Who will Zoro Cut (not the fish Kaido)

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Kitetsu Wanker
Glad that Kaido is natural dragon theories are dead.
Glad that Yamato being a natural dragon due to daddy being a natural dragon theory is also dead.
Means, Kaido's hybrid is cherry on top of the cake which Oda has been hiding and it will be glorious.

Wonder if the reason why Big Mom gave Kaido the fruit on the day Rocks died is because he was a previous user of Kaido's fruit...
She could have performed some magic to transfer Rocks' powers to Kaido like BB died with WB's fruit...
Now, the reason why his fruit is named fish..sounds like Oda is on copium... Dinos being dragon fruit users while dragon is fish fruit user...


Heavy Metal
That's actually interesting! So Kaido could have encounters with Dragon in the past. Did Dragon defeat Kaido as well?
I mean, we know Kaido was imprisoned before, several times. But these things need to be happen before he arrived in Wano.
Also a huge theory of mine, from years ago, was that Dragon originaly was part of the marines, like his dad Garp. So he was raised as hero from the marines, fell in love with a Tenryūbito , which got pregnant by him. The world government and Imu couldnt let that happen (a child between a member of the D.-Clan and a Tenryubito), so Dragon and the woman need to run away. She managed to give birth to the child before anyone knew she was pregnant at all. But then they got caught, she was drown deeply into maryjoa, without any way to escape, maybe even caged down and this is way Dragon left the marines and changed to the revolutionaires. For once, to free his loved woman, for second, to give his child the possibility to life free.

But whatever, what i was going to was, if he was part of the marines, a trainee by his dad (Garp), it is possible it was Dragon himself which imprisoned Kaido the years several times. So the king of beast could be taken down only by an even greater beast. And when the marines lost Dragon, they lost the possibility to cage Kaido.
Well at least the Ace flashback was not 10 chapters long.

Kaido is a fish though? Uh.... what? The sassenach looks like a dragon to me.

Also, does that mean there are regular fish devil fruits? Lmao. How does that even work? Would that basically make someone a Fishman ripoff that either drowns and/or sinks? :rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh:
There will probably be other little parts to Ace's flashback when they are relevant but I dont get how people thought we were getting a full blown flashback for it lol. Kaido and Yamato? Sure. Ace's made no sense really.
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