Doflamingo did.

It may have been just posturing on Doflamingo's part, but he clearly was ready to take on Fujitora. Even with Kuzan, who was no longer an Admiral, he didn't exactly act scared - although because Kuzan is stronger than Fujitora, he didn't even try to attack.

9. Mihawk is literally part of the Warlords…the same ones you included in 1 Yonko empire =~ Navy & Warlords. If you considered him comparable to a Yonko, then that equation obviously doesn’t work. Sounds like you confused yourself.
9. I consider him comparable to Shanks, yes. Doesn't mean he is comparable to any of the other Yonko (except maybe for the Big Meme). And I have already stated before that some Admirals are stronger than some Yonko, but that Yonko are stronger on average.

I have not confused myself, you just stuck your head in the loop and are repeating things without even paying any attention to what my arguments actually are.

My point never was that a Yonko empire is strictly equal to the Navy and the Warlords. Rocks' Pirates may have been, perhaps Primebeard's pirates as well, but other than that? Definitely not.

However, Yonko have to be stronger than Admirals on average, because they have basically no other advantage over the Navy. Navy has four Admiral-level fighters, and HQ Vice Admirals are roughly comparable to Yonko Commanders. And Navy will obviously have superior numbers, plus the ability to concentrate forces against individual Yonko.

10. That’s just incorrect. All the Supernova minus Hawkins & Apoo tried to fight the Yonko they encountered. It didn’t last long when they tried to fight an Admiral either…so what was the point of mentioning it?
You’re also doing that “pretending to forget context thing” again. You can’t pretend to have forgetting Fujitora fanboying for Luffy and even being reluctant to go after him at all. Why the dishonesty?
10. And? Fujitora back when he fought Luffy obviously didn't want to fight and didn't fight at his full power, but to pretend that he was simply letting Luffy go is just dumb.

It was only DURING that fight that Fujitora became a "Luffy fanboy", as you put it. Because it was DURING the fight that Fujitora truly understood what Luffy was like.

Up until then however, while Fujitora was clearly conflicted because he understood that Luffy is a good person at some level, he was still ready to go through with his orders:

You accuse me of dishonesty yet you are the one literally making shit up here.

11. Blackbeard himself already stated that he doesn’t care for loyalties to begin with, everyone has their own agenda. It’s also pointless because all the top tiers generally believe that they can beat each other anyway. Blackbeard considers himself to be the strongest. So does that mean the other Yonko aren’t comparable?

Besides that, Teach not wanting to lose his crew ( though he’s shown he doesn’t mind if needed) has no bearing on Kuzan’s strength or why he joined the crew. You were disingenuously trying to act like Kuzan joining was a sign he considered himself inferior which is simply not the case. He only joined because it’s convenient for his own agenda.
11. Stop making shit up.

I have not said a word about why Kuzan joined. That has no bearing on Blackbeard accepting him. And Blackbeard not caring for loyalties actually reinforces my point because that means he considers himself strong enough to withstand any possible betrayal by his subordinates, Kuzan included.

12. Yes, a 5 year old freak of nature had Carmel dreaming of Admirals. That only emphasizes the point of the strength standard.
12. 5 year old freak of nature that nobody knew how strong she will actually become.

And nobody said Admirals aren't strong, so you can stop with the butthurt.

13. Ah, good ole cherrypicking. Big Mom went to Wano, but WB who was even stronger didn’t. Shanks didn’t either. So does that mean that the latter 2 aren’t “Yonko level?” That’s why trying to use that as some measure of strength is silly.
Also, Greenbull’s words apply to the other Yonko as well. It’s not until 20 years after that Big Mom decided to go (conveniently when the Navy was already busy), so that’s the exception, not the rule.

It also doesn’t work since Greenbull was going after the man who beat Kaido anyway. Kaido was part of the balance of the world that they were trying to maintain, so why randomly go after him in the first place? Is that more reason than WB or Shanks had to go, when their beloved Oden’s children were likely suffering there? Double standards never work.
13. Why would Whitebeard or Shanks go to Wano? What would they gain from that?

As far as Greenbull was aware, it was Luffy + Law + Kidd who beat Kaido. He had no reason to think Luffy had won one-on-one. This is also reflected in three of them getting the same 3 billion bounty after Kaido and Big Mom had fallen.

