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  1. Pacificate

    Controversial Personally, Whats Your "Too Little Too Late" Moment

    There's absolutely no way either of you are right
  2. Pacificate

    Character Discussion Stussy Being Clone Brings up Questions

    I don't either, that's why I pointed it out.
  3. Pacificate

    Character Discussion Stussy Being Clone Brings up Questions

    He did, in One piece Magazine Vol 8
  4. Pacificate

    Character Discussion Stussy Being Clone Brings up Questions

    He's confirmed to have a mother and sisters though.
  5. Pacificate

    General & Others Luffy is Rogers clone?

    They're not as similar as we may think. First, Roger is more responsible than Luffy regarding his ''mission'' and ''destiny'', while Luffy couldn't give a damn about that. Second, he was way more cruel than Luffy, just remember what he did to Squardo.
  6. Pacificate

    Questions & Mysteries Did Oda forget about Kong?

    Dude is totally useless imo, we already have an admiral-in-chief that answers to the gorosei.
  7. Pacificate

    Questions & Mysteries What race are Kuma and Bonney?

    Maybe they are just ... humans ?
  8. Pacificate

    Speculations Blackbeard, Kid the Punk, and Egghead Island

    We already know that franky's ( real name: Cutty Flam ) parents are pirates who abandoned him
  9. Pacificate

    Current Events The next nakama is hidden in plain sight. Genius Oda

    Yeah, a borderline r*pist is joining the SH, how nice that will be
  10. Pacificate

    Current Events Prime Yonko Shit Their Pants At The Sight Of 79 Year Old Rayleigh

    Dafuq :choppawhat: That was BB not shanks who freaked out at Rayleigh, they're not the same person in case you didn't notice
  11. Pacificate

    Current Events Prime Yonko Shit Their Pants At The Sight Of 79 Year Old Rayleigh

    Yeah sure, the crew whose captain paralyzed aramaki while not even being on wano proper will struggle against him in a '' serious fight '' The copium here is really some gourmet shit :steef::steef::steef:
  12. Pacificate

    Current Events Prime Yonko Shit Their Pants At The Sight Of 79 Year Old Rayleigh

    Which means BB's crew is practically useless :myman::myman:
  13. Pacificate

    General & Others Unpopular Opinions?

    I prefer the 2nd opening Believe to We Are as it makes me somehow more nostalgic We Are is still fire tho
  14. Pacificate

    Speculations Are Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates weaker than we originally thought?

    He initially was going to meet luffy before changing his mind :kriwhat:
  15. Pacificate

    Powers & Abilities Can Greenbull vs Momonosuke answer a big question.

    Have you ever heard of something called Armament Haki ?
  16. Pacificate

    General & Others Shanks Appeared In Wano For Marketing Purposes

    and these are not even the worst panels, I'm a hardcore Shanks simp but this is clearly a marketing ploy.
  17. Pacificate

    Speculations We are getting 7 Vice Admirals vs 7 weaker Strawhats

    Smoker disrespecting the gorosei and the CD means for me that he won't fight the SH but rather join SWORD ( if he isn't part of it already) and fight some corrupt marine