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Usopp‘s entire play this game: Lynch Flower!

Get off my case already :goatasure:.
this shit is draining
lol .

I'm not moving from an Usopp lynch. He 100% deserves it and did all his scum tactics, while Tris still could have been bus driven. I won't rely on abilities as much.

Alternatively a Beta lynch.
"I won't rely on abilities as much."

idk about this point. what about rhea coming to his defense the only time she talks.
"I won't rely on abilities as much."

idk about this point. what about rhea coming to his defense the only time she talks.
You read TAC as town too, what's so strange about Rhea reading him as one? She's not dealing with spam so she is possibly more objective.

He's nerfed. He came out to say something about Tris. If he's scum, that makes him the worst one ever. I don't see this happening :kayneshrug:


There's no "Tina!"
It's really not beneficial to talk about tactics here, you know scum is reading it, right?

You want to shoot Tris? She can be protected or bus driven and that's be the scum solution.

Really not liking you today Lind. :sus:
How else am I going to give my opinion out there? Anyway, the only tactic I listed there was for Usopp. He's welcome to not follow it. If he's role blocked it means that Tris is scum or she's being framed by scum.

Also....... nothing
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