14. Linlin still asked someone else to attack Marco for her and then fled when that person was attacked. By her very own words it would take too much of her power to deal with Marco…so why didn’t you give the same consideration to Kizaru?
He certainly didn’t have Perospero beside him to attack Marco for him, so why would he grab Marco like Linlin? He still damaged Marco, making him use his regen unlike Linlin as well.
How does either case put one over the other which you were clearly trying to do?
14. As I said: Big Mom outright overpowered Marco. Kizaru never did.


15. You were the one trying to use Blackbeard and Rayleigh to put the Yonko over the Admirals, don’t look at me. In the same manner, Kizaru said that they would accomplish their goal despite Rayleigh’s interference. The main difference is that Kizaru deigned to actually fight while Blackbeard just ran.
15. Rayleigh stopped Kizaru dead in his tracks. That same Rayleigh said that he + Kuja pirates will have lost against the crewless Blackbeard.

Difference is that Kizaru isn't a coward and Blackbeard is, and Kizaru had backup (had you forgotten Sentomaru and Pacifistas? All of them were far too strong to be defeated by the pirates present there) but it is clear that Rayleigh considered Blackbeard a more dangerous opponent.

Why do I have to draw everything to you like you are in a kindergarten?

16. Um….how is what Sentomaru said supposed to be relevant? Rayleigh indeed was the one who stopped Kizaru, but Kuma is the reason the Strawhats escaped. Nowhere did Sentomaru say that the 500 pirates Kizaru captured was directly because of Rayleigh.
Do you even read the manga? Kizaru with his own words makes it clear that they expected to catch the Strawhats anyway despite Rayleigh’s interference. It’s Kuma’s betrayal that screwed them over.
16. Unlike you, yes, I do read the manga.

And Sentomaru was clear that Rayleigh had stopped Kizaru. Kuma is the reason why Strawhats escaped from Sentomaru and the Pacifistas, but he is not the reason why they escaped from Kizaru himself.

17. Well obviously. Most of the Yonko hardly leave their territories to begin with. The Navy can only deal with them when they obviously need to be dealt with…does that even need to be explained? The point is that the Navy doesn’t have the luxury of expecting a turn by turn rpg. They have to be prepared to deal with all of them making moves.

How would that mean that Yonko making alliances would somehow not be major news? That’s just silly. Even Law teaming up with Luffy was major news. That excuse doesn’t even make sense in the real world. Even something basic as crime families teaming up is major news for the police even if they are far more powerful than them individually.

What stops other Yonko from making a move if one is already doing so? Again, did you think they had some kind of law stopping them? Other Yonko can most certainly attack regardless of another is already doing so.
That’s just so silly. Imagine telling the US Army that their enemies can only attack 1 at a time and they shouldn’t be prepared for multiple potentially taking action. That’s just common sense beyond manga.
17. What you wrote just makes no sense. You seem to be laboring under delusion that it is Four Emperors against the Navy.

It is not.

It is Emperor 1 vs Emperor 2 vs Emperor 3 vs Emperor 4 vs the Navy. If one Emperor starts becoming too strong, others will gang up on him to keep him down. In fact, we know from Roger that Pirates teaming up even with the Navy to fight against strong opponents is not impossible.

Navy NEVER has to deal with all four emperors at once.

18. Fodder would always panic. That’s a goddamn given. You only have yourself to blame for taking it that seriously. It’s also still just a blatant double standard because by your reasoning, Strawhats like Usopp and Nami shouldn’t have been panicking that much when a single Admiral entered the Labophase and they outnumbered him.
18. Uh, what the frak are you talking about?

Usopp and Nami have very good reasons to panic at Kizaru's presence.

Look, there is no point in having discussion with you if all you are going to do is try and debunk some Imaginary Yonko Fan arguments instead of what I have actually been saying!

19. You should read your panels. Akainu says “we don’t have the manpower for now,” obviously referring to the present circumstances…not that they couldn’t once that had passed.

The other excuse about Gorosei or God’s Knights doesn’t work when they’re specifically talking about the Navy when mentioning the Ancient Weapons. The alliance simply didn’t have enough on their own to hope to overthrow the Navy…especially when they lost to a force much weaker than that in the first place.
19. He says this:
"Leave Wano for now. We don't have the manpower to tear apart those two!"

In other words, they are not dealing with Wano for now, and the reason why is because Navy has no manpower to tear apart Kaido and Big Mom.

