Who will beat Kaido now?

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I sympathize with Oda and all these Shonen mangaka who want to do Chosen one stories but have to hide the Chosen oneness until the end… They want to have the readers get invested in the fight and wins by not invalidating them with “he was destined to win so whatever”… But they also still want to have their chosen one stories so they hide them up to the end so and now look where we are

They should take a page from Araki and Jojo’s where the opening narration legit just tells you all the Jojo’s are born into this mess special and blessed by Fate itself… He tells you each person is the chosen one off rip and just lets you enjoy the madness of the story
I sympathize with Oda and all these Shonen mangaka who want to do Chosen one stories but have to hide the Chosen oneness until the end… They want to have the readers get invested in the fight and wins by not invalidating them with “he was destined to win so whatever”… But they also still want to have their chosen one stories so they hide them up to the end so and now look where we are

They should take a page from Araki and Jojo’s where the opening narration legit just tells you all the Jojo’s are born into this mess special and blessed by Fate itself… He tells you each person is the chosen one off rip and just lets you enjoy the madness of the story
To be fair Oda was always pretty upfront about Luffy being a special one since Chapter 100

Gorosei Informer

What did you think about the spoilers?
50/50, very apprehensive right now tbh. Im extremely happy and excited to see Luffys apparent awakening finally but I'm very worried about the Joyboy and Nika stuff, especially is his fruit is not the Gomu Gomu but Resin fruit or Nika Nika no mi or something else at least.

On the other hand, Luffys panel with him grinning like that was very cool, hype and uplifting, plus badass with the melting effect happening.

I can barely remember the rest of the spoilers as ive been so distracted by, focused on and overwhelmed due to the Luffy stuff BUT I cannot wait to see Luffy get up like he did to Lucci especially (who is ironically meant to be nearby sort of?) or Goku going SS or Ultra Instinct and absolutely kicking ass and finally not only bringing Kaido to near death but defeating him too FINALLY.

Kaido is truly gonna get ultimate he wants again by the grandson of the man who helped take down and wipe his former Captain from history, records and thus existence entirely ultimately. Also the same guy who he told earlier that he couldn't be Joyboy ironically! Zunesha the now confirmed friend of Joyboy BEGS TO DIFFER on that Kaido as they personally knew JB too ofc!

This is a very divisive chapter as the leakers did claim. There still might be stuff they're hiding too from the chapter.

Kaido trying to kill Nami but Marco saving her sounds dope if I remember the spoilers right? Oda finally remembered Kawamatsu too? RIP Denjiro especially now then.

Thanks for asking anyway, what did you think of them too?

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
I sympathize with Oda and all these Shonen mangaka who want to do Chosen one stories but have to hide the Chosen oneness until the end… They want to have the readers get invested in the fight and wins by not invalidating them with “he was destined to win so whatever”… But they also still want to have their chosen one stories so they hide them up to the end so and now look where we are

They should take a page from Araki and Jojo’s where the opening narration legit just tells you all the Jojo’s are born into this mess special and blessed by Fate itself… He tells you each person is the chosen one off rip and just lets you enjoy the madness of the story
There no need to hide this nonsense anyway in Shonen it's obvious the MC will win so that's whatever but it does destroy the idea of the MC getting there by hard work because of "fate"
Post automatically merged:

Joy Boy is objectively a post TS thing only but that doesn't mean that Oda didn't shy away from saying Luffy was destined for greatness since they entered the Grand Line
Fate in general is post-TS thing we got prophet mermaid
Greatness as being the King of the Pirate not becoming the Sun God/Jesus and save the world and free the slaves and whatever
It's one thing if does free slave but making it his fate? BS
We excepted him to be top 1 pirate not religious figure - fuck this!
That's from Luffy's foggy memory. Actually this happened
When @Extravlad post picture . You accuse him of photoshop and lying. Then he post whole manga panel, then, you change goal post excuse like luffy foggy memory which it is headcannon. Instead of admit you are wrong on accusing him of photoshop, you literally make new excuses and moving the goal post.

