Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yeah i know he wants to because shogun and so do the people of wano but maybe something in the journal is going to give him a reason to hold off on becoming shogun

With hiyori maybe holding his place till he comes back
he already read the journal and still says he will be Shogun lol
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The carrot denial is hilarious, I can't think of a single SH that was as irrelevant as her rn lol
Also it was amusing to see Yamao totally entranced by Momo's development.

She was literally rendered speechless. We just got a bunch of ellipses and have yet to see what she properly thinks about all of it. Now we wait for the Momo/Oden human form reveal and that will likely be the moment where Yamao makes it clear she ain't ever leaving Momo.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
surely no strawhat has gotten this sidelined in an arc they were supposed to join?
Or for the three arcs preceding it?? I’d say anyone who still wants to cling to this delusion can eat shit, but that’s probably tastier than the garbage they’re already willing to consume…
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Anyway, I should have posted this yesterday, but I thought to myself, “There’s no way this will happen, even this nutjob has to see that it’s over”…and yet, here we are once again:
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The situation is: IF Perospero or Jack is defeated by Luffy, or any other Straw Hat, then Carrot surely has a chance of becoming a nakama. It has been never, ever, once that a potential nakama’s main villain, defeated by someone non-other than Luffy, or at least the consisting Straw Hats. Even Vivi, an honorary Straw Hat, her villain were Mr. 5 & Miss Valentine (when she was Miss Wednesday, and that was the time she joined), and both Mr. 5 & Miss Valentine were defeated by Luffy & Zoro.

Jack? Defeated by Inuarashi
Perospero? Defeated by Nekomamushi

both are supposedly Carrot’s main villains. Are Inuarashi & Nekomamushi Straw Hats? No.

I guess it really isn’t that hard to comprehend. It’s a thin line between hopeful & delusional.
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he already read the journal and still says he will be Shogun lol
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The carrot denial is hilarious, I can't think of a single SH that was as irrelevant as her rn lol
Hes obviously gonna be shogun eventually it just depends on what he took from the journal that might effect when

We already know hes supposed to be really important for some reason and he might need to travel with the strawhats to accomplish whatever his destiny is
Hes obviously gonna be shogun eventually it just depends on what he took from the journal that might effect when

We already know hes supposed to be really important for some reason and he might need to travel with the strawhats to accomplish whatever his destiny is
Shirahoshi is important as well and she was left behind. They can all show up in the final war/arc on their own. Momo will probably lead the Wano/Zou army on Zunisha

You've already made it very clear that I mean the world to you. You don't need to share your excitement to read my "well crafted" and "interesting" posts each week. It's already well known that you're dizzy for me and you'll be reading them regardless. Just try and stay calm when faced with other opinions. It'll help your mental health and rein in your "fury".

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I've never seen a SH disappear for majority of an arc, be completely separated from the main conflict, be defeated off screen by a supporting villain and still be defeated chapters later while the target of their grudge is taken out by another supporting character. The Toppi Roppo are beaten; an All Star is beaten; BM's only officer is beaten; what can Carrot do to get back into the main conflict and become SH material?

Once again, Carrot's execution is unlike anything that has ever happened before, and the hope is that Oda is doing the complete opposite for Carrot alone and is swerving us all. She needs some serious help.
Shirahoshi is important as well and she was left behind. They can all show up in the final war/arc on their own. Momo will probably lead the Wano/Zou army on Zunisha
Difference is if the strawhats are getting a oden and/or apprentice parallel to roger momo would be the most fitting in both cases
Theres yamato but if anyone is truly the most oden its probably gonna be momo
He also lets us have an apprentice "child" that isn't constantly a danger to have on board

He doesn't have to join but i think its possible
Shirahoshi is important as well and she was left behind. They can all show up in the final war/arc on their own. Momo will probably lead the Wano/Zou army on Zunisha
Shirahoshi's arc was 10 years ago and at the halfway point in the series. There was tons of time before she'd be needed again. Whereas we're heading right into the EoS phase after Wano. It's more likely that Momo will continue to be relevant in the immediate plot.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower

You've already made it very clear that I mean the world to you. You don't need to share your excitement to read my "well crafted" and "interesting" posts each week. It's already well known that you're dizzy for me and you'll be reading them regardless. Just try and stay calm when faced with other opinions. It'll help your mental health and rein in your "fury".
And I clearly mean a lot to you, since you’ve hung on to an apology you never actually acknowledged…it’s SO funny when you post this because I know you think you’re making a coherent point, but as with the Carrot stuff, it just makes you look pathetic and small. Nobody thinks the asswipe who doesn’t man up and accept someone’s apology is the cool guy, you can take that to the bank.
Difference is if the strawhats are getting a oden and/or apprentice parallel to roger momo would be the most fitting in both cases
Theres yamato but if anyone is truly the most oden its probably gonna be momo
He also lets us have an apprentice "child" that isn't constantly a danger to have on board

He doesn't have to join but i think its possible
Momo is not interested going on adventure just like father. Yamato on other hand she wants do that. The arc has always been built up for Momo to take leadership and role shogun of wano. Even some nine scabbard said, they would advise Momo on how to run the country. The straw hat defeating Kaido and Momo goes on journey with them defeats the purposes what everyone fought for and died for throughout this entire raid. If Momo wants learn swordsmanship he can learn from remaining samurai he doesn’t have do what father did. If he needs lead advisers to help him with leadership he has some of his fathers followers
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Idk as much as I would love carrot to join over Yamato that’s clearly not happening… even if carrot joined it would be disappointing to me even as a fan of hers because what has she done this arc?

