Then you don't get to define what Atheism is. Just I don't get to define to type of believer you are.
That's first ofall shallow secondof all a false comparison

Atheism has a universal meaning and is a label to those who general dont believe in a diety and the only way you can judge me as a believer is through my Scripture and beliefs held in my religion

I sorta thought you might do this "you're not an athiest so you don't get to define it" even tho i expected a more mature response.
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No, there is a lot of definition of atheism.

The problem is that you don't understand what atheism is. Plus you are not an atheist, so you are far from being the one to define what atheism is or isn't.
Its not me who isn't able to narrow down what's the most standard mainstream definition of atheism for laymen discussing in an anime forum.. And its also definitely not me drawing tangents appealing to multiple definitions in certain academia for honestly pointless rationale.

Just to recenter the discussion

I'll make a claim

Atheism isn't a lack of belief itself, rather atheists have to appeal to naturalistic causes to explain the existence of the universe as we know it instead of the theistic proposition which is a deity initiated it.

Thoughts on that
Atheism is tbe rejection of a creator's existence WHICH IS WHY IT IS CONTRARY TO THIESM
You seem to be under the impression that theism is the only way where you have a belief in a creator.

But there is still deism as well.

And atheism is only the negation of theism.

I already explained this a couple times
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No belief in the existence of god ≠ no belief at all
Sure, atheism is about not having a belief in god.

I still believe in bigfoot as i mentioned before. Thats possible of course.

That still doesnt necessarily mean atheists have to believe god doesnt or cant exist.

Thats where the shit i explained like 4 times now come into play, with implicit/weak atheism vs explicit/strong atheism

Dont know if there are studies about the ratio of these 2, but from my experience there are more where implicit atheism applies. Because explicit atheism is kinda retarded and unreasonable, since the inexistence of god(s) cannot be proven
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So do you actively believe in a god or gods?

If the answer is "no" then congrats, you are also an atheist
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Takes me back to "homology has nothing to do with evolution" but i digress
Lmao i never said that. Kinda funny considering you said in this post im the one who cant read

But i guess i return the favor: your garbage line of reasoning on this topic is no surprise considering you are an evolution denier
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Even the idea that its lack of belief alone is wrong since then you have to provide your notion of creation amd existence of the universe which the only way and atheist can explain is through natrual causes.
Or, and hear me out here, we can just say "i dont know" about shit we dont know?!?!?!?

Crazy i know
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Then you don't get to define what Atheism is. Just I don't get to define to type of believer you are.
Ye i to consider people adheremts of X religion if thats what they consider.

Even if other people of religion X demonize them and dont consider them that.

Like in the case of the ahmadiyya sect of islam
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How is it so hard to understand? Atheist simply don't believe in a higher power. They ain't remotely religious. It's not a system or practice.
Its not hard to understand at all. The implicit/explicit differentiation also isnt hard to understand.
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Atheism has a universal meaning and is a label to those who general dont believe in a diety
Yes, this is the one.

Not believing in a deity =/= believing there is no deity

That would be lowkey a non sequitur, even if it does apply to some atheists
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I'll make a claim

Atheism isn't a lack of belief itself, rather atheists have to appeal to naturalistic causes to explain the existence of the universe as we know it instead of the theistic proposition which is a deity initiated it.

Thoughts on that
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