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When were you under the impression this game is..
Vote count

Blue: Reborn > worst
Fuji: Reborn> Thuruzao > Light
Mango: Ratchet > T-pein > Worst > Salah Wg > Thuruzao > Salah
RippedCal: T-pein > michelle > Blue > unvoted
Kvo the whatever: > T-pein > Worst > michelle > Salah> Thuruzao > Salah
Light D whatever: T-pein > Worst > Salah
Juliet: T-pein > Worst > Salah
Kiwipom: Ariess
Professor: Worst > Thuruzao > Light > Salah
oddodd : worst > Salah
Salah: kiwipom > worst
Underworld broker: Salah > Thuruzao > Salah
ryu kishi : Salah WG
Michelle: Salah WG
Thuruzao: reborn> Juliet
Bortolomeo: Salah WG > Thuruzao > Salah
Destroya: Salah​

Salah: 11
Ariess : 1
Worst: 2
Light: 1

if I have made a mistake please inform me
Make sure to vote worst in your Role PM as a secondary lynch

@Juliet @Ryu Kishi @Kiwipom @oddoddfruit @Ratchet @~UwU~ @Destroya @MangoSenpai @Rej @T-Pein™ @Dr_Professor83 @Lindltaylor @Hayumi @Kvothe Kingkiller @Naomi @Underworld Broker @Blue @Midnight Delight @Fujishiro @Cinera @Salah WG @RayanOO @Worst @Ultra @Michelle @Random Asshole @Reborn @Noctis @Light D Lamperouge @RippedCal
Why is Blue voting Worst.
this one :moonwalk::moonwalk:

The Fruit, and the Bracer -

Kiwi used [Kiwipowder] on [???]

Estelle used [Orbal Arts] on [???]

Estelle used [Morale] on [???], and [Taunt] on [???]

Chūya used [Physical Matter] to super-kill [???], but failed

Illuminati used [Parasitic Tongue] on [???]

Illuminati used [???] on [???], [???], [???] and [???]

Blackmore activated [???]

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
nova told i could use my actions again, so not sure if can redo it after submit. will ask him when he online.

It's fine the one I asked before :)

I was womdering If you were able to check one more besides that one.

Double action and all :optimistic:

AL sama

Red Haired
Salah survived the superkill
Can you guys lynch Cal and Salah?
We can do Salah and Worst, then I can lynch Cal on the council, if it needs be.

What's your main point for wanting cal over worst tbh?
Why is my name being mentioned?
Yeah i'm caligula, so what?
I'm town
The World Government
Why tf did you kill Ultra?

Killing my homie Ultra was a mistake.
I said 2 days ago that my role is appearing in WU & it's not me
Some actions are mine but most are not
Didn't someone invested me before?
You just survived a super kill
What does Ludi Romani do?
Just a tournament with buffs, it activated after grandmaster died

Invest found me innocent, didn't they?
breh why are you asking questions about caligula if you are caligula
Town people don’t usually do that and ypu are Caliguila so you got wome hard way to prove you are town
What have you done throughout the game, info..etc
grandmaster is scum though :okay:
When did i ask about caligula?
What buffs? I want a full explanation of everything you have done so far. And please point to the actions you supposedly didn't do, too.
we can't trust invest unless its a sure shot
Only actions that are mine are Praetorian Guard & Eliminate, also Two Party invitations i sent
Rest are not mine, there are dozens of them
Ludi romani is also mine, it activates automatically, just a tournament with rewards

Didn't invest got innocent on me?
Stop the act, no one even bothered to tag me with those results
U even tried to super kill me without even asking me a single question

And i already said WUs shows my name & it's not me multiple times
Like seriously, go look how many Caligular Actions there are, u think all of them are mine
I asked about the flavor, not the role
This all gives me a headache :few:
How can they get correct name but wrong affiliation? lol
Either both are wrong or both are true
that’s not how it works
Tell me, if they got innocent, why they targeted me again to know my role?
Sounds like a scenario to get rid of me
its fairly common for these games you know
What's the point in investing me if you guys don't believe those results
Just for your information, i'm immune to any non-council harmful ability from town
All town can target me if they want & see for yourself if u don't believe

But apparently you think someone who is immune to town actions is not town
Good logic
Just to let u know guys
Town actions & votes are useless against me, u can put it to the test if u want
You're wasting time with that lynch, only Scum can kill me
And whoever does will be confirmed Scum ofc

