Shanks, the guy who literally hunted the Nika fruit LMAO

There ain't such a thing as "hakiman", this is a stupid concept
Everyone fights with something while using haki
Swordsmen fight with their swords but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Devil Fruit users fight with their devil fruit abilities but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Fist users fight with their fist but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Whether you use a sword, a devil fruit, a fist, or literally a pencil to fight, it is only haki that can bring you at top 1
That is what Kaido literally meant
Can you be stronger by having a strong devil fruit or a strong sword? Of course but haki is what prevails and what makes you top 1
Everyone fights with something while using haki
Swordsmen fight with their swords but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Devil Fruit users fight with their devil fruit abilities but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Fist users fight with their fist but top ones use haki and it's only haki that can bring them at top 1
Whether you use a sword, a devil fruit, a fist, or literally a pencil to fight, it is only haki that can bring you at top 1
That is what Kaido literally meant
Can you be stronger by having a strong devil fruit or a strong sword? Of course but haki is what prevails and what makes you top 1
That's why East Blue trio (Shanks, Mihawk, Dragon) and Zoro have not eaten a Devil fruit - to achieve power through haki alone.
You are kidding yourself with this thread

Stupid thread.
Your agenda has rotten your brain so much that you still haven't realised one piece story doesn't revolve around zoro and Mihawk
Akainu, JB, bB, all elders, ImU, WSC, WSM have DFS for a reason.
Haki and dfs are tied.
Your agenda has rotten your brain so much that you still haven't realised one piece story doesn't revolve around zoro and Mihawk
Akainu, JB, bB, all elders, ImU, WSC, WSM have DFS for a reason.
Haki and dfs are tied.

Living in complete and utter delusion.