Future Events Mihawk will crush Sengoku

Didn't sound like it here.

Sounded like you were satisfied with him staying on the shelf till Zoro, acting like Sengoku wouldn't do wonders for some hype and action.
It would do wonders for some hype and action, but I don't think we are getting this fight. Sorry to rain on your parade, as always, lmao


The only one who can beat me is me
The way you're trying to downplay sengoku is just weird as hell, idk what you get out of this, is hating sengoku your little niche?

Former Fleet Admiral, Respected by the Pirate King along with Garp. Has CoC and a mythical Zoan fruit, yet you're sitting here tryna downplay this mf, you probably think the gap between fujitora and kizaru is big or some shit, because fuji was sweating against luffy.

when fuji brought down the meteor on law and doffy, he said he'd only test his strength a little bit. He wasn't trying.

Idk why you insist on being a little weirdo like this
Thanks for the wikipedia info, really needed that.
The way you're trying to downplay sengoku is just weird as hell, idk what you get out of this, is hating sengoku your little niche?

Former Fleet Admiral, Respected by the Pirate King along with Garp. Has CoC and a mythical Zoan fruit, yet you're sitting here tryna downplay this mf, you probably think the gap between fujitora and kizaru is big or some shit, because fuji was sweating against luffy.

when fuji brought down the meteor on law and doffy, he said he'd only test his strength a little bit. He wasn't trying.

Idk why you insist on being a little weirdo like this
There's people who just genuinely hate Sengoku and Garp despite them being some of the strongest Marines we've ever seen
Maybe they're mad because they're above the Admirals? Who knows..


I will never forgive Oda
Marco got his licks in specifically because Oda didn’t have any plans for him after the Oni virus. His way of trying to justify Marco there while keeping King/Queen occupied.

End of 30~ minutes of combat and Queen has no damage, King isn’t drained one bit and Marco’s gassed.

It was a good way of giving Marco an air of importance and making it look like he was vital.
Sengoku is by far the least impressive old legend. Much rather Mihawk vs Fuji, but like others have said, it ain't happening so we will have to settle for Sengoku. The issue is as I stated in my post, the focus will be more on Sengoku than on Mihawk, since it will be Sengoku's last hurrah. Not an ideal setup to hype Mihawk.
Just like Garp took down several YCs before Aokiji beat him, it's not impossible for Sengoku to mow down most of the CGs and/or ID escapees as his hypetools before Mihawk finally beats him.

Not an ideal setup for Mihawk, yeah, but I doubt it'd get to the point where Mihawk is all bloodied and battered like Aokiji was after he beat Garp. Especially since Mihawk is the only top tier shown in a fight so far that hasn't taken any damage whatsoever, so my guess for a Mihawk vs Sengoku fight is similar to either KOH Zoro vs King, where King's attacks only nearly hit Zoro, but you could tell it was a fierce fight, or Zoro vs Ryuma, equal throughout with one deciding attack as a finale, where Sengoku goes down but Mihawk's fedora hat got knocked off, which would signify how close the fight was.

Just my two cents.
Marco got his licks in specifically because Oda didn’t have any plans for him after the Oni virus. His way of trying to justify Marco there while keeping King/Queen occupied.

End of 30~ minutes of combat and Queen has no damage, King isn’t drained one bit and Marco’s gassed.

It was a good way of giving Marco an air of importance and making it look like he was vital.
Wasn't King 1v1ing Marco? Queen was occupied with Chopper.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Hey they already try to make the others look like complete wins so on the bright side it doesn’t matter how impressive sengoku looks it’ll automatically be seen as an L for him and a W for mihawk
Best example down below lol
What did I say that was a lie

King vs Marco ends with King untouched and Marco folded.

Shiryus one no named stab on garp crippled garp and is the reason he lost the stab was highlighted multiple times for hindering garp

Lucci was factually fine after 3 named g5 attacks and got one shot by a mid zoro attack.

You the most pathetic sack of shit on this forum
Marco got his licks in specifically because Oda didn’t have any plans for him after the Oni virus. His way of trying to justify Marco there while keeping King/Queen occupied.

End of 30~ minutes of combat and Queen has no damage, King isn’t drained one bit and Marco’s gassed.

It was a good way of giving Marco an air of importance and making it look like he was vital.
I mean that fight ended exactly how it should’ve when one person is trying to fight two people on the same level as them.
Queen stopped fighting Marco when chopper took over and sanji came.

King bodied Marco 1 vs 1 in that time
Yes, that is what I said.
Whatever happened off panel isn’t really important, otherwise Oda would’ve shown it.

The few times we see King fighting Marco he has some gifters with him (same gifters later turned against King thanks to Otama.)
Gifters aren't important at all.
No I'm sad you're happy with such mediocrity. Lame behaviour.

It's one thing to understand Mihawk will not do shit prior to fighting Zoro, it's another to be proud of it 😂, that's garbage 🗑️
You are literally fanboying a mediocre fodder and then like a hypocrite you tell the other guy he's happy with mediocrity and has lame behaviour. Wake the fuck up!
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@ZenZu at this point it’s lowkey a trend for zoro’s opponents to get clowned on a bit before fighting zoro lol. Might be the same with mihawk
  • King was getting juggled along with Queen before exhausting Marco
  • Shiryu looked like fodder in comparison to Kuzan and Garp but he did get a good hit in tbf
  • Lucci was getting his ass beat by luffy but surviving because he’s an awakened zoan
Mihawk will most likely get clowned while fighting sengoku but get a constellation prize by the end so he doesn’t look too bad and gets a bit a hype
Mihawk is literally serving a clown.
It will be hard for Oda to come up with an excuse for Mihawk though, I'm sure he'll find something. Will it be convincing though is the question.
People don’t find Akainu getting his head nuked by a pretty damn enraged Whitebeard then retaliating by busting half his head off to be impressive, good luck to Mihawk if he fights good old Sengoku
Rather Mihawk's untouchable aura not be wasted on this washed up old legend.

If he fought Fuji, it would be much more badass. We know before Old Legends go out they are gonna be gassed at the expense of the character who will survive. Mihawk is supposed to be one of the unblemished top tiers, while I think he'd do better than most, I would still be worried for how Oda makes him look.

Though Kizaru was also one of those characters who had a somewhat untouchable aura, he had to be given depression for that to end, but Oda still refuses to draw Kizaru dirty or looking injured while Kaidou was coughing up liters of blood against weaker attacks. So it can be the same case with Mihawk, where he gets touched up only for him to be drawn relatively unharmed.
Given Buggy's crew consists of Impel Down thugs and Buggy himself has no honor either, let us witness how Oda will pull a Shiryu vs. Garp 2.0. Where Sengoku will be backstabbed before Mihawk delivers the decisive blow.
