You will see...
2) No he had Haki, as confirmed by this arc.
Addressed this. Zoro was only able to cut steel with one specific technique, and we learned in Wa No that the voice he heard in Alabasta for Shishi Sonson was Haki. And he could only do that with one technique.
What is now you point?
Did we reader now that he use haki back then? Did Zoro know that he use haki back then? Did Luffy know the concept of haki?
You take your arguments out of your ass and coming with something who is far back in Pre ts.
Now we as reader now haki, we know the concept, Luffy know haki, Robin know haki, why Luffy should lie about Robin not having haki, are really so denial to not even wanna accept that lmao?
Robin couldn´t hurt Monet, Luffy literally confirm it their is no point to deny it at this point.
No one expect Luffy, Zoro and Sanji had haki or do you wanna tell us that you know more then Oda,Luffy and Robin?
Stop it and accept that Robin can use now CoA, probably even full body.#