Democracy this, Democracy that, Bitch please the USA is a Constitutional Republic, maybe learn what sort of actual Government we are in. Instead you continue to do the literal same thing MSM does, "Muh Democracy, Our Democracy!"
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When have you ever posted any of your own takes on policy without mentioning the left or Trump? You have no opinions beside Trump good Democrats bad.
Illegals get the fuck out of our country, Gas prices need to go down, Drill for Oil, Pro-Life... to name a few, a simple bit.
It's not blind, for one thing. I hold my views, if that's shitting on liberals because of that, well that's not my problem. MSM Is ass, so I hope you don't watch it intending to get actual truth and facts.
You’re just parroting talking points. Who tf is talking about MSM? Are you to bring up CNN next?

You’re just a sheep of the other herd, democrats say don’t jump and you find the nearest bridge
Democracy this, Democracy that, Bitch please the USA is a Constitutional Republic, maybe learn what sort of actual Government we are in. Instead you continue to do the literal same thing MSM does, "Muh Democracy, Our Democracy!"
Then what does that mean huh? Stop spewing Reddit talking points that you don’t understand in a desperate attempt to not seem as stupid as you actually are. We have the separation of powers for a reason, and the constitution that serves as basic ground rules to ensure those in power can’t do whatever the hell they want.

But go off king, what does that mean in your book? What’s the real difference between a republic and a democracy? And don’t even think about google searching that shit. Let’s see if you actually have a semblance of an iota of what you’re talking about.
Illegals get the fuck out of our country, Gas prices need to go down, Drill for Oil, Pro-Life... to name a few, a simple bit.

Naming people, whose only option is to fly away from their home "illegals" (not even "migrants") says everything about the way you value life. You are literally reducing and dehumanizing people to their illegal status. This is quite despicable.
didn't vote in adhesion to RN. RN will never stop growing until people understand that it's shit. For that, they need to lead the country for a period.
Bruh what
What kind of logic is that
When have you ever posted any of your own takes on policy without mentioning the left or Trump? You have no opinions beside Trump good Democrats bad.
Does calling people insignificant fleas and irrelevant count as opinions?
Illegals get the fuck out of our country,
You first
What’s the real difference between a republic and a democracy?
The people's republic of China is a very Democratic nation.
Accelerationnism. This is a growing tendancy on the left and liberals (this is literally what Macron had in mind when his dissolved the french assemblee) he thought that the far right will ridiculize themselves once in power.
It was a rhetorical question. And it's not going to work. Once the far right is in power and destroys society their loyal and blind followers are still finding ways to somehow blame the left, immigrants or trans people. Or aliens, the Jews, you name them.

Naming people, whose only option is to fly away from their home "illegals" (not even "migrants") says everything about the way you value life. You are literally reducing and dehumanizing people to their illegal status. This is quite despicable.
How many Countries are in the World? Why Should only US be the only place. Dehumanizing them? No I'm calling a Rock a Rock, A stump a Stump, What they are. Coming into the country without doing it Legally. That's the issue. You are quite Despicable by trying to Legitimize it. Face it, You don't have much to stand on and that's your whole argument.
How many Countries are in the World? Why Should only US be the only place. Dehumanizing them?
The US are not special, they are simply the country where those people have a chance. Where do you want them to go ? South ? Where they will be treated even worst and where insecurity is high level ?

No I'm calling a Rock a Rock, A stump a Stump, What they are.
What you are doing is dehumanization

Coming into the country without doing it Legally. That's the issue.

You are quite Despicable by trying to Legitimize it.

Face it, You don't have much to stand on and that's your whole argument.
The entire human species's history. But hey. you have hate on your side so...
Democracy this, Democracy that, Bitch please the USA is a Constitutional Republic, maybe learn what sort of actual Government we are in. Instead you continue to do the literal same thing MSM does, "Muh Democracy, Our Democracy!"
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Illegals get the fuck out of our country, Gas prices need to go down, Drill for Oil, Pro-Life... to name a few, a simple bit.
All of those reasons (illegal immigration, gas prices, abortion) are not worth it to give up democracy for. Even if you 100% agree with project 2025, would you give up democracy to own the libs? fascism?

This is not like the people crying in 2016, this is actually serious now. What the SCOTUS has been doing lately is crazy. it's not the end of the world yet, but it's hanging by a thread.

US is a constitutional republic, but it's also a democracy. It being a republic does not mean it's not also democratic. You're arguing stupid semantics.
I am right-wing (mostly) and disagree with a lot of the opinions/things democrats have, yet, if I was american I'd vote for biden. Even if I agree with a party perfectly, I can't vote for them if they'll go against democracy.
You're trying so hard. But yet it fails you.
What does this sentence mean oh great patriotic American?
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I am right-wing (mostly) and disagree with a lot of the opinions/things democrats have, yet, if I was american I'd vote for biden.
Y'all gotta stop with this Pro Trump/Anti-Trump rhetoric as if it would make a difference. The Democrats and Republicans are both right wing parties under a neoliberal-capitalistic economy. The Democrats are center-right to right wing, the Republicans right wing to far right, both under the payroll of corporations and foreign nations. America has been creeping towards Facism as that's the natural destination given the political structure. Republicans push us towards it at 100Mph. Democrats whole gimmick is that they're "not the Republicans" and the lesser of two evils, pushing us towards fascism at 80Mph instead. The Democrats literally fund far right candidates to make themselves look better as once again, being the "better" option is their whole gimmick. Sometimes that strategy backfires like with Donald Trump.
What does this sentence mean oh great patriotic American?
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Also true, there has been this lie that the democrats are leftists, while they are center-left at best. But idk if I agree that they're also driving the US to fascism, their mistakes and incompetency are (so maybe at 20mph), but at least for this election that's the answer, you don't really have another option at the moment.

But also, it's not like they can't run DeSantis and go for project 2029 instead of 2025, so this is like a never-ending battle
All of those reasons (illegal immigration, gas prices, abortion) are not worth it to give up democracy for. Even if you 100% agree with project 2025, would you give up democracy to own the libs? fascism?

This is not like the people crying in 2016, this is actually serious now. What the SCOTUS has been doing lately is crazy. it's not the end of the world yet, but it's hanging by a thread.

US is a constitutional republic, but it's also a democracy. It being a republic does not mean it's not also democratic. You're arguing stupid semantics.
I am right-wing (mostly) and disagree with a lot of the opinions/things democrats have, yet, if I was american I'd vote for biden. Even if I agree with a party perfectly, I can't vote for them if they'll go against democracy.
Who's going against democracy?