As for Ancient Weapons, Kaido mentioned them in the context of the Government abolishing the Schibukai and introducing new weapons of its own:

And again, the same excuse you said about needing more than one Admiral to face an Emperor even if Admiral = Emperor works here in reverse...

20. Um…no. You were the one claiming that Yonko must be stronger than Admirals otherwise 2 Admirals would go wipe out a Yonko crew. Pointing out that it isn’t a structured match only shows why that claim makes no sense.
It doesn't matter whether it is a structured match, because we already saw that Commanders literally cannot harm an Admiral.

Marco and Vista did nothing to Akainu.
King and Queen got trashed by Ryukogyu.

In a match between an Emperor and an Admiral, Commanders are quite frankly irrelevant.

So yes, Yonko have to be stronger than Admirals, because if 1 Yonko = 1 Admiral, then two Admirals can easily kill the Yonko and then wipe out Commanders at their leisure.

And as I said, Navy has HQ Vice Admirals. It won't be just Admirals facing the Commanders.

21. - “Any rookie can do that” is completely irrelevant. What’s that supposed to change? That the Navy shouldn’t then consider the Yonko simply leaving for some reason?
Then you just repeat the silly “the other 3 must be magically bound to their territories” excuse. The other 3 Yonko certainly don’t need your permission to move. They can do so if they want to. Being prepared for that is just basic military 101.

Besides that, nice try pretending that just Vice Admirals would be sufficient for all Yonko Commanders. The Warlords would obviously be needed to keep those occupied.
Your scenario also doesn’t work unless the Navy force greatly outnumbers the Yonko crew’s in the first place. The greater force is the one that can dictate who gets assigned to who.
21. You said literally "The Yonko has no obligation to wait around for them and could just lead them on a merry goose chase across the seas.". By that logic, Navy should be sending several stronger fighters after every rookie... yet when Smoker was chasing down Luffy, he was alone.

And get it in your head that Yonko are not allies. Therefore, Navy only needs to match one individual Yonko to maintain balance of power.

Emperors also need to consider possibility of Navy or another Emperor stabbing them in the back should they move.

So if Navy is strong enough to match four Emperors... and each Emperor is strong enough to match three Emperors + Navy...

Sorry, that math simply doesn't work.

Navy is stronger than any individual Empire. Maybe as strong as or stronger than two. But it being able to match all four at the same time makes no bloody sense.

22. Well duh! Trying to wipe out the Yonko is a pointless waste of resources for the WG when the Yonko can just do part of their work for them. Again, do you even read the manga? The WG is always trying to maintain the balance of the world for a reason.
It’s like asking why the US doesn’t try to wipe out the mafia…or ancient European empires the pirates. Just because you can doesn’t mean it’s a wise decision or worth the cost.
That’s precisely why the “why don’t they wipe out the Yonko” excuse is one of the silliest of them all.
22. US doesn't wipe out mafia because it can't. Ancient European empires also couldn't wipe out the pirates.

But at any case the comparison is stupid. Yonkos are not the mafia or the pirates. They are literally emperors. They don't have sanctuaries, they have territories. They rule entire kingdoms.

They are not pirates, they are rulers. But rulers who are so strong that the World Government finds it wise not to challenge them.

FFS, please go back and read the story because it is clear you have not understood even the basic worldbuilding of One Piece.

23. “Vice Admirals can stalemate the Commanders just fine.” That just a big LOL. Vice Admirals with a fleet of warships couldn’t handle Crocodile and Mr. 1. Come on now…

And in case you were unaware, Cross Guild bounties aren’t WG bounties. The fact that you even tried to use that in earnest is laughable. Even entertaining that, CG bounties are barely weeks old and the Admirals starting bounties are already comparable or higher than Yonko starting bounties.
Most of the Yonko have built up bounties by several years. One of the newest (BB) went from 2.24 to 3.99 in 2 years, so one could just say the Admiral bounties would follow a similar pattern and likewise rise to be beyond 4 billion in 2 years.
The excuse falls apart either way.
OK, you really have no clue about the manga you have supposedly read.

There are two types of Vice Admirals: normal Vice Admirals and Headquarters Vice Admirals.

Normal Vice Admirals are just a fodder.
Headquarters Vice Admirals are not. These are the guys like Tsuru and Momonga.