Even though some SHs didn’t get/win fights their joining arc, they still gave us some of the biggest emotional climaxes of the series. Yeah we have the Pedro moment but that doesn’t justify her being sidelined for as long as she has.

But I do kind of agree with Dizzy to an extent, we still haven’t gotten any payoff or catharsis for Carrot and the stuff that was set up for her at the end of WCI. But at the same time the Jack plot line makes it clear that sometimes Oda doesn’t care about payoff lol. I find it so stupid that this subplot was dragged out for over 100 chapters just for …this….. Peros might as well have died at the end of WCI, it would’ve saved me a lot of typing :josad:
The sooner Carrot fans accept she was there for alliance representation and hyping up Sulong the better their lives will be.
Yup, imagine how lame Sulong would’ve been had Pedro done it and still gotten killed, or Pekoms for that matter

Sulong had to be established and Carrot was the plot tool to do it
Carrot and Wanda watch helplessly.
Nekomamushi throws a powerful swipe at Perospero, shattering part of his hat and breaking his candy arm.
Perospero, the eldest child of the Big Mom Pirates, has been defeated.
Well there you have it folks.

Carrot4Nakama is officially dead.

It’s pretty obvious now that Oda has been trying to write her out of the story.

What future SH gets completely sidelined in the arc they’re supposed to join?

The Perospero fight is where Carrot had the most emotional investment in and Oda took that away from her.

There’s literally nothing left for her to do in this arc.

She’s no more important to the plot than Wanda is.

The Mods can go ahead and lock this thread now.
Well there you have it folks.

Carrot4Nakama is officially dead.

It’s pretty obvious now that Oda has been trying to write her out of the story.

What future SH gets completely sidelined in the arc they’re supposed to join?

The Perospero fight is where Carrot had the most emotional investment in and Oda took that away from her.

There’s literally nothing left for her to do in this arc.

She’s no more important to the plot than Wanda is.

The Mods can go ahead and lock this thread now.
If we were keeping this thread open based on the chances of Carrot being a Strawhat it would have been locked long before now lol
Idk as much as I would love carrot to join over Yamato that’s clearly not happening… even if carrot joined it would be disappointing to me even as a fan of hers because what has she done this arc?

Even though some SHs didn’t get/win fights their joining arc, they still gave us some of the biggest emotional climaxes of the series. Yeah we have the Pedro moment but that doesn’t justify her being sidelined for as long as she has.

But I do kind of agree with Dizzy to an extent, we still haven’t gotten any payoff or catharsis for Carrot and the stuff that was set up for her at the end of WCI. But at the same time the Jack plot line makes it clear that sometimes Oda doesn’t care about payoff lol. I find it so stupid that this subplot was dragged out for over 100 chapters just for …this….. Peros might as well have died at the end of WCI, it would’ve saved me a lot of typing :josad:
again I must say that you’re one of the most reasonable Carrot fans. It’s not like that I’m 100% percent sure Carrot isn’t joining, but more like 90-95% she isn’t joining. Carrot situation COULD be similar to Robin’s case. Again, could be. The thing is in Robin’s case, although she was off screened most of time & a secondary antagonist when she was still Miss All Sunday, she was shown having interest in Luffy specifically. She even had special 1 on 1 interaction with Luffy. And during her joining, her main villain was defeated by Luffy; in this case is Crocodile.

and let’s see the female pattern joining:
- Nami joined, after all of Arlong crew were defeated by Straw Hats, each. Main villain: Arlong. Defeated by: Luffy
- Robin joined, after all of Baroque Works officer agents were defeated by Straw Hats, again. Main villain: Crocodile. Defeated by: Luffy

in Carrot’s case, Carrot’s main villain is either Jack, or Perospero. Both Jack & Perospero, are not defeated by any of Straw Hats or potential Straw Hat. Yamato on the other hand, has the same recruitment pattern with Nami & Robin. Jack & Perospero don’t have any subordinates to be defeated by Straw Hats, if the case is that Carrot’s main villain is Jack / Perospero. Also, Carrot wasn’t shown to have any terrible past (which is the definite condition of any Straw Hat joining). Pedro’s death happened in current timeline.

The 5-10% chance of Carrot joins, if it turns out that there is another main villain in waiting for her, and if her terrible past is finally shown post joining, like Robin.

what Carrot is lacking as a nakama, if we see Nami & Robin:
- no terrible past
- no special 1 on 1 interaction with Luffy
- she has 2 main villains, and sadly enough both are not defeated by Luffy, not even by any of the Straw Hats
- some say that her strongest chance is her role as a lookout. Weak trio are very proficient in their own role, and their role compensate their weakness in battlefield. Nami is very good at navigation skill, Chopper is also very good at being a doctor. Usopp, while he’s considered the weakest, he at least has haki; and again he is very good at sharp-shooting.

unless if Carrot’s case is like Robin, where Robin’s ability to read Poneglyph was shown near the end of Alabasta arc, Carrot’s chance is extremely slim. She needs to show something she is very good of, if she joins & she needs another main villain to be defeated by Luffy, same like what happened to any other Straw Hats.
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Honestly, I feel better about it now. Beating Perospero was an obvious reason to keep her around, but now we see she's around for a different reason... I just don't believe that Oda brought her along for nothing. I also don't think her beating Perospero would have been satisfying, since Perospero did nothing wrong (before the raid).
Defeating perospero would have been meh AF for her, now she's free to do whatever she wants to do XD
Akka, with the Mugis xD

Carrot4Nakama will be dead the day she says goodbye to Luffy and his crew at the end of Wano, she could always reappear how she did in Zou xDxD
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