Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 975 : "Kinemon's Plan"

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Man Denjiro was awesome this chapter!!
Hope him and other scabbards plan something together and go to Onigashima (Denjiro using his Kyoshiro Avatar and allowing Scabbards to get into Onigashima without much fighting as hostages!!)

Luffy, Kid and Law trio were great!! Loved the bickering between those three!!
Luffy effortlessly using G4 and doing fine caught my interest!! Hope he can control G4 better than before!! Excited to see what Kid can do

Alliance knowing about Kaido,BM alliance and not reacting to it at all was bit wierd.... I think they know that BM is in Wano but they may not have expected BM to form an alliance with Kaido.....

Kanjuro's reaction to Denjiro's plan reveal and Kinemon's blush was amazing to see xD!!
It honestly should be. We have to remember that beyond fodder, Luffy and Whitebeard were the only main focal points of Marineford.

- Luffy, being the main character, was weak and got trashed the whole arc.
- Whitebeard, being the strongest power there even while dying, had his story finish there in the present, so he received a ton of screentime.
- The admirals, Jinbe, Ivankov and most of the Shichibukai were too strong compared to Luffy. Oda had to hide their strength for the most part.
- Everyone else for the most part are "big" name characters that were background fighters (vice admirals, new world captains, etc).

Compare that to Wano:

- 2 Yonko with their alleged full forces. 1 or both need to go down this arc, like Whitebeard. Their crews need to go down, indicating more panel time for the subordinates anyway.
- Luffy's entire crew is here, and main characters for the last 350 chapters (Scabbards, Supernova, Minks etc) are clashing. This is effectively different than the higher up Marines/New World Pirates in Marineford. Jinbe, Neko and others will show up eventually.
- Luffy is now allegedly the strongest person here. Compare that to Marineford.

Oda HAS to show the above winning or losing. This won't be a stalemate. I personally believe the action in OP gets offscreened when it leads to literally nothing. Oda doesn't have time to draw action panels that don't drive the plot. Compare this to the following:

Zoro vs. Killer: Led to Zoro being taken care of by Hiyori and Killer ending up in Udon. Not offscreened.
Sanji vs. Page 1: Led to literally nothing, except to tease the Germa suit. We can't even assume what happened to Page 1 other than Sanji "MIGHT" have whopped his ass. Offscreened. Add to the fact that Page 1 is a Zoan, whom have an extremely high recovery rate. Sanji may be too strong with him, but that doesn't mean someone else will be.

This is why I personally think, like Dressrosa, Oda will dedicate panel time to each an every hero and villain this arc. It will take 60+ chapters, IMO. And this is why he offscreened a lot in WCI. Many of those fighters in WCI are presently here, fighting in Wano. The payoffs from that arc may happen here, regardless if BM is taken out or not. So we should see Smoothie, Daifuku, Pero and Campote fight properly I'd say.
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Then it will be completely different from Marineford.
Marineford was a mess, no full fight was shown, characters disappeared every now and then and had fights leading to nothing with any possible enemy for a couple of panels.
We need EL level action for the strawhats, hopefully even more. The others can have their MF action

Oh I totally agree. I think this will be a mix. We have to remember that Wano is not only its own full arc with 67 chapters of buildup so far (unlike Marineford, which was like jumping into an arc midway with no buildup), but a culmination of:

- 50 Chapters at Fishman Island (to jumpstart pissing off Big Mom)
- 50 Chapters at Punk Hazard (to drive the Samurai, alliance and Kaido plots)
-100 Chapters at Dressrosa (to REALLY start the Kaido plot lol)
- 25 chapters at Zo (to explain road poneglyphs, introduce the minks, drive the samurai plot more and lead the Strawhats to WCI)
- 80 chapters at WCI (to bring Big Mom here to Wano)

Wano is so massive its not even funny. The war should feel chaotic with Fodder, but will likely be organized in such a way to show the 40+ main characters battling it out. We have:

- 10 Strawhats (plus Jinbe)
- 8 Scabbards (plus Shinobu). Neko should join
- 6 other Supernova
- At least 15 main fighters in Kaido's crew (Kaido, King, Queen, Jack, Numbers, Flying Six/Five lol)
- At least 5 main fighters in Big Mom's crew (Big Mom, Smoothie, Pero, Daifuku, Campote, Snack (?), Oven (?))
- Orochi's main forces (Onibanwanshu, Mimiwarigumi, his retainers that have yet to be named but have unique designs)

And whomever joins this war later on. Storylines MUST come to an end here, unlike Marineford, which only ended for Ace and Whitebeard.