Bounties are based on the threat level, which largely (but not exclusively) means strength. If Akainu suddenly quit the Navy and became a pirate, you can bet he would be given a Yonko bounty, simply due to how strong he is. Blackbeard meanwhile had to build up his bounty because he 1) hid his strength originally and 2) he is still a rookie (relatively) and is thus still growing in strength. It would make no sense for his bounty to not have increased over time.

And in the end, both Cross Guild and World Government bounties are Oda's bounties. They are a storytelling device, and therefore it makes no sense for them to not be relative to each other.

And the relative strength they show do make sense within the story.

24. Akainu isn’t a known conquerors Haki user. Are you just making up facts now? Even Sengoku is only listed in a databook and not in the manga itself. Nothing stops a non user from being stronger than one, so that while excuse is just irrelevant. Neither Kid nor Law needed it to be breaking the bones of a CoC user.

Akainu failed to kill Jimbe & Luffy because a world-class surgeon showed up to save them. Without Law they’d have died by his own words. He never intended to kill Marco or Ivankov, so that’s just irrelevant.
The point is that you trying to place conquerors Haki on a pedestal doesn’t work since there are other abilities and strengths, not that it’s weak.
Yeah, I mistook him for Sengoku. But considering his position, personality and recent behavior, it makes no sense to assume Akainu does not have Conqueror's Haki.

Kid and Law had to work together to beat Big Meme in the end. Luffy defeated Kaido on his own. And while Kaido was definitely nerfed there due to holding Onigashima up, Luffy himself was also kinda beat up.

My point with "killing" part is that you cannot use "he killed X" or "he failed to kill X" to downplay a character. It is Oda's story, and survival depends on the plot, not the threat.

25. Of course Luffy would have been defeated if he tried to stay to fight Fuji. Luffy hardly ever runs from anyone, so again it’s just a moot point.
Luffy actually ran quite a lot.

26. What respect do old pre-skip Yonko command that Luffy isn’t getting? Is it just the baseless assumption that the WG wouldn’t just carry out their operation anyway? The only difference so far in comparison is Luffy’s longevity in the role, but he’s a Yonko through and through. Also even more feared than the rest due to the Nika connection. The WG would have preferred him dying to Kaido than the other way around.
Longetivity in the role matters, and it matters a lot. Fact that they had been Yonkos for a long time, and were therefore proven to be capable of defending their own territories. Luffy is a newcomer and thus has no such proof. And Luffy being Nika is not something anybody knew other than the Gorosei, so using that as an argument is completely baseless.

And remember that Navy doesn't know what happened at Onigashima. They know only that two Emperors were taken out, not how - hence why Luffy, Law and Kidd received equal bounties.

Lastly, the point is moot anyway since Saturn was there with Kizaru, and he will clearly be stronger than an Admiral. So even if one were to assume that Luffy was far stronger than Kizaru (which he isn't) that still wouldn't have been enough to stop the operation.

27. Yes it obviously gets worse for the Strawhats with no Vegapunk. There would be no bubble guns to trap the Seraphim, so they’d have to deal with both them and the fleet. Then the Pacifista get thrown in there too. It just becomes an unmitigated slaughter.

Luffy has gotten respect as the man that even beat Kaido, so what does Kaido have on him? WB is the one that’s a different case.

Luffy leaving the middle of a party to go stand watch is the definition of considering something a threat btw.

I think it’s pretty clear that all your double standards, prevarications, ignoring context (wilfully in some cases), mistakes, disingenuous claims and even basic lack of military sense are all terrible. It’s just the same with all attempts to try and elevate the Yonko because they always just boil down to some illogical base or fabricated nonsense.

The “military forces must not consider all their enemies attacking but should always just assume they can only go 1 at a time” is the most basic example. It’s really not that hard…
Uh, no.

World Government is clearly doing its best to hide the fact that Luffy was the one who beat Kaido. Hence why Luffy, Kidd and Law all received equal bounties, where in reality Luffy's bounty should have been twice of either Kid's or Law's.

And when have I said that Luffy doesn't consider Navy a threat? You are the one who seems to believe that Admirals can only ever be a threat if they are strictly equal to Yonkos. Which is just dumb as shit.

