If Aborting fetuses with Down syndrome is eugenics so is doctors recommending parents to abort children with severe mutations.
Aborting fetuse with Down syndrom IS eugenistic yes.

If that’s eugenics then it’s based.
Woof.. You know that that one of the base of nazism right ?

Do you even understand the ignorance of what you just said ?

@AL sama is eugenism apology ok here ? (saying that foetus with Down syndrome should be aborted) Just checking ...

If you’re pro choice then you should understand that fetus’s are not person, and a fetus detected with a severe mutation or illness should probably aborted.
For once the problem is not the life or the non life. Its the idea that you should abort because your child will be born with down syndrom.

In other words, since you have a hard time understanding the negative charge of what you just said, its like saying to people with Down syndrom that they should NOT have been born in the first place.

Its Eugenism and one of the things Nazis have done.


People with Down syndrom. If you are passing through here. You are legitimate. :sweat:


fundamental Islam is against western values
You were not talking about "foundamental islam" here but "most muslims": >>>

considering most muslims are anti western values
Don't change your goal post mid game or we will have a problem.

Is anti semitic to say that Jewish people are on average more financially well off than the average American?
If it relies on nothing but a stereotype then most probably yes.

For a guy who talks about science you sure like to ignore it when it goes against your narrative
You don't talk about science here. You talk out of your a*s without sources or sociological evidences.

Here is where the oppression Olympics fall apart, more Christians are murdered around the world than those minorities in the west. Yet nobody gives a fuck and shits on Christianity all the time. Islam is also the most popular religion in the world, so clearly they’re not an oppressed minority world wide
Again, we are talking about the west. Stay on subject. Islam being popular doesn't mean that they are not oppressed. You are making a fallacious correlation.
Aborting fetuse with Down syndrom IS eugenistic yes.

Woof.. You know that that one of the base of nazism right ?

Should humanity ban every single thing the nazi's ever came up with? Nazi = bad therefore anything they thought of is bad as well? this is childish af. "Bad people think dogs good therefore dogs bad" type of logic

If you think Eugenics is bad, tell my why you think so. It shouldn't be because "nazi think its good"

Do you even understand the ignorance of what you just said ?

No, you're re arranging the definition of eugenics so I'm playing along. idgaf if some priviliged kid from france thinks im a nazi.
@AL sama is eugenism apology ok here ? (saying that foetus with Down syndrome should be aborted) Just checking ...

For once the problem is not the life or the non life. Its the idea that you should abort because your child will be born with down syndrom.

In other words, since you have a hard time understanding the negative charge of what you just said, its like saying to people with Down syndrom that they should NOT have been born in the first place.

Its Eugenism and one of the things Nazis have done.


People with Down syndrom. If you are passing through here. You are legitimate.:sweat:
The premise is simple, fetuses with severe mutations/diseases should probably be aborted. If we find a fetus that is going to be born with 0 organs aside from the heart and brain, will you be morally against aborting it? If so then I guess you're consistent. I imagine telling that artificial child he's legitimate is worth the issues they will be going through.

You're equating eugenics with stuff we already do and you don't even realize it. Take a philosophy class, it will help you understand the though process.

You were not talking about "foundamental islam" here but "most muslims": >>>

Don't change your goal post mid game or we will have a problem.
Most Islam is fundamental...

If it relies on nothing but a stereotype then most probably yes.

You don't talk about science here. You talk out of your a*s without sources or sociological evidences.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion#:~:text=Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern,income of $59,000 in 2016).

it is well known jewish families are more well off than the average american family. There's plenty of reasons why that's the case and the fact that you instantly think antisemitism says more about you.

Again, we are talking about the west. Stay on subject. Islam being popular doesn't mean that they are not oppressed. You are making a fallacious correlation.
And I refuse your premise because it's flimsy af. Oppression olympics is brain dead
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Should humanity ban every single thing the nazi's ever came up with? Nazi = bad therefore anything they thought of is bad as well? this is childish af. "Bad people think dogs good therefore dogs bad" type of logic

If you think Eugenics is bad, tell my why you think so. It shouldn't be because "nazi think its good"
oh boi...

