I can't even explain how much i really felt this panel(s), i seriously almost got chills off the pure ferocity in the scene.
Imagining a bad ass voice actor for Oden when the anime gets here, as he narrates:
"After I broke through the gate...I was overwhelmed by the stench of blood, sweat, and corpses."
And that simple exchange between Kuri and Oden we get in parallel with the narration:
"So, your Kozuki Oden?.."
"I was
disowned, I no longer go by that name"

The whole Kuri region has been anticipating this guy, this "Privileged Son of the Shogun" they heard about and Ashura, the pinnacle of this violent region, wants to kill him for that reason. They think they've already figured him out but Oden's response (to me) feels like he's saying don't underestimate me as some asshole son of the shogun.
And this panel oh my goosh.. the narration words and the faces of the people in Kuri was so fucking sick to me like damn, and Oden's demonic smile giving off the same energy he's receiving. Kinda reminds of that fucked up place where Ten was raised in early Kingdom chapters.
And he caps off the moment by saying, Tell your Boss
...That a
Samurai has come---

. I'm sure now that this was Oden after a night with Lady Toki