This idea was first shared to me by @Gol D. Roger but I'll put it in the form of a proper argument.
Whenever Zoro uses CoC coating, you see that distinct CoC trail and the smoke emanating off of his swords.
And in all the other panels of chapter 1035
But look at this panel.
We can clearly see that it lacks the two things which are constantly present when Zoro uses Advanced Conquerors Haki in this very chapter - the ensuing haki trail on his swords and the smoke on his swords. Whatever it might be, it surely isn't Advanced Conquerors.
Also note how you see lightning go on both sides and not just on one side and the distinct importance given to both Zoro's and King's eyes before the clash.
Where have we seen this before?
What are the chances Zoro just broke out of King's sword's trick mechanism using physical strength and had a basic Conquerors Haki clash with King right there? The next panel, both Zoro and King are pushed back by the wave due to lack of footing.
Did Oda intend to confirm King as a Conquerors Haki user with this? After all the talk about Kingly ambitions.
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
@TheAncientCenturion @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Patryipe @Cinera @Van @Aknolagon @General Duke Hyuo @Hanzo hattori @MonsterKaido @Tejas etc..
Whenever Zoro uses CoC coating, you see that distinct CoC trail and the smoke emanating off of his swords.

And in all the other panels of chapter 1035

Also note how you see lightning go on both sides and not just on one side and the distinct importance given to both Zoro's and King's eyes before the clash.
Where have we seen this before?

Did Oda intend to confirm King as a Conquerors Haki user with this? After all the talk about Kingly ambitions.
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
@TheAncientCenturion @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Patryipe @Cinera @Van @Aknolagon @General Duke Hyuo @Hanzo hattori @MonsterKaido @Tejas etc..