Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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The Road To Harmony
@KiriNigiri any expectation for Zoro and Tashigi interaction?

I hope, but not sure Oda is killing on the spot good interaction like Zoro&Bonney so let see

I notice that Oda is horny as fuck, drawing female after female recently:suresure:
When did Oda kill any Zoro and Bonney interactions? Those were never promised. Tashigi and Zoro will interact when they have to confront the Blackbeard Pirates, is my conservative guess, but I can see her arriving to Egghead with Helmeppo and gushing over Enma. I also think she and Zoro will be much more amicable with each other. I hope he calls her by her name, but that's reaching.
a flashback to ryuma's grave hopefully :lusalty:
Yes 🙏probably a talk with tashigi Maybe she telling him why he gave shusui and also why he is still with sandai Maybe a romantic scene could be develop with that she was the one who gave him sandai :blush:
But i was also referring to power UPS it could be black blades 1053 chapter hint or ice attacks like Brook I saw that in a game:goyea: