Brainless ZKKmoron who says 9 million Kurobi isn't first mate over dumbass 8 million Hatchi?

You are the bitch who got the L for saying Sanji didn't beat first mate;
-Kurobi first mate
-Absalom first mate
-Jabra only has tiny 20 douriki less than Kaku but superior DF and mobile Tekkai mastery.
balances that Sanji was beat up by Kalifa before;
Fresh Sanji would beat Kaku, perhaps even easier as Jabra was already equal to Kaku due to superior Tekkai > tiny 20 douriki difference.
Same thing with Queen,
Sanji was beat up bad by Black Maria again, then Alber+Queen at the same time, debunked easy.
You can't even write paragraphs now because I just smashed your tiny ZKK brain. You little ZKK bitches are always insecure about Sanji when I am not even Sanji fan lmao. Shows why Zolo is weaker than Luffy and closer to Sanji.
Zolo couldn't even beat weaker Nyaban Brothers without 3 swords you dumb bitch.
Getting beat up badly is a much bigger nerf than having 2 less swords you dumbass, Zolo still had 1 sword and wasn't beating Nyaban Brothers, imagine if he had no sword there.
Sanji (while not being official SH pirate) failing to beat Gin due to being badly nerfed is the same thing.
You clowns bringing about fights Sanji's Pre-SH pirate battles such as Gin is pathetic lmao. Still its obvious Sanji would beat first mate Gin as well if he wasn't nerfed badly;
''He can't even withstsnd the shock of his own kicks!''
Thats how badly he was nerfed in that fight. He would beat first mate Gin otherwise.
You give Absalom?

You can't give anything bitch, I just debunked your ass badly there, just like about first mate Kuroobi you cry always.
Sanji is proven he can beat Zolo opponents, Zolo can't beat Luffy opponents.
What happened to Dof beating Zolo's ass easy in the same situation? Right you got debunked bad again.
What happened to I debunk your ass about sword nerfing him? Yup its not a nerf dumbass, you got debunked again.
No where its said Pica is strongest that was my argument, so you have no argument, once again you clown got debunked.
- I say: Zolo is jealous of Sanji's power and bounty
ZKKbitch: ''they bickering''
- I never said anything about bickering, I said
ZKKbitch again: ''they are bickering''
This guy lost it totally
Roger never was jealous of someone once its said ''this guy is 1000 men strong'', thats Zolo is insecure about Sanji's power, he immediately says 'I am stronger' lmao.
Zolo is also happy with a little bit higher bounty than Sanji, not competing with Law or Kid bounties, there are levels bitch.