The premise is simple, fetuses with severe mutations/diseases should probably be aborted. If we find a fetus that is going to be born with 0 organs aside from the heart and brain, will you be morally against aborting it? If so then I guess you're consistent. I imagine telling that artificial child he's legitimate is worth the issues they will be going through.

You're equating eugenics with stuff we already do and you don't even realize it. Take a philosophy class, it will help you understand the though process.
What you don't understand is that its not the premisse. We are not talking about children that will be born with a failed organ but people with Down syndrom.

Please - if being very kind here - don't equate the two.

Take a philosophy class, it will help you understand the though process.
Take a political class. It might MAYBE help you understand the problematic things that you are saying.

Most Islam is fundamental...
Oh boi..


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion#:~:text=Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern,income of $59,000 in 2016).

it is well known jewish families are more well off than the average american family. There's plenty of reasons why that's the case and the fact that you instantly think antisemitism says more about you.
Now we are talking.

You see the difference between stating random stuff and stating stuff with sources.
No those numbers are NOT "well known". I did not for example knew them. (and it only equates for US jews here).

There's plenty of reasons why that's the case and the fact that you instantly think antisemitism says more about you.
What it says is that I don't give info without evidences. Note that I did not refused your assertion - you missed that - I only HOLD my judgment to avoid falling into stereotype and problematic behavior.

Which is something you are doing without problem.

Oppression olympics is is brain dead
If you don't know the problem. Don't talk about the problem.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion#:~:text=Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern,income of $59,000 in 2016).

it is well known jewish families are more well off than the average american family. There's plenty of reasons why that's the case and the fact that you instantly think antisemitism says more about you.
Yeah that is true tbh

Me and most of my friends are college educated. In fact I think most of them either have or are pursuing a post graduate degree.

I’m yet to start one. Taking a break to improve my health before I go for my masters.
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In there are very few Jews that I know who don’t have a pretty decent educational background
Is a hoax to silence cririciism of islam and conflate it with racism despite islam not being a race.

Call it xenophobic if thats what you are going for, islamophobic is a trash ass term
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There is no excuse here. Dawkins is showing the true color of the new atheism movement as I've kept explaining to you. Adding that to his transphobia, you can be sure that he and his zealots will be recuperated by the far right in NO TIME.
Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.
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I've made those EXACT point in the past and my hatred was not fuelled more by the knowledge of Islam rather than the way some people are using religion
Sucks to be you, with me its the other way around. I never cared for what people did with the religion (way too diverse), my harsh criricism of islam grew with more knowledge.
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Is a hoax to silence cririciism of islam and conflate it with racism despite islam not being a race.
Funny, that was EXACTLY my point of view when I was being islamophobic and a promotor of New atheism ideologies

Thinking that racism is only about races is a huge ignorance of the sociology of racism. I won't debate on that here. At least not right now.

And no. Its not meant to silence the criticizism of Islam at least not in the progressive areas.

Call it xenophobic if thats what you are going for, islamophobic is a trash ass term
Its just the word used by researcher when talking about oppressions against muslim. You can't deny the term if you want, but it will be used anyway.
What I'm saying is that:
- New atheism don't take into account the sociological impact that the bashing of islam has against believer in our current historical context
- New atheism, that started has a form of reject of all religion has derived into a lot of toxic belief system and behaviors (the non equivalence of the attack between Islam and other religions, scientism, eugenism, transphobia, racism etc.)
So one cant criticise islam because it has negative effects on muslims as a minority in our society?

Thats beyond retarded

And ironically enough in his antireligious works dawkins mostly talks about christianity because he has more knowledge about it.
So one cant criticise islam because it has negative effects on muslims as a minority in our society?
You can criticize Islam. But do it correctly and without attacking other people.

But in reality. In our current sociological and political context, we should let the critic of Islam to actual muslims themself. Being muslim doesn't mean that you can't be progressist. I know muslims that are more radical and progressist leftists than I am.

And ironically enough in his antireligious works dawkins mostly talks about christianity because he has more knowledge about it.
That's why he said that he would rather live in a christian driven world than an islamic driven world. Of course mate..
Also I have never heard a new atheist use eugenics, and tf do trans people have to do with atheism and religion?
1) logiko will misrepresent what dawkins said and what eugenics is to make this point
2) trans people dont have anything to do with atheism and dawkins talks about it because of biology
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That's the same with Muslim and Christians. The first are under oppression in the west, the second are not.