The Road To Harmony
That ending with Kin’emon was too much. Lol

Anyway, beyond that punchline, chapter was more or less serviceable. It pretty much served the role of updating us on the Alliance. Kyoshiro-Denjiro reveal gets taken care of quickly, just to remove that little thorn. Everything was getting wrapped up so that we can start the war.

And the only war it will be for this arc. We’re about to witness the longest, most complex conflict the series has had. And it’s gonna be bigger than we anticipated.

The Strawhat’s suiting up for the occasion is always cool. Except Zoro who decided to play it safe in the looks department. But hey, if it works. More importantly, we really are making it to the endgame when Luffy starts wearing his captain’s coat in canon. He even wears it in his 40-60 yo self illustration. And his easy use of G4, there is no debate he is the strongest man on the Alliance, and their best shot against either Yonko.

Speaking of, we’re finally going to see the Yonko go all out. These characters have been mysteries to us since Water 7, and we’re about to see them unravel. Even if the Alliance wins, it won’t be without sacrifices, imho.
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That ending with Kin’emon was too much. Lol

Anyway, beyond that punchline, chapter was more or less serviceable. It pretty much served the role of updating us on the Alliance. Kyoshiro-Denjiro reveal gets taken care of quickly, just to remove that little thorn. Everything was getting wrapped up so that we can start the war.

And the only war it will be for this arc. We’re about to witness the longest, most complex conflict the series has had. And it’s gonna be bigger than we anticipated.

The new Strawhat’s suiting up for the occasion is always cool. Except Zoro who decided to play it safe in the looks department. But hey, if it works. More importantly, we really are making it to the endgame when Luffy starts wearing his captain’s coat in canon. He even wears it in his 40-60 yo self illustration. And his easy use of G4, there is no debate he is the strongest man on the Alliance, and their best shot against either Yonko.

Speaking of, we’re finally going to see the Yonko go all out. These characters have been mysteries to us since Water 7, and we’re about to see them unravel. Even if the Alliance wins, it won’t be without sacrifices, imho.

Its amazing when you realize that this is only the beginning too. Assuming no other major force joins, it doesn't involve:

- The Marines
- SSG/Vegapunk
- The Revolutionaries
- World Government/CP-0
- Shanks/Blackbeard

Like, we all KNOW were the finale is leading too, but we know that we must see our main characters cross this level of chaos first. Luffy's fleet and army after this arc is going to be absolutely insane. Wait until a Vegapunk arc/Elbaf arc further recruits him ousted Marines, Revolutionaries, and Giants. We know Bonney and Urogue have their significance in a future arc, and these 2 seem like the likely options before things collide. I assume that by the end, all Supernova will follow Luffy too. His fleet will be present (maybe they show up separate in the follwing arcs before the end, kind of like the Supernova to gain more characterization).

Its. Going. To. Be. NUTS.
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It would be a waste if marines like Smoker, Tashigi, Sentomaru, Fujitora or Vegapunk don't come to Wano.
I have a special hope for Tashigi given her obsession and encyclopedic knowledge of blades and her needing real power development.
Its really not a waste. They have no reason to come to Wano, IMO. In fact, there is more reason for Luffy and crew to go to wherever they are. I think adding any more characters beyond Neko, Jinbe and former Whitebeard affiliates will actually hurt the arc. The above you are mentioning can certainly be saved for later.
Its really not a waste. They have no reason to come to Wano, IMO. In fact, there is more reason for Luffy and crew to go to wherever they are. I think adding any more characters beyond Neko, Jinbe and former Whitebeard affiliates will actually hurt the arc. The above you are mentioning can certainly be saved for later.
I don't think that the marines will or even should be totally absent of Wano arc. With two yonkos being here which represent a very great potential threat for the world balance, X-Drake being a member of Sword and Orochi having ordered the CP0 to bring Vegapunk to Wano I feel that at least a portion of the marines may come before or at the very end of the arc.
I don't think that the marines will or even should be totally absent of Wano arc. With two yonkos being here which represent a very great potential threat for the world balance, X-Drake being a member of Sword and Orochi having ordered the CP0 to bring Vegapunk to Wano I feel that at least a portion of the marines may come before or at the very end of the arc.
Yes, but the main issue here is that most of the marines are either dealing with

- The Shichibukai
- Some unknown threat related to Alabasta (I think its Pluton's location) that the Marines, Pirates and Blackbeard seem to be pining over.

Can Sword show up? I totally agree with that and it will be payoff for Drake's arc. But will Sword involve Smoker, Sentoumaru, SSG or Vegapunk? That I personally doubt.

I can see Kizaru or Ryokugyu being the admiral that spearheads the division though.
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