Not going to repeat the majority of the things already mentioned in this thread which i fully support like 9/11 being an inside job, fake moon mission, NWO, sexualisation of the entire world especially in the west, nearly all the things Hollywood is accused of doing in the past decades etc etc.
I'd like to add that i don't believe in political wings. Politicians are playing theater, they don't give a shit about the side they're standing on, they're all full of shit, corrupt and simply want to gain more power or hold their position of authority. Politicians are just employees of the upper echelon "Elites" with the task to rile us up against one another so that we lose track of the real issues which need to be dealt with, like covid taking away every bit of individual freedom we had left.
The more i engage in the topic of religions, the farther i'm distancing myself from confessing myself to any of the word religions as we know them. I'm not an atheist and i do believe in god, but i'm starting to believe that you don't need a special book or place to pray to god.