I think it’s pretty clear that all your double standards, prevarications, ignoring context (wilfully in some cases), mistakes, disingenuous claims and even basic lack of military sense are all terrible. It’s just the same with all attempts to try and elevate the Yonko because they always just boil down to some illogical base or fabricated nonsense.
Yeah, no. Don't assign your own attributes to others. I even tried to be as polite as possible despite all your lies and bullshit, but you clearly deserve no respect.

Piss off.

The “military forces must not consider all their enemies attacking but should always just assume they can only go 1 at a time” is the most basic example. It’s really not that hard…
Turn on your brain, will ya?

If that was the logic, no country in world's history will have ever attacked another, because other rivals could always exploit it.

Yet wars have been happening all over the world since beginning of humanity.

Your "logic" and "basic military sense" are nothing but unprecedented bullshit.
1. My point was not that a single Yonko empire can defeat the Navy as a whole. Point was that Navy cannot afford do deploy forces necessary to destroy any single Yonko Empire, because that requires deploying at least two Admirals.

Yonko doesn't need to be able to match all the Admirals, or even two of them. They just have to be stronger than any individual Admiral to the point that deploying only one Admiral to hunt down a Yonko is basically inconceivable. At the same time, Navy has to be stronger enough than any individual Yonko Empire will not dare outright challenge it except in extremis even if one Admiral is deployed elsewhere.

In short: Navy as a whole is stronger than any individual Yonko empire. At the same time however, Navy would not stand a chance against all four Yonko empires at the same time.


Basic math here actually supports my reasoning: Emperor > Admiral >>> Yonko Commander ~= Vice Admiral.

2. Red Hair pirates are unique in that their allies are useless. Had it been Whitebeard Pirates, Kid may not have even reached the Emperor.

If you are seriously using Shanks' allied crews as an argument here, you are either trolling, lying, or haven't read the manga at all.

3. Uh, no. Yes, Marineford was a plan to entrap the pirates. But thinking that a single Admiral, even Akainu, could have wiped them out with his attack even in such a situation is dumb.

Akainu alone may have gotten rid of the fodder, but Whitebeard himself as well as stronger commanders and allies will have required mopping up in head-on engagements, even had the trap worked as planned.

4. Yes, I would.

By the time of final battle on top of Onigashima, Straw Hat Pirates alone would have been able to comfortably wipe out the Big Mom Pirates, with quite some power to spare. Literally the only one who would have presented any sort of problem will have been Katakuri (and maybe Big Mom herself, if she decided to lay off whatever drugs she was enjoying. If not, she will not have been any sort of an issue). Other Sweet Commanders were basically nonentities, and fodder is, well, fodder.

Big Mom was coasting by on her old glory, Devil Fruit and natural resillience by that point, but she was basically fodder for literally any top tier capable of using Advanced Armament and/or Advanced Conqueror's Haki to get past her natural "invulnerability".

5. Stop being a liar, this is what I wrote:

Conqueror's Haki is the reason why Yonkos are stronger than Admirals (on average), but at Marineford, Whitebeard had problems using any form of Haki. He couldn't properly use Observation Haki, and that was before he took any damage. And yes, it was clearly stated that he wasn't able to use Observation:

Against the Admirals, he relied heavily on his Devil Fruit, which indicates he had problems with Armament Haki as well. And again, we know he couldn't use Conqueror's.

6. It changes everything. You really think a non-Logia will have been able to stand up to a quake punch anywhere as well as Akainu did in same conditions?

Chances are, if Akainu had had a Paramecia or Zoan devil fruit, he will have died then and there. For a non-Logia, the only way to counter a quake punch is to block it with Haki (the way Admirals defended the execution platform), and he clearly failed at doing so when Whitebeard quaked him.

7. Yes, they did.

Still doesn't mean that Yonko = Admiral.

Get it into your head that Whitebeard was literally the only person on the pirate side with Haki even theoretically strong enough to damage the Logia Admirals. And even that theoretical may not have been true in practice, considering his health.

He was basically dying since before he even stepped foot into Marineford, and despite that he had to fight nearly alone against the Admirals.

Haki can be nullified with Haki. Do you think that Marco and Vista have haki superior to the likes of Akainu and Aokiji?

8. Are you really this dumb? You really think Doflamingo had time to call the World Government to call off Fujitora in middle of a bloody battle?

And that particular situation wasn't even the only one I had in mind:

You really thing anybody could have intervened and stopped Fujitora had he really decided to take Doflamingo's head then and there? He could, after all, just claim that Doflamingo had attacked him - because Doflamingo did.

