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There's no "Tina!"
I disagree with this idea

1)we have 50 players. It's hell too many.

2) Yes we didn't get roles but I think we got wincoin - eliminate all threats to town is mine so lynching somone will provide information on alignment.

This will help us build on day two as we have lots of interaction going on in day 0.

I mean we have 48 hours of day 0 and if we Lynch someone who appears sus then based on how he/she flips (wincoin) we can backtrack their interaction and voting pattern so lynch will provide useful information even now
I would agree with this, but what do you mean with the bolded part? How will you backtrack their interaction and voting pattern? I saw a few posts mentioning that scum may or may not have a scum chat. I think it was mainly beta. Do you know for certain this to be false?
u arent denying it

get rekt scum

why do u and @jinri consider it compliment lol
You calling me a powerwolf. I consider you to be a good player, so I will obviously take it as a compliment :neesama:
Lind read on michelle just look 3rd rate.
Thank you Oreki. I appreciate criticism as well :kata:


more shameful i only remember 3 of them, including this one ^
Bro I still need to complete my deal with nova about having the highest post count and but guys are just some kind of beast.

not big at all, but its something for day 1 to go off for future days. i have more kept in my notes for later.
why dont u mention one or 2 now??

atleast in case u die we can iso u and learn smthing eh?
I ain't really planning to take all of this really seriously from the get-go, I have already stated my main opinion on this. However, I will give my reads later, I am just figuring how should I properly state them.


Certified Memelord
jinri asked you to explain your reads so that's technically pressure. But yeah I saw you did make a read list before people ask.

Anyways, that's not the main point I'm saying. I'm just pointing out that I think there's flaw in this logic

it better not be the main point cuz jinri herself didnt expect me to actually put some reasons lol

long post =/= townclear
none said anything about long posts
I would be up for lynching him if we don't get our roles despite choosing color routes next day phase.
Post automatically merged:

I didn't like that reason, what if that ongoing activity just keeps making us mislynch others.
Then we'all incompetent.

No activity is fair excuse but mislynch even with fair activity, we loose simply because we played bad.
Vote Count -

Go D. Usopp – Flower > Dragomir > Strawberry > Dragomir
Zem – Krogothwolf
Al Sama – Flower > Lindltaylor > Alibaba > Dragomir
Flower – Rej
Lindltaylor – Al Sama
Jinri – SinofGreed
Naomi – Noctis > Dragomir
Ratchet – No Lynch
Luthon – Lanji > Al Sama
Lanji – Al Sama > Michelle
Noctis – Kiwipom > *
Rej – Odd > Flower
Finalbeta – Ratchet
Dynamight – Odd
Tobi – Dragomir
Yo Tan Wa – Rej
Cinera – Alibaba
Natalija – Midnight Delight
Reborn – Luthon
Kiwipom – Luthon > Michelle
Mr. Strawberry – Jew D. Boy > MangoSenpai
Krogothwolf – Dragomir
Don DaSlayer – Luthon
Uwu – Usopp
Melontonin – Usopp > Al Sama > Rej
SinofGreed – Michelle
Mat D. Bizzo – Dragomir

Total -

Dragomir – 6
Rej / Michelle – 3
Al Sama / Luthon – 2
No Lynch / Alibaba / Krogothwolf / Usopp / MangoSenpai / Flower / Ratchet / Odd / Midnight Delight / SinOfGreed – 1

Note - Vote counts do not necessarily reflect the actual votes values.

Day ends at 6 p.m EST
Vote Lynch @krogothwolf
vote lynch SinOfGreed
Vote Lynch No One
Vote lynch Lanji
vote oddoddfruit
Vote Lynch Ratchet
vote lynch dragomir
Vote Lynch: @Alibaba.
Vote lynch Midnight Delight
Vote Lynch Luthon
Vote Lynch Luthon
vote lynch alibaba
vote lynch MangoSenpai
vote lynch @Dragomir
vote lynch MangoSenpai
Vote lynch Al Sama
Vote Lynch Usopp
[vote lynch Mr Strawberry]
vote lynch drago @novaselinenever @Dragomir
Vote Lynch Michelle
Vote lynch Michelle


Ghost Princess

it better not be the main point cuz jinri herself didnt expect me to actually put some reasons lol

none said anything about long posts
I guess long posts isn't the right word but you said read through all the pages write reads about everyone

so "putting in effort" is the better way to say it

And I'm saying that scum can also put in effort like that to appear townie


Certified Memelord
Bro I still need to complete my deal with nova about having the highest post count and but guys are just some kind of beast.

I ain't really planning to take all of this really seriously from the get-go, I have already stated my main opinion on this. However, I will give my reads later, I am just figuring how should I properly state them.
sure, just make sure u do so b4 dying atleast... thats assuming u arent the killer ofc

would be preferable if u have something of ur own the next time u comment about other's reads. a simple cross exchange of reads lol.

btw how do u know how many posts sm1 has in a thread here. that wud be very useful. i noticed that function doesnt exist here does it?

Nah not this day phase, if w

Well usopp is big one.
I dont know n care if others said this too.
its just redundant, specially since u dont rly have many posts in the thread
u honestly cant afford to fill ur resume this game with copy pastes of what others say

I guess long posts isn't the right word but you said read through all the pages write reads about everyone

so "putting in effort" is the better way to say it

And I'm saying that scum can also put in effort like that to appear townie
yea very fair
and town cannot put effort then?
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