Just like the title suggested, this chapter is literal hell.
Like, more heroes die than villains does. RIP Crust and Midnight I guess, especially Midnight since I have no one else to nut on. Well, I still have Mount Lady though

And hope the new Tartarus arc will be good. Great chapter.:cheers:
Funnily enough, I was meant to same the same thing about the title, this chapter is suffering for us lol.
I've had this song on loop since this chapter, I'm gonna start wearing piercings and calling myself Pain real soon lmao:
Very mixed feelings on this chapter so far, I genuinely got worried about the children and the rubble especially after Shirakumo, but thankfully they were saved and by Ochako and Tsuyu of all people too!
Hori always makes me laugh with these expressions like Ochako's shocked face after saving them lol, love those!
I also thought Ochako was about to get tricked again somehow with that guy asking for help lol.
That one mournful, regretful hero who was just stood there contemplating the devastation and the zoom on Ochako's face and her expression were really poignant.
I didn't catch it at first, but Midnight's hand and seeing Mina, Kiri, Momo and Sato crying over her is completely heartbreaking, soul destroying even. I can't even imagine how much more brutal it will be in the anime with music, voice acting and such...
I'm really disappointed about Majestic and Midnight, but at least since the villains didn't get her body, we won't have to worry about her becoming a Nomu at least. I am expecting the students having to face a Nomu of a hero or teacher they know personally sooner or later for maximum tragedy. A similar situation to the Shirakumo reveal but for the students.
AFO really is just such an unrelenting sadist too, sigh. Truly a complete monster although he's already estabalished his own monstrosity a long time ago.
On another note, not sure if you all have been seeing these:
The artist has been making them for a fair few chapters now at least, I keep forgetting to post them here and elsewhere lol.
Can definitely do with all the laughs I can get right now.