It may have been just posturing on Doflamingo's part, but he clearly was ready to take on Fujitora. Even with Kuzan, who was no longer an Admiral, he didn't exactly act scared - although because Kuzan is stronger than Fujitora, he didn't even try to attack.

9. I consider him comparable to Shanks, yes. Doesn't mean he is comparable to any of the other Yonko (except maybe for the Big Meme). And I have already stated before that some Admirals are stronger than some Yonko, but that Yonko are stronger on average.

I have not confused myself, you just stuck your head in the loop and are repeating things without even paying any attention to what my arguments actually are.

My point never was that a Yonko empire is strictly equal to the Navy and the Warlords. Rocks' Pirates may have been, perhaps Primebeard's pirates as well, but other than that? Definitely not.

However, Yonko have to be stronger than Admirals on average, because they have basically no other advantage over the Navy. Navy has four Admiral-level fighters, and HQ Vice Admirals are roughly comparable to Yonko Commanders. And Navy will obviously have superior numbers, plus the ability to concentrate forces against individual Yonko.

10. And? Fujitora back when he fought Luffy obviously didn't want to fight and didn't fight at his full power, but to pretend that he was simply letting Luffy go is just dumb.

It was only DURING that fight that Fujitora became a "Luffy fanboy", as you put it. Because it was DURING the fight that Fujitora truly understood what Luffy was like.

Up until then however, while Fujitora was clearly conflicted because he understood that Luffy is a good person at some level, he was still ready to go through with his orders:

You accuse me of dishonesty yet you are the one literally making shit up here.

11. Stop making shit up.

I have not said a word about why Kuzan joined. That has no bearing on Blackbeard accepting him. And Blackbeard not caring for loyalties actually reinforces my point because that means he considers himself strong enough to withstand any possible betrayal by his subordinates, Kuzan included.

12. 5 year old freak of nature that nobody knew how strong she will actually become.

And nobody said Admirals aren't strong, so you can stop with the butthurt.

13. Why would Whitebeard or Shanks go to Wano? What would they gain from that?

As far as Greenbull was aware, it was Luffy + Law + Kidd who beat Kaido. He had no reason to think Luffy had won one-on-one. This is also reflected in three of them getting the same 3 billion bounty after Kaido and Big Mom had fallen.

14. As I said: Big Mom outright overpowered Marco. Kizaru never did.


15. Rayleigh stopped Kizaru dead in his tracks. That same Rayleigh said that he + Kuja pirates will have lost against the crewless Blackbeard.

Difference is that Kizaru isn't a coward and Blackbeard is, and Kizaru had backup (had you forgotten Sentomaru and Pacifistas? All of them were far too strong to be defeated by the pirates present there) but it is clear that Rayleigh considered Blackbeard a more dangerous opponent.

Why do I have to draw everything to you like you are in a kindergarten?

16. Unlike you, yes, I do read the manga.

And Sentomaru was clear that Rayleigh had stopped Kizaru. Kuma is the reason why Strawhats escaped from Sentomaru and the Pacifistas, but he is not the reason why they escaped from Kizaru himself.

17. What you wrote just makes no sense. You seem to be laboring under delusion that it is Four Emperors against the Navy.

It is not.

It is Emperor 1 vs Emperor 2 vs Emperor 3 vs Emperor 4 vs the Navy. If one Emperor starts becoming too strong, others will gang up on him to keep him down. In fact, we know from Roger that Pirates teaming up even with the Navy to fight against strong opponents is not impossible.

Navy NEVER has to deal with all four emperors at once.

18. Uh, what the frak are you talking about?

Usopp and Nami have very good reasons to panic at Kizaru's presence.

Look, there is no point in having discussion with you if all you are going to do is try and debunk some Imaginary Yonko Fan arguments instead of what I have actually been saying!

19. He says this:
"Leave Wano for now. We don't have the manpower to tear apart those two!"

In other words, they are not dealing with Wano for now, and the reason why is because Navy has no manpower to tear apart Kaido and Big Mom.

As for Ancient Weapons, Kaido mentioned them in the context of the Government abolishing the Schibukai and introducing new weapons of its own:

And again, the same excuse you said about needing more than one Admiral to face an Emperor even if Admiral = Emperor works here in reverse...