Actually if someone wanna prove themselves Town, they can target me
All those who had failed Actions on me will be proven Town once my Role is shown
Vote Lynch Salah

Good luck doing anything to me if you're town
show us a day writeup that tried to use your name
Why are you voting yourself.
So whoever found out you're Caligula is scum, then?
in this case UB should be scum

but I think this is a claim just like nana and adam lmao
Harmful Abilities from Non-Council Town don't work on me
Lynches too

This is my immunity
As i said, if you don't believe it, i invite all town to target me
It might not prove i'm Town, but once i die, those who targeted me & failed will be proven Town
The one who succeeds in harming me is 100% Scum
well there isnt much council members out there lol
I have mechanical info that Salah is bullshitting
And I am not going to reveal the info I have so take it or don’t
@AL sama none of these are mine
Maybe the first one are my passives after game started, but rest are 100% not mine
Seriously does people believe i activate 10 abilities most phases? lol
Well someone could do it for you

1) Ramen guy exists and can give you double action.
2) Your team mates can do it for you.

That's not an excuse and you know it.
I dont think Salah ever visited my shop.
Worst must go, he's the one who fucked with my role, no other explanation
I'm not giving an excuse, i'm just giving guys info
So that when you see my Role, u will know who are town & who are scum from those who targeted me

we get to see your flip, lmao
You gonna fake your flip?
Good luck with this lynch
passives usually don't get writeups

@Underworld Broker maybe you can check one of these??

what do you guys think @Bortolomeo @Naomi @Flowa @Ratchet
There is no flip if u can't kill me
I have reasons to believe he is lying
And there’s no way around that lie for me
Then i'm 200% none of them are mine
I never used an Artifact before & only abilities i used are those which are clearly named
U can also check my two party invitations, i protected those who accepted it but i got their roles

RA is Regine George
Mango is Julius
Blue is Bloody Mary
Noctis is Gluteux Maximus
Flower i failed to get her role

U can check & find that there are indeed the five who accepted my Party
Only Blue accepted my second inv & i go her full Bloody Mary Role, not just name

I provided info i got before & already warned u that WUs is fake many times
Invest got Innocent on me, but nah let's lynch him because he is immune to Town Kills
I saw your posts but how certain are you??
just gonna say this

in second weeb game lind dodged a kill which was impossible to dodge
I used it to lynch Xlaw but forgot to cancel it after lynch switched to Nana & Xlaw was more convincing
Just a one-shot, can't use it again, unless someone can refill it
100% he lied about something in his most recent posts
i have already mentioned that caligula in the ekko death wu wasnt fake, him targeting mango was real

we figured from there that this chara is scum

im tired
Starting to wonder how far certain individuals would go to buy town cred :myman:
I could be wrong but I m finding him genuine
U can't prove anything
I can prove it with my pinky finger but it's not worth the info when you are dying anyway
Xlaw was leading in lynch votes
My ability went in vain
That was TAC‘s ability.
when was Salah not genuine tho?
He was gonna prove himself and would have helped me greatly without your lynch hammer.
Then it's useless info indeed
I m all ears :queenhear::queenhear:
Gotta prove it first
wasnt salsa also saying that nana was so obvious scum yet he hammered xlaw lmfao

im tired
I mean I can read him most of the times
I am telling you Salah is 1000000% lying about something in his claim, no exaggeration, no way at all he is not + all the info provided by UB just now
move on, pick the second lynch, not worth the headache
he was not even aware dragomir voted out, yet can keep track of people voting him, like killing ultra for question kiwi..

this is some high tier town scum coasting or just scum.

Why are you desperate? lol
I'm getting lynched, go find another lie
salsas claim sounds a bit like the one of nana btw, just saying

im tired
Scums are presenting themselves on a platter

Town victory imminent
Why did you use a lynch hammer on someone when the top two wagons were both people you strongly scum read? That seems like a situation you’d just let nature take it’s course/order wouldn’t matter.

^ this post matches you being the one to hammer so the openness about it is something that gives me pause.

How did you forget to cancel though if you were telling Xlaw you decided not to do it?
We have a cult running around right.
Does this really need explanation?
Let me ask you if someone is obviously Scum but you also strongly suspect someone else & they are gonna escape, u will kill the one that Town already agreed is Scum or other one?

Nana was already Scum in eyes of most players, so no need to do anything to her, she was gonna die anyway
But i suspected Xlaw strongly at first & feared that he might fool Town somehow, so i decided to use my ability on him
The post you quoted proves that i indeed strongly suspected Xlaw

Ofc my read was wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that i really suspected him
Hours after that, Xlaw started to be more convincing & genuine but i was asleep & forgot that i even sent that Action
@Salah WG did you submit this action:

And if so what did it do?
All Actions with [???] are not mine, they are fake
My only actions are the ones named
Can you vote Thuruza for a second.
6 votes on him rn, need 2 more.

Why dont you wanna do it?
Most were leaning to lynching both if I remember right.

Did you change your mind on hammering him after you said he wasn’t going to in that quote? Bc what you said there was that you were content with Nana and didn’t want to risk it.

Mentioning the hammer at all feels pretty town, just trying to figure out how you got from saying that to hammering Xlaw.
Vote Lynch Thuru

What happens now?
Thank you all, you may unvote now.

You'll see.
No, i sent the action way sooner than it appeared, it's just that Novas was absent & that's why i forgot about it
And as i said, i felt like proving he is Scum before he makes town believe him somehow, but my read was completely wrong
He was gonna die anyway, my only regret is that i lost that ability in vain
I‘m really not sure about Salah anymore…ngl.
Borto thinks salah is lying and UB mentioned the ekko wu, caligula targeted mango with something :choppawhat:
knows* it's mechanics with no way of being wrong
Which can be another case of Orange Peel.

Fact is, if Town can‘t affect him with actions and votes, we should let only suspects vote for him. If he flips Town, we‘ll know scum was on his wagon.
Vote Worst

Dunno, i'm not that active, only replying when my name is mentioned, that's all
Who do you want me to invest next NP?
So you sent it before that conversation with Xlaw, told him you weren’t going to do it, and then just forgot to cancel?

Securing the lynch makes some sense there, but why didn’t you claim after Nana’s lynch to clear things up?

I’ve been thinking that hammer meant Nana was mafia and looking for Nana teammates for days when I ISO’d people. Clearing up the hammer wouldn’t have meant she wasn’t but it would have given more credibility to her possibly being indie.
omg flower. he is bullshitting
I said Harmful Actions from Town lol (Non-Council)
Lynch won't work regardless of who votes

If you guys have suspects, tell them to shoot me or target me with harmful ability
Once u verify my role, u will have better reads on them
yeah but UB checked the WU. She said that one wasnt faked.
The way he straight up told Xlaw he could hammer him looks Town to me, but if he’s town then the UB counter claim and Bort counterclaim don’t add up.
It‘s not a fake, just a disguise, but a real action done in his name.
Actually isn't it because of his claim that he's alive now?

No she wouldve gotten if it was fake like earlier when she said decim and darklin were fake names
Wait youre getting lynched, why are you asking me this.
Because the actions were not real. Real actions under a different name are real actions.
I think I know what you were trying to tell me earlier, and a previous WU to attest this

but, he claims he's immune to harmful non-council towns, right?

Doesn't it makes sense then that he is alive?

or am I missing something here
@Underworld Broker can you clarify, were decim and darklin actions real? Also for the caligula one too
I said that my name is being used in WUs, i said that multiple times i think, hoping someone might solve that
That's why i couldn't claim, it would just confuse town, just like now

U can check some previous posts, Caligula was declared Scum even before he was shown killing Ultra
I'm pretty sure those who faked the WUs were laying the seeds for this confusion & lynch
from my POV trust me, it makes no sense at all
I want to say something all these people who are asking for votes and stuff, be weary of them if someone is lynched that wasn't planned to be :seriously:
Ok so an action went through then, is that what you are saying?
I know of one that probably went through, I am not 100% sure about that tho.

but the one I am 1000000% sure about is not like that at all
No, this is getting repetitive
Indies are a thing though, Like Im sure my vote on him would work if he's saying the truth.
No u don't understand, none of you is in a position to ask me anything from now on , this is gonna be legendary
if only I was alive I could solve this salah mess easily
Wait a second, Ultra died with an Artifact that requires a White Whistle
I have a Red Whistle, didn't you guys say u have someone who can check which Whistle i have?

the wu of ekkos death had thanos and the flip/role as fake

the one with tpein death had illuminati, darkling and decim as tampered, blackmore was also fake since it had ??? as target and no revealed name for me

im tired
Ultra was killed with a White Whistle Artifact
I have a Red Whistle
wait how do you know he died with an artifact that requires a white whistle
It's written by the host, i simply searched the name of it
Salah is right and wrong lol

It is an artifact but it doesn't say you have to be a white whistle to use it, or at least that's how I understood.
You are White since Nana got lynched.
Actually I bought this Axe and gave it to Mango.

It can be used by anyone, not just white whistles.
Ultra wasn't janitored right?
U auto become White if your partner died even if u never delved at the time?
Ultra‘s kill was regular. Blaze Reap superkills.
And I attempted to use it on Worst but then Novas was like lmao nah
Nvm then, it cant prove anything
Wait yeah it says he was killed by it.
Then @novaselinenever should make it clear that he made a mistake
My Whistle wasn't updated
Still shows Red & i only delved twice so far
Hmmm @Salah WG how did you come to that is the way that he died?
ok so salah is white whistle then, that means it's not he who killed Ultra

Oh yeah I forgot, I gotta see who targeted me that day
Oh, interesting, then this proves that it wasn't me
Fake WU or Nova mistake?

@Underworld Broker can you check the Ultra death WU.
so its someone whos not a white whistle that bought the item?
No Mango it says it superkills. However if you're a white whistle it bypasses superprotection and janitors
Perfect, their Plan was flawed
@Bortolomeo u can reveal your super duper 100000% lie u caught now, i'm curious
I said last day phase that my bestie told me that Tikki Mik was targetting Worst with Intangibility twice in a row.

No one cared lol.
well you are kinda scary ngl
Heck you said Tikki Mik was a good guy @MangoSenpai or that you believed they were.
That was Sallu…
If Worst is a baddie, then Sallu might've been too.

Did he says what his abilities were?
If Tyki is evil, Zem‘s definitely corrupted by the Noah of Wisdom, too.
Someone should just check with Novas to see if there was an error with it.

I would but.... I don't feel like it.
I must've missed that

also why do you say that now lmao

Also what does intangible even entail?
…which in turn would explain the bizarre “Mafia“ result, too.
They just told me that after Nana died (Who was my partner), i automatically became White Whistle
Ultra was killed by an Artifact that super-kills if you're a White Whistle, but WU says that Ultra was killed, not Super-Killed
So it can't be me who killed him

@MangoSenpai i'm correct?
So would Borto and everyone else in the chat.
I said it last day phase mango.

Intangible could explain why your shit failed on him.
Salah still lied whether he killed Ultra himself or not
Sallu only revealed that he had a lie detect of sorts, that's what we were refering to the doctors appointment.

Basically it functioned more or less like a basic lie detect, however the twist was that he wouldn't know if it came up as true or false, but if they were lying their defenses would be negated
Yeah. The Noah clan consists of normal, innocent people who were corrupted by Noah‘s malicious memories, after all.
@Flowa if I was you I would be more concerned about those who haven't been forth coming with their results than me who have been completely open with the abilities I was given, and not hiding them like the others.
it still sounds like its someone whos not a white whistle that killed ultra tho unless they can choose not to do it?
I‘m not concerned about your alignment at all, just fear that you might have been messed with if the one who gave you those abilities was scum.

But we should get his role reveal tomorrow anyway.
For it to be messed with.

You would have to believe, Me, UB, Sallucion & Kiwi all lied.
wait sallu was janitored

wouldnt @Naomi know the flip?
That soon?

Aren't there roles from even farther back that hasn't been revealed yet?
mango has the item he can prob ask nova
i already complained to nova, my vig shot does not do that.

If it wasn’t the artifact then what would it be lol?

An ability of the same name?
Sorry TMI?

How do you know I have an axe??
huh?? were you being controlled then?
fuji said it in this thread dumbo :few: he said he gave it to you
Or somebody downgrading the action of somebody else. Which is why I asked if any debuffs were used. Since one was used on Ratchet and Ryu.
Yeah and I used it on Worst

Though I bought a new one
i shot him, i don't know about anyone control me

i already stated i decided to vig him after seeing sus on him.

No no, lynch me instead, i'm curious, maybe u know my Role better than me lol
?? i didnt know you bought a new one. Theres only 2 in stock isnt it? But that means the artifact was used on ultra instead of worst?
so guys was ultra janitored cause if not then salah is lying
No he wasn't. You can see his flip. And it says he was killed not SK.
I was saying Salah is lying all day wdym

Still getting lynched babe
He “revived himself” apparently
I'm gonna sleep now, u better convince them well, looking forward to it
What I'm saying is you be swaying back and forth on lindl, if we should waste things on them or not ect.
So between Bort & Salah’s claim is there any way for it to be true on both ends besides Salah getting protected by an outside source? Which I’m assuming isn’t happening lol. At least not by town.

i remember mango saying that one of his abilities got absorbed or whatever since he wanted to use smth, we saw the caligula role targeting him which then explained why his action never showed up iirc

im tired
Yes <3

@Zemmi @Light D Lamperouge Nova said the WU thing was a typo, it was meant to be superkill
ok mow read this closely

[Active - Blaze Reap] [3] - Previously used by Lyza the Annihilator, a [White Whislte]. Blaze reap is a huge pickaxe containing everlasting gunpowder and serving as an impact explosive type weapon. Its can use it to super-kill a target a target of their choice. When wielded by a [White Whislte], they will unlock its full potential, allowing them to bypass super-protection in exchange of janitoring the role of their target. [1-shot]
Child I am losing faith in you. You are starting to smell funny.

My grandmother always told me (changing the word to make it more mafia friendly) If you hang with scum, you become scum.
also i hope yall decide on a wu soon, what could give us most info to work with

im tired
Yes the WU on Ultra saying it ''Killed'' him was a typo according to Nova.
shouldn't ultra be janitored if that was used by salah??
It should be a SK anyway, even though it said "kill" on the WU

The only real clue we can get is if the janitor is autmatic or not

I asked novas now, we'll see when he comes back lmao
oh well the next part is if its automatically janitor when its a white whistle or if they can choose not to janitor
@Underworld Broker use your best judgement, where you think the most information is at.

I trust your decision, not my own bias one that could lead you in the wrong direction.
So Ultra‘s Killer is one of those who still have their partners. Work from there.
Yeah and he should have also been superkilled lol. I think we should ask Nova if the flip was meant to be normal or janitored.
So Salah didnt kill him?
see thats my thought too. Which is why i wanna know if someone can choose not to janitor or not. idk if its automatic
They really missed it fml
Olay, so if Salah didn’t kill Ultra.

How do we make the Bort claim and UB claim make sense?
It‘s literally Juliet, Worst, Naomi or Prof?
What, shooting? Maybe Noctis?
No, people are missing. Ariess and I are partners too.
Juliet, Naomi, Aries, Light, Ryu, Worst, Ratchet, Ultra, Prof, Mango, Odd were the only Red Whistles at that time.
can't shoot atm anyone..

Tinfoil, it's Rayan. He gets to possess you if you eat his cake.
then why did he lie about it??
No Yae was killed during the night while ultra died during day
ok I m literally dizzy so I won't iso anymore

was I wrong in saying that salah admitting he killed ultra?? yes

do I think he is scum?? yes most likely otherwise broki's previous result don't make sense as prof pointed out

also if we trust fuji then sallu was scum and was worst's buddy

also if mango is correct then kiwi or kvo is scum but I didn't quote those part

worst might survive the lynch if fuji is telling the truth

@Ratchet @Flowa @Bortolomeo @Zemmi @Underworld Broker @Naomi

AL sama

Red Haired
ok I m literally dizzy so I won't iso anymore

was I wrong in saying that salah admitting he killed ultra?? yes

do I think he is scum?? yes most likely otherwise broki's previous result don't make sense as prof pointed out

also if we trust fuji then sallu was scum and was worst's buddy

also if mango is correct then kiwi or kvo is scum but I didn't quote those part

worst might survive the lynch if fuji is telling the truth

@Ratchet @Flowa @Bortolomeo @Zemmi @Underworld Broker @Naomi
I had to cut a lot of stuff cause of word limit
ok I m literally dizzy so I won't iso anymore

was I wrong in saying that salah admitting he killed ultra?? yes

do I think he is scum?? yes most likely otherwise broki's previous result don't make sense as prof pointed out

also if we trust fuji then sallu was scum and was worst's buddy

also if mango is correct then kiwi or kvo is scum but I didn't quote those part

worst might survive the lynch if fuji is telling the truth

@Ratchet @Flowa @Bortolomeo @Zemmi @Underworld Broker @Naomi
Okay, that was something.

With that reasoning I can agree with you.
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