Who Will Woronoa Woro One Shot Next?

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It's really sad to see Luffy having already accomplished far more in two weeks than all the other Supernova captains combined in two years. Despite having been in the NW for two years they didn't accomplish anything really spectacular and changing the trends in the NW.
Isn't it more like almost 2 months? And I think it was the point of the training, all the members of his crew trained to be prepared and wreck havoc the moment they enter the new world.
They were stronger than the other supernova when they reunited. Besides he made an alliance with Law who took care of the plan, that helped a lot.
Okay I'm not sure if the spoilers are real but

討ち入りの時のギア4 パンク ルーム出してカイドウ 攻撃するけど、あんま効いてなく、龍になってマムと見開きで、勝った方が海賊王に近くと。
カイドウ めちゃくちゃ戦い楽しんでる笑
ゾロもバンダナ付けてガチモードだけど、カイドウ に攻撃効いてない。。

Luffy Kidd and Law attack with Gear 4, Punk and Room but the attacks doesn't do too much damage, Kaidou becomes a Dragon(actually a fish, but whatever) and there's a double spread with Big Mom and they say the ones who win will be the most near to become the pirate king. Kaidou is enjoying the fight.
Zoro also puts his bandana and is serious but his attacks doesn't affect Kaidou
Assuming these are real, Why the fuck did Kaido turned into dragon form...is he Masochist or what? :kaidowhat::lawsigh:


Pepebusi Spammer
Hmm, the spoilers really seems to be true due to the way the guy from 5ch is talking. He's also saying that there's a high chance that reinforcements will come as Kaidou and Big Mom don't have any problem. And it's something that i've been thinking for a while too(the other 4 shadows)
dont jump the gun because im seriously dont know how to track "trusted person" in 5ch.
thats why we need to ask @Arara
Cause Rayleigh knew, Luffy would die instantly in the new world and guess what, even with his training, he nearly did directly on fishman island. Still, Kid went to new world instantly and survived, he still survives and even after fighting Yonkos, he is still out there on the hunt.

About the Bounty, we all know the bounty system is BS. Luffy has already more then the YC and gets counted as Yonko. At the same time we have Chopper with a bounty of 100 berry? Also Kings way higher than Katakuri? Dont take these numbers to serious, specialy when the numbers are made by people which arent part of the situations and results in pure propaganda often.
Shakky was saying it clearly that Kid's bounty was the propaganda one, she was implying that Luffy's strength was greater... and even with all those Propaganada Kid still is left behind in bounty so much, same for Killer
Because Luffy his on island getting babysat by the PK right hand man for two years while the other Supernova went straight into New World with no training. If Luffy went into New World without training just like Kidd, I seriously doubt he would do much better.
That's just another proof of Luffy getting the royal treatment, the other Supernovas never had a chance of being serious competitors for the One Piece since the race was already set up for Luffy.


Heavy Metal
Since when. The only comparison he ever got was cause he used coc. Meme has coc is she oden ? Kaido has coc is he oden ? Kidd has coc is he oden ?
Okay, lets get it on another way.

What was the most specific things you get when thinking about Oden?
1. Wish for Wanos Freedom
2. Gathering countless people around him to follow and support him

Thats the 2 most important things about Oden. Guess who is inherit the exact same things?
Does Zoro ever mentioned any interest to free wano or is he just aiming for the biggest possible kill for him?
Does Zoro gathering people around him to supoort him? Or is he following his captain and the people follow his captain?
Okay I'm not sure if the spoilers are real but

討ち入りの時のギア4 パンク ルーム出してカイドウ 攻撃するけど、あんま効いてなく、龍になってマムと見開きで、勝った方が海賊王に近くと。
カイドウ めちゃくちゃ戦い楽しんでる笑
ゾロもバンダナ付けてガチモードだけど、カイドウ に攻撃効いてない。。

Luffy Kidd and Law attack with Gear 4, Punk and Room but the attacks doesn't do too much damage, Kaidou becomes a Dragon(actually a fish, but whatever) and there's a double spread with Big Mom and they say the ones who win will be the most near to become the pirate king. Kaidou is enjoying the fight.
Zoro also puts his bandana and is serious but his attacks doesn't affect Kaidou
Sound too good to be true.
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