It doesn't matter whether it is a structured match, because we already saw that Commanders literally cannot harm an Admiral.

Marco and Vista did nothing to Akainu.
King and Queen got trashed by Ryukogyu.

In a match between an Emperor and an Admiral, Commanders are quite frankly irrelevant.

So yes, Yonko have to be stronger than Admirals, because if 1 Yonko = 1 Admiral, then two Admirals can easily kill the Yonko and then wipe out Commanders at their leisure.

And as I said, Navy has HQ Vice Admirals. It won't be just Admirals facing the Commanders.

21. You said literally "The Yonko has no obligation to wait around for them and could just lead them on a merry goose chase across the seas.". By that logic, Navy should be sending several stronger fighters after every rookie... yet when Smoker was chasing down Luffy, he was alone.

And get it in your head that Yonko are not allies. Therefore, Navy only needs to match one individual Yonko to maintain balance of power.

Emperors also need to consider possibility of Navy or another Emperor stabbing them in the back should they move.

So if Navy is strong enough to match four Emperors... and each Emperor is strong enough to match three Emperors + Navy...

Sorry, that math simply doesn't work.

Navy is stronger than any individual Empire. Maybe as strong as or stronger than two. But it being able to match all four at the same time makes no bloody sense.

22. US doesn't wipe out mafia because it can't. Ancient European empires also couldn't wipe out the pirates.

But at any case the comparison is stupid. Yonkos are not the mafia or the pirates. They are literally emperors. They don't have sanctuaries, they have territories. They rule entire kingdoms.

They are not pirates, they are rulers. But rulers who are so strong that the World Government finds it wise not to challenge them.

FFS, please go back and read the story because it is clear you have not understood even the basic worldbuilding of One Piece.

OK, you really have no clue about the manga you have supposedly read.

There are two types of Vice Admirals: normal Vice Admirals and Headquarters Vice Admirals.

Normal Vice Admirals are just a fodder.
Headquarters Vice Admirals are not. These are the guys like Tsuru and Momonga.

Bounties are based on the threat level, which largely (but not exclusively) means strength. If Akainu suddenly quit the Navy and became a pirate, you can bet he would be given a Yonko bounty, simply due to how strong he is. Blackbeard meanwhile had to build up his bounty because he 1) hid his strength originally and 2) he is still a rookie (relatively) and is thus still growing in strength. It would make no sense for his bounty to not have increased over time.

And in the end, both Cross Guild and World Government bounties are Oda's bounties. They are a storytelling device, and therefore it makes no sense for them to not be relative to each other.

And the relative strength they show do make sense within the story.

Yeah, I mistook him for Sengoku. But considering his position, personality and recent behavior, it makes no sense to assume Akainu does not have Conqueror's Haki.

Kid and Law had to work together to beat Big Meme in the end. Luffy defeated Kaido on his own. And while Kaido was definitely nerfed there due to holding Onigashima up, Luffy himself was also kinda beat up.

My point with "killing" part is that you cannot use "he killed X" or "he failed to kill X" to downplay a character. It is Oda's story, and survival depends on the plot, not the threat.

Luffy actually ran quite a lot.

Longetivity in the role matters, and it matters a lot. Fact that they had been Yonkos for a long time, and were therefore proven to be capable of defending their own territories. Luffy is a newcomer and thus has no such proof. And Luffy being Nika is not something anybody knew other than the Gorosei, so using that as an argument is completely baseless.

And remember that Navy doesn't know what happened at Onigashima. They know only that two Emperors were taken out, not how - hence why Luffy, Law and Kidd received equal bounties.

Lastly, the point is moot anyway since Saturn was there with Kizaru, and he will clearly be stronger than an Admiral. So even if one were to assume that Luffy was far stronger than Kizaru (which he isn't) that still wouldn't have been enough to stop the operation.

Uh, no.

World Government is clearly doing its best to hide the fact that Luffy was the one who beat Kaido. Hence why Luffy, Kidd and Law all received equal bounties, where in reality Luffy's bounty should have been twice of either Kid's or Law's.

And when have I said that Luffy doesn't consider Navy a threat? You are the one who seems to believe that Admirals can only ever be a threat if they are strictly equal to Yonkos. Which is just dumb as shit.

Yeah, no. Don't assign your own attributes to others. I even tried to be as polite as possible despite all your lies and bullshit, but you clearly deserve no respect.

