Who will be the next Strawhat

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Apart from Sanji and maybe Nami on Zeus we don't have a strawhat that can fly
Luffy via Boundman and Robin via Cien Fleur Wing can also fly...

Luffy vs Blackbeard
Zoro vs Shiryu
Nami vs Catarina Devon
Usopp vs Van Auger
Sanji vs New titanic captain
Chopper vs Doc Q
Robin vs Vasco Shot
Franky vs Sanjuan Wolf
Brook vs Laffitte
Jinbe vs Jesus Burgess
Carrot vs Avalo Pizzaro
I think:
Luffy vs. BB
Zoro vs. Shiliew (most powerful ID recruit)
Nami vs. Devon
Usopp vs. Augur
Sanji vs. 10th Captain (most powerful TS recruit)
Chopper vs. Doc Q
Robin vs. Shot
Franky vs. Pizzaro
Brook vs. Laffitte
Jinbe vs. Burgess (most powerful OG recruit)
Yamato vs. SJW
Kind of weird to include Carrot as if she's already a Strawhat when she hasn't been that prevalent of a character overall.
It's the next nakama thread, lmao. We're supposed to talk about who we think will join.
However, I have been starting to think Avalo Pizarro may have some connection to Kaidou since he's styled with the same horns you see styled on a lot of the Beast Pirates, including Jack.
So you say that and then start dropping lowkey hints for Yamato?? xD
It's the next nakama thread, lmao. We're supposed to talk about who we think will join.

So you say that and then start dropping lowkey hints for Yamato?? xD
I also stated what I thought of Carrot as a character. Nothing about her has "Strawhat" written on her in my opinion. I can also state my opinions on what others speculate too, that's called discourse.

I wasn't dropping any hints for Yamato, I simply stated that Avalo Pizzaro is retrofitted with the classic beast pirate look. It was my thought on hims being mentioned.
I also stated what I thought of Carrot as a character. Nothing about her has "Strawhat" written on her in my opinion. I can also state my opinions on what others speculate too, that's called discourse.
"Good" discourse generally involves responding to what someone said with relevant counter arguments, not bringing up a totally random point that has nothing to do with what was originally stated. Like how there's no connection to discussing Carrot's potential Blackbeard pirate match up if she were to join the crew, and commenting on Carrot's prevalence. That's called bad discourse.
I wasn't dropping any hints for Yamato, I simply stated that Avalo Pizzaro is retrofitted with the classic beast pirate look. It was my thought on hims being mentioned.
Err, ok. But not really relevant though is it, if it has nothing to do with talking about who is going to be the next strawhat, the purpose of this thread?
Now the theory of Jinbe dying in Wano can die once and for all, as the "he’s not in the color spread!" excuse doesn’t work anymore.

Yamato’s becoming more and more physically distinguishable from Nami in each chapter. Like I said earlier, she’s a new character and we should give Oda some time to refine her design, which he already began to do. I wonder why he would bother doing that if he’s not planning to make her join the crew. I think it’s becoming more and more obvious she’s the next and last SH, no other character seems to have realistic chances of joining the crew at this point.

As for her DF, my guess is she’s most likely either a Kirin or a Nue.
What exactly makes Carrot such a special character to be able to join the Strawhats? Especially when she's barely had any actual presence in the Wano Arc itself? 20 lines of dialogue, where most of it is one word reactions, with just one sentence...

All I see is a generic white bunny that already piggybacks Chopper in a lot of ways from Personality to Cool Trnasformation, which Chopper eclipses by a long mile.

You would think someone meant to join the Strawhats would have a far more prevalent role in the arcs they were in.

Su Long? A transformation with a lot of risks that can only be used when full moon is out? Chopper already eclipses that, since his forms can be used anytime.

While the Pedro death is moving, that also isn't indicative of her joining, especially when the 'Dawn' plot point is something so many characters in Wano are trying to achieve.

Sorry, she ain't special yet.
Now the theory of Jinbe dying in Wano can die once and for all, as the "he’s not in the color spread!" excuse doesn’t work anymore.

Yamato’s becoming more and more physically distinguishable from Nami in each chapter. Like I said earlier, she’s a new character and we should give Oda some time to refine her design, which he already began to do. I wonder why he would bother doing that if he’s not planning to make her join the crew. I think it’s becoming more and more obvious she’s the next and last SH, no other character seems to have realistic chances of joining the crew at this point.

As for her DF, my guess is she’s most likely either a Kirin or a Nue.
:pepemotion::pepecry::pepehands::feelscryingman: Thank you! Somebody see's it!

