Conspiracy theories you believe

9/11 was an inside job

the vast media is controlled by elites of the world aka bankers and free masons

the world is being sexualized snd divided under their agenda to depopulate the world

Isis movement was factually triggered by US extremism in camps where they radicalized Muslims

Porn is being promoted and people are being subconsciously altered and manipulated by the media industries.. especially targeting kids.. for a free sexual generation after this one.. so that sex, abortion,pleasure huts, sex slaves, and any porn in general would be normalized

Reasonable Freedom of speech by and support is inconsistent and cherry picked in the vast media and misused by the democratic monoliths

Capitalism is taking people's rightful place in the economy.. and its strategically targeting less fortunate and using them as labor not letting them ascend in the economy for logical reasons

Various singers and angers "sell their souls to the devil" just to regret after they do so.

World is being readied of a demonic era that's about to descend hence ethnicities like islam are being discriminated against.
Not going to repeat the majority of the things already mentioned in this thread which i fully support like 9/11 being an inside job, fake moon mission, NWO, sexualisation of the entire world especially in the west, nearly all the things Hollywood is accused of doing in the past decades etc etc.

I'd like to add that i don't believe in political wings. Politicians are playing theater, they don't give a shit about the side they're standing on, they're all full of shit, corrupt and simply want to gain more power or hold their position of authority. Politicians are just employees of the upper echelon "Elites" with the task to rile us up against one another so that we lose track of the real issues which need to be dealt with, like covid taking away every bit of individual freedom we had left.

The more i engage in the topic of religions, the farther i'm distancing myself from confessing myself to any of the word religions as we know them. I'm not an atheist and i do believe in god, but i'm starting to believe that you don't need a special book or place to pray to god.


He died, or he just murdered

"heart failure" was the official reason, which is the easiest trick in the book, it won't show up on the post mortem that this is induced cardiac arrest by homicide. What a coincidence lol

You think we should have closed down our societies in this manner bc of the swine flu also? France didnt even vacciante theor popualtion and few if any died from it

The swine flu vaccinations did fuck up a lot of people's lives though. Severely
Literally the most obvious assassination ever, they silenced him.
the problem with a question like this really is that naming something a "conspiracy theory" is already a conspiracy.
its a low effort attempt to discredit a theory.

when something is labelled a conspiracy you should never outright dismiss it. rather do some investigation yourself and see if there is some truth to it.
often "conspiracy theories" are just a form of poisoning the well. what is actually happening gets veiled by an over the top theory. one that is easy to debunk, maybe.
in good old logical fallacy fashion people will dismiss every bit of the theory because parts of it can be debunked.

as a recent example.
there were theories early in the COVID pandemic that governments would try to force vaccinate people. or that they would try to launch passports etc.
the over the top conspiracy theory was that this is done to assert control over the entire population. to subjugate them. to usher in the NWO and so on.
it got dismissed. "yeah, there are no passports coming. theres no NWO. look at this nutjob over there".
now here we are. nations practically forcing their population to take a vaccine. nations using vaccine passports to restrict entry.
not so much of a conspiracy anymore now is it?

realize this:
everyone is lying.
everyone has an agenda.
question everything.

we are ruled by governments that have hundreds of years to study human psychology and society. you can be damn sure that they make use of this to its full extent.
be vigilant. be better.
I know conspiracy theroies thank to chick tracts, christian website since 2000s Like new world order. I dont believe evolution that explain of life. I never accept evolution theory as fact. Elites give evolotion it’s power on science field by government. It is never new since 1950s or 1960s In USA.

So if vaccine gone horrible wrong in disaster. It is going evolution theory failure fault.
look up blood cell dinosaurs


often "conspiracy theories" are just a form of poisoning the well. what is actually happening gets veiled by an over the top theory. one that is easy to debunk, maybe.
For example the chemtrails theory.
The existence of chemtrails is total garbage. The things that are actually doing the damages that 'chemtrails' are supposed to do are instead envronmental pollution, GMOs etc.


Ok...well, then how about vaccine is not helping at all? I knew people that took Physer vaccine and still got COVID virus.
Apparently the symptoms are weakened when you are vaccinated.
I Haven't tested it myself tho. So, I cant be sure what's true
Apparently the symptoms are weakened when you are vaccinated.
But is not how vaccine should work, right? Also you have to get vaccine each year even if it is not working as it should. That is experimental medicine that influence human we clearly don't know how it could change your immune system, or even your organism overall after, for example, years of getting that experimental medicine.
Same goes for GMO food
Maybe that is some crazy plan about popution decline on Earth. I mean the Earth was overpopulated, we have less resources each day...and Voila here's the solution.
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I don't know honestly
I'm so conflicted about this vacccine
Some part in me wants to take it and some part doesn't
True...but the goverment made you to take vaccine soon or later, but then again it will work once, but that doesn't mean that people will get shot each year. So...


Cope Doctor
Why do I see so many ppl claiming that 9/11 was an inside job? I need some explanations lol.
You never watched x files I guess... x files had two conspiracy theorist that predicted 9/11 ... they had their own series where it happened... 9/11 was conspiracy even before it happened... oil