So we should not treat them the same way.
Islam =/= muslims

And offense is still taken, not given
1) logiko will misrepresent what dawkins said and what eugenics is to make this point
1 - Zenos doesn't understand the point about Dawkins being Eugenistic in the first place
2 - Zenos doesn't understand the link that can be made by eugenists and scientism ideologues to attack trans rights
FOCUSING negatively on Islam (and therefore muslim, by attacking the construction of mosquee). This is therefore not rationnal AT ALL. And plainly racist.
Criticising the construction of mosques is cultural/political and has nothing to do with criticising religion
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It's actually perfectly fine to poke fun at Christianity, but every other religion is frowned upon...for whatever reason....
Identity politics and peoples inability to differentiate between an ideology and its adherents
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I make fun of all religions, so does 70% of atheists out there.
The only people afaik in atheistic online circles who legit ONLY talk about islam are ex-muslims
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God oppression olympics is so stupid, specially considering most muslims are anti western values
And im sure this is, among actual racism of course, one of the reasos for people to be against immigration.
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I wonder if strict public followers of world religions will ever be cancelled for abusive speech against minority religions.
Ye lets cancel the quran for calling jews and christians the worst of creatures
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Aborting fetuses with Down syndrome is eugenics so is doctors recommending parents to abort children with severe mutations.
It isnt, because eugenics is about selecting desirable and heritable traits. Down syndrome isnt heritable, so not aborting fetuses with down syndrome wont result in more people with down syndrome if they reproduce
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I’m literally giving you the truth. For a guy who talks about science you sure like to ignore it when it goes against your narrative
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is well known jewish families are more well off than the average american family. There's plenty of reasons why that's the case and the fact that you instantly think antisemitism says more about you.
Isnt that true about asian people as well?
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And no. Its not meant to silence the criticizism of Islam at least not in the progressive areas.
It is, and very common
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But do it correctly and without attacking other people.
I dont attack other people, that doesnt really matter because they take criticism of their religion personal in alot of cases
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That's why he said that he would rather live in a christian driven world than an islamic driven world. Of course mate
If thats the only options in a hypothetical scenario, id agree with that as well.
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we should let the critic of Islam to actual muslims themself. Being muslim doesn't mean that you can't be progressist. I know muslims that are more radical and progressist leftists than I am.
Worked really well for imam tawhidi, oh wait. . . .
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Indeed. That's why its problematic.
I dont care about mosques either, but i know many people who are against it despite not being racists
Woof.. You know that that one of the base of nazism right ?

Do you even understand the ignorance of what you just said ?

@AL sama is eugenism apology ok here ? (saying that foetus with Down syndrome should be aborted) Just checking ...
In other words, since you have a hard time understanding the negative charge of what you just said, its like saying to people with Down syndrom that they should NOT have been born in the first place.
It really depends on the motivation tho.
Should humanity ban every single thing the nazi's ever came up with? Nazi = bad therefore anything they thought of is bad as well? this is childish af. "Bad people think dogs good therefore dogs bad" type of logic

If you think Eugenics is bad, tell my why you think so. It shouldn't be because "nazi think its good"
You're equating eugenics with stuff we already do and you don't even realize it. Take a philosophy class, it will help you understand the though process
Take a political class. It might MAYBE help you understand the problematic things that you are saying.
You know I'm picturing this kind of conversation:

Person 1: Omg I'm pregnant🤩. I'm so happy.
Person 2(friend /relative): Congratulations! I wish you a happy and healthy baby!
Expecting mom: *stops dead in her tracks* you wish for WHAT?!??:pepeanger: You want my baby to be healthy?!!?😡😡 You shitty human being you're so ableist, never talk to me again
*friendship ends immediately*

10 years later, the kid combs through their parents' old photos, spots person 2 and asks parent who that is.
Mom: oh that person? We used to be best friends but they wanted you to be born without any health issues, can you believe it? I wish you were born with a life defining disability instead because I love you so much 💗💗💗💗