As for Yamato's DF, I want and hope for the Neko Neko Mythical White Tiger Zoan\Byakko even.
I guess we'll gave to wait and see about Carrot. She needs to confront Perospero (not saying she'll win) and resolve the closure on Pedro's death. That can help her importance as a character. We'll see what happens. I am "team both" right now but I do see Yamato more likely to join over Carrot at this time.
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I guess we'll gave to wait and see about Carrot. She needs to confront Perospero (not saying she'll win) and resolve the closure on Pedro's death. That can help her importance as a character. We'll see what happens. I am "team both" right now but I do see Yamato more likely to join over Carrot at this time.
I’m not even sure Oda cares about that, especially in the current context.
Also, I'll apologize if I came off as rude, I'm just a boring, bland guy, and that's relfective in my words.

If Carrot ends up getting her character moment thanks to perospero, then my opinion of her will change.
I also apologise for the tone I used.
What exactly makes Carrot such a special character to be able to join the Strawhats? Especially when she's barely had any actual presence in the Wano Arc itself? 20 lines of dialogue, where most of it is one word reactions, with just one sentence...
Why Carrot is special is that she's a long term guest, but unlike every single other long term guest, she doesn't have a proper purpose for being there. All the others were travelling either because they were in an alliance like Law, or because they were trying to save their country. They all had major narratives demanding their journey with the crew. For side characters like Johnny and Yosaku, Oda barely does anything with them. Their actions in Arlong Park are utterly forgettable and they have very little panel time and then disappear from the story at the end of the arc.

Carrot had the 6th highest panel count in WCI beating half of the straw hats that were there, and only being beaten by Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Big Mom and Katakuri. She had chapters dedicated to her and was presented as much as a protagonist as the straw hats were. You can't say Johnny and Yosaku played as much of a role in Arlong Park as the straw hats. Whereas you can easily say that Carrot played as much of a role in WCI as a main character like Chopper.

In that same arc Oda dropped seeds for future Carrot plots like her understanding of the dawn and the straw hats' role, and her confrontation with Perospero. In addition, he gave Carrot tons of interactions. Again, all of this without Carrot having a personal purpose in the narrative. That's why so many think that all of this build up is working towards something and she will at some point get a spotlight on her character and that Oda hasn't just been building up Carrot as a close companion for no reason.
Alright, I'll concede that Carrot was more prevalent in WCI. But I don't think that indicates her joining either, at least not right now.

There may be some pay off for her character, but she really lacks in in some aspects, and that COULD change with Perospero being a thing right now.
Maybe he does, and that's why Carrot isn't grouped with the other minks during their big moment of the arc.
Maybe, but I wonder how he could resolve this situation. Not only the guy is too strong for her, but he seems to be on the alliance’s side so there’s no point in fighting him. Even if Carrot’s anger is too strong to put their differences aside and she chooses to attack him, she’d need some backup. Who would be willing to fight a powerful ally during a decisive war ?
I don't know about Carrot joining but it seems Oda has special plans for her. He keeps singling out from other minks. While it looks like they are all about to fight Kaido in sulong and be out for the rest of the arc, she is teamed up with Nami and close to Luffy & BM.
Exactly. She's clearly not " just another mink". This was at the beginning of the raid on Onigashima by the Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance:

And what 3 groups has Oda split his panels into?? And look who's in the middle of the one showing the straw hat pirates.

It makes sense to think that there's a reason why Oda's consistently portraying Carrot alongside the straw hats. The minks are literally right there next to her. In this panel and in the most recent chapter, yet Oda continues to place Carrot with the straw hats and not the rest of her race.

Carrot's the most prominent mink, yet she seemingly has no reason to be. That's why she stands out.
It's interesting because during WCI I used to think Carrot had pretty much no chance and was just a temporary arc ally but seeing her accompany a straw hat instead of her tribe during the current raid took me aback. Why her again? Why not Wanda (who is maybe even closer to Nami) for a change ? It makes me believe that either Oda is biased for Carrot or he does have plans for her. Now saying this implies next straw hat is a huge leap, but I also think she's past the simple temporary mink arc ally statut. Grand fleet as a nox pirates member/captain at the very least I think.
Personally, I always thought Carrot wouldn't join the SH's, but the prospect of her starting a pirate crew under the banner of the Strawhats seems very fitting, but it really is a wait and see thing at this point.

Clearly, Oda has been dropping breadcrumbs of someone joining after Jimbe...
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