Piss off.

Turn on your brain, will ya?

If that was the logic, no country in world's history will have ever attacked another, because other rivals could always exploit it.

Yet wars have been happening all over the world since beginning of humanity.

Your "logic" and "basic military sense" are nothing but unprecedented bullshit.
Huh? I don’t see your response to why your math doesn’t add up anywhere?
Did you think I would forget?

Besides that, do you not know what the “=~” sign means? You can’t start backtracking and pretend you never said that just 1 Yonko empire was comparable to the Navy & Warlords.
Those were your own very words. Navy + Warlords =~ 1 Yonko empire.
You’re only changing your tune now that I’ve shown how silly that is.

Besides that, the Navy needing to deploy 2 Admirals to defeat a Yonko applies regardless of whether the Admirals are exactly equal or slightly stronger or weaker. I already mentioned that, so that excuse doesn’t work.
They will always need to send 2 Admirals for a guaranteed victory unless there’s so much of a difference in strength that 1 Admiral is always guaranteed to win against a Yonko or so much weaker that even 2 Admirals had no chance of doing the job. Both those options are clearly silly.

So why doesn’t the math add up even when using the disingenuous reasoning of pretending that Cross Guild bounties are equivalent to WG ones? Curious, no?

All I did was point out the lies, omissions, prevarications and illogical statements you were making. Again, it’s not like your comments just disappeared:
- you tried to equate clearly distinct things like CG bounties & WG ones
- Ignored context for situations involving the Admirals while conveniently only remembering it when it came to the Yonko
- Made illogical claims like “a military shouldn’t consider all possibilities. They should only expect their multiple enemies to attack 1 at a time.”

Where’s the lie? Are you going to try to dispute that when your comments are right there? Come on now.

Also, your excuses still don’t work. Countries throughout history still attack each other because would you believe it, unlike you they consider all possibilities and cover their backsides. They make pacts, keep forces in reserve, prepare contingencies, etc.
They don’t have the luxury of expecting their foes to only attack one at a time like you suggest. Again, even beyond just basic military sense, it’s common sense 101.
The WG doesn’t have the luxury of thinking that the Yonko have a set schedule where the others agree to do nothing when one makes a move.

We don’t have all eternity to be going over this. Just answer the simple question of why your math doesn’t add up. Navy & Warlords vs Big Mom pirates bounties…why is it so far from “=~” ?
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Apoo could do that even without adv coc though, so still ain’t looking good

When did a couple of minutes become an hour? And ain’t Luffy in worse shape than Kizaru? Don’t look like poor old adv CoC could help with that

What on earth is a “lizaru” anyway?
Wapoo can do it but not Lizaru. What is oda trying to tell here? :suresure:

Sure "worst shape" due to G5 drawback compared to Lizaru getting paralysed after one attack :kobeha:
Wapoo can do it but not Lizaru. What is oda trying to tell here? :suresure:

Sure "worst shape" due to G5 drawback compared to Lizaru getting paralysed after one attack :kobeha:
What’s a “Lizaru?”

Kizaru never got to face Onigashima Luffy on the live floor. Otherwise there may have not been enough of the rubber boy left to send Kaido to an early grave in magma
Maybe Oda’s telling us to thank him for that.

Worse shape is still worse shape. It may not be as bad as being melted away in magma while former employees drink to your memory in prison…but it’s still pretty bad
What’s a “Lizaru?”

Kizaru never got to face Onigashima Luffy on the live floor. Otherwise there may have not been enough of the rubber boy left to send Kaido to an early grave in magma
Maybe Oda’s telling us to thank him for that.

Worse shape is still worse shape. It may not be as bad as being melted away in magma while former employees drink to your memory in prison…but it’s still pretty bad
None of Lizaru's attack did anything relevant to luffy :suresure:

Imagine getting one shotted lol. One attack and Kizaru is seeing stars :milaugh:
None of Lizaru's attack did anything relevant to luffy :suresure:

Imagine getting one shotted lol. One attack and Kizaru is seeing stars :milaugh:
Too bad Kizaru wasn’t targeting Luffy then. Then again, even adv CoC from Kaido couldn’t do much to Luffy, and now we’re reading his eulogy…along with his big sister.
Poor old Kaido was also seeing stars even when Luffy was just in test drive. Seems adv CoC couldn’t stop it