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What could have been...


There's no "Tina!"
if it is
that is an obvious post restriction is it not?
Yeah, that post restriction is too obvious. What Flower is saying could be possible too:

Or because she janitored Lanji who also had the Zoro wank passive and now has his abilities :goatasure:.
Btw, why does Nat only reply with Zoro wank once you question her about her reads. Here look:

@Natalija give me your reads.


What could have been...
no one will
for starters
no one listens to someone calling them lazy or dumb town everytime they dont jump on his wagon.

hint if a lot of people have this same issue with you
its prob you .....
its obviously not an issue with me cuz u have ppl claiming op sht like queen and hardly any votes r going to them

maybe my playstyle is weird, but u cant deny town is lazy asfk for always pointing their guns at the more active players

and i proven this enough since i was inactive day 1 and wasn't suspected

i will call them lazy all i want cuz thats what they r


There's no "Tina!"
Answer this honestly - am I suspicious because of my behavior and actions, or is it because you’re listening to Flower/voted for you at one point?
Your passive is suspicious. I mean a passive that kicks in out of no where day 3 is hard to take in. Also, we got the whole thing with Tris - Flower - You. If we get rid of Flower, we might have info on you too.

Obviously the main reason I suspect you is because your posts became tooo funny this phase. Is this a new passive as well? I'm loving it!
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