Tejas: Photoshop by LextravLad to support his favourite Lakazuki. In thereal manga, Marco is uninjured


Talent is something you make bloom.
50/50, very apprehensive right now tbh. Im extremely happy and excited to see Luffys apparent awakening finally but I'm very worried about the Joyboy and Nika stuff, especially is his fruit is not the Gomu Gomu but Resin fruit or Nika Nika no mi or something else at least.

On the other hand, Luffys panel with him grinning like that was very cool, hype and uplifting, plus badass with the melting effect happening.

I can barely remember the rest of the spoilers as ive been so distracted by, focused on and overwhelmed due to the Luffy stuff BUT I cannot wait to see Luffy get up like he did to Lucci especially (who is ironically meant to be nearby sort of?) or Goku going SS or Ultra Instinct and absolutely kicking ass and finally not only bringing Kaido to near death but defeating him too FINALLY.

Kaido is truly gonna get ultimate he wants again by the grandson of the man who helped take down and wipe his former Captain from history, records and thus existence entirely ultimately. Also the same guy who he told earlier that he couldn't be Joyboy ironically! Zunesha the now confirmed friend of Joyboy BEGS TO DIFFER on that Kaido as they personally knew JB too ofc!

This is a very divisive chapter as the leakers did claim. There still might be stuff they're hiding too from the chapter.

Kaido trying to kill Nami but Marco saving her sounds dope if I remember the spoilers right? Oda finally remembered Kawamatsu too? RIP Denjiro especially now then.

Thanks for asking anyway, what did you think of them too?
Remember when I said I wasn't looking foward to the "destiny stacking BS"?
Scratch that.
Seeing the meltdown that it is causing here actually brings me joy.
I have a new perspective for One Piece now.
If it triggers people here, I like it.
Gotta have fun somehow. Lmao.

Gorosei Informer

Or evil politicians with any ideologies starting a nuclear war.

Post automatically merged:

Remember when I said I wasn't looking foward to the "destiny stacking BS"?
Scratch that.
Seeing the meltdown that it is causing here actually brings me joy.
I have a new perspective for One Piece now.
If it triggers people here, I like it.
Gotta have fun somehow. Lmao.
LMFAOOOO, its that what brings you Joy Boy, then all the more better! The meltdowns on Twitter and Reddit are gonna be immense, Reddit already on a second post/thread for spoilers due to OVERWHELMING amounts of comments, almost 21k on the original post alone!

If thats floating your boat, not tipping your ship, then all the more power to you, all the better! Its very catharthic for us after all naturally!



Talent is something you make bloom.

Who would imagine that this destiny thing would provide so much entertainment?
I'm 100% on board for #TeamPirateJesus
Fate in general is post-TS thing we got prophet mermaid
Greatness as being the King of the Pirate not becoming the Sun God/Jesus and save the world and free the slaves and whatever
It's one thing if does free slave but making it his fate? BS
We excepted him to be top 1 pirate not religious figure - fuck this!
Even pre TS we had Teach running around and blabbing about Fate evey time he was on screen, Fate's been a major theme in OP since chapter 1
I'm not taking a shot at Zoro fans or Zoro.

I just think the story is developing towards Zoro being the figurative and literal second coming of Ryuma. So I'm pushing against what I see as a misguided offensive on Luffy fans because of the Joy Boy issue.

I wrote an extensive thread on it here:
The Second Advent

I can't believe that I of all people have to defend my credentials as a Zoro fan.
I'm sure you realize that not liking this development isn't based on Zoro any more than the number of other complaints people have had about this arc. Some of us just might find it silly that Oda bothered to spend 40+ chapters and two other power ups on this development, and unless we get a recent flashback of Zunesha telling Luffy "ooze it or lose it n1gga", it seems forced into the story. Like why isn't this along the lines of something to save for another